So you’ve snagged yourself a Louis Vuitton bag and something feels a little off, making you wonder whether what you have is the real deal or not. Well we’ve put together a list of 10 key things to look at (with pictures to accompany) in order to help you determine the authenticity of your handbag!
1.Look at the stitching!
The stitching on an Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton bag should be crisp and clean. If you are noticing any careless or wayward stitching these are potential red flags. Also pay attention to the stitch count. The higher the SPI (which refers to the # of stitches per inch) the more likely your bag is Replica Knockoff as Louis Vuitton manufactures their bags using a high SPI count. Repli manufactures do not usually put in the same effort into making their bags, so if the stitches are sparse and loosely done then it is more likely than not your bag is fake.
2. Look at the hardware!
The hardware on a bag is another place you can usually look at to help quickly determine the authenticity of your bag. Unlike Louis Vuitton, replica manufacturers usually use cheap plastic-y hardware that is weightless and flimsy. This hardware is not made to last and usually fades quickly and breaks easily. Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton hardware is more weighty and you can also look at the printing of the logo on the hardware. The hardware on a fake bag does not as clear printing of the bag’s logo as does its Replica Knockoff counterpart.
3. Look at the canvas!
The canvas of an Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton bag will be quite heavy and firm. Most replica bags usually have floppy canvas that not only is lightweight but usually it is too flimsy to keep the bag standing up straight. The shine on the canvas is another factor to pay attention to the canvas should not be overly shiny as this is a sign it is made of plastic and as a result fake. It is however important to notice that the canvas of your bag will become more dull as you use it and time progresses, so a little bit of a sheen does not automatically make it fake.
4. Look for a date code!
The date code of a Louis Vuitton bag is written on a little leather flap located somewhere along the inside lining of the bag, usually along the seam. This date code may seem like random numbers to you and I but it actually parlays really important information about where the bag was manufactured which can help you decipher a real bag from a fake. One easy way to authenticate your bag is to look at the letters on the first two letters on the date code which indicate the country in which the bag was made and compare this to the stamp which also says “made in …” to see if they match up. Use the chart below:
Made in France: A0, A1, A2, AA, AAS, AH, AN, AR, AS, BA, BJ, BU, DR, DU, CO, CT, ET, FL, LW, MB, MI, NO, RA, RI, SD, SF, SL, SN, SP, SR, TJ, TH, TR, TS, VI, VX
Made in Germany: LP
Made in Italy: BC, BO, CE, FO, MA, RC, RE, SA, TD
Made in Spain: CA, GI, LO, LB, LM, LW
Made in Switzerland: DI, FA
Made in USA: FC, FH, FL, LA, OS, SD
For example if your bag says “Made in Switzerland” on the stamp but the date code starts with VX, you know the stamp should actually say “Made in France”. Small details like this are what replica manufacturers usually miss.
5. Look at the embossed stamping!
You may have noticed by now that replica manufacturers are generally sloppy with their work and don’t get the details right since they usually don’t care about quality as much as the Replica Knockoff brand itself does! Well this sloppiness extends to the embossed stamping on the bag. Keep in mind that the O’s in LOUIS VUITTON should be round not narrow like the number 0. The two t’s in VUITTON should not be touching either. The spacing between the letters should be even, and the lettering should generally be crisp and clear.
6. Look at the leather detailing!
Although the main body of many Louis Vuitton handbags are made with a canvas material, the bags always come with leather detailing around the trims and handles. If you want to ensure your bag is authentic, make sure to check whether the leather is vachetta cowhide leather, and not a plastic material. Genuine cowhide leather is very soft and should darken or patina over time as the leather oxidizes. If your Louis Vuitton bag’s leather detailing does not patina it may be a fake plastic and this should ring a warning bell.
7. Look at the packaging!
If you received the bag and it was wrapped with plastic around the handles or hardware your bag is definitely a fake. Louis Vuitton does not wrap their bags, and this is usually done by replica manufacturers to protect the bag while it’s being shipped overseas to its final destination. You should also look at the dustbag to make sure it matches the Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton dustbag which is pictured below.
8. Look at the inner lining!
The interior of a bag is one place most replica manufacturers ignore. They think that as long as the bag resembles the exterior of the original design they have nailed it. Alas we know that Louis Vuitton likes to put equal effort into the interior and exterior of their creations. In other words the quality inside your bag should match the exterior quality. If the inside lining looks cheap or not as well done as the exterior you may have yourself a fake bag. Another thing to pay attention to is what type of a lining your particular bag model should have. Some bags should come with a canvas lining, others with a microfiber suede. You can always look this up on Louis Vuitton’s official website to ensure your interior is exactly what it is supposed to be!
9. Look at the model!
A super easy mistake to make, especially as a first time buyer, is to purchase a model that doesn’t exist. This might seem silly, but not everyone is automatically born with knowledge of the names and styles of every Louis Vuitton bag ever created. It’s actually quite easy to get caught up in the buying process and end up with something Louis Vuitton never actually produced. The easiest way to avoid to this mistake is to make sure you know what style you are buying and check the official website or a catalog to ensure Louis Vuitton does produce the specific model you are thinking of buying.
10. Look at the pattern!
One of the most defining features of most Louis Vuitton handbags is the logo print on the bag. This can be seen in the varying canvas series, as well as the Mahina, Empreinte, and Vernis leather series. Make sure that the pattern is not off and doesn’t look disproportionate. The pattern should have an even look. However please do not that it is ok if your bag has upside down “LV’s” as this is simply a sign that a continuous loop of canvas was used when creating the bag and is common in Replica Knockoff models such as the Speedy or Keepall.