Prada, like most other designers, is plagued with the issue of fake or replica bags selling as the real deal. We’ve put together seven key tips to look for when looking to authenticate your Prada bag to make sure it’s not a knockoff!
1.Look at the stitching!
Replica Knockoff Prada bags have their stitching done at an angle. The stitching on Replica Knockoff bags is also done with a thick thread. Most fake bags will use a flimsier thread and the stitching will usually be done straight. The stitching should also be singular and not double backed. Looking at these details requires a sharp eye and a magnifying glass in many instances as they are very easy to miss.
2. Look at the feet of the bag!
If your Prada bag comes with studs at the bottom (remember: not all Prada’s necessarily do), you will want to pay attention to the engraving on the studs. The word PRADA should be printed on the studs in the same font as used on the front of the bag. Replica manufacturers usually use a font that is off, or the printing is not done as crisply as the Replica Knockoff counterpart’s.
3. Look at the leather!
The Prada Saffiano leather is a distinctive calf leather that is cross hatched. This calf leather is of the highest quality and the cross hatching on the bag is produced by a process in which the print is pressed onto the leather which is meant to coat the bag. Replica manufacturers may use real calf leather however they are usually not able to replicate the cross hatch design as accurately. This detail may seem minute but the photo below makes its importance clear.
4. Look at the logo!
Most fake Prada bags miss the curve on the letter “R” in the Prada logo. This is one of easiest ways to spot a fake Prada as you can simply compare the logo on your bag to to that of an original, or simply pull up the logo on the internet to see if it matches. The engravings on the logo should also be printed crisply and should present themselves as easy to read. The spacing between the letters is also important as many fake bags have crooked or uneven lettering which is a telltale sign of a fake.
5. Look at the lining!
Replica Knockoff Prada bags almost always have a signature lining that repeats the name of the brand continuously. Most fake bags have a similar lining however leave out the name of the brand. This is a really easy and quick way to spot whether your bag is a fake or not.
6. Look at the dustbag!
Replica Knockoff Prada bags come with a dustbag that is white in color and has the Prada logo printed on the front. If your dustbag is not white or has something else other than the simple Prada logo printed on it, your bag may be a fake!
7. Look at the authenticity cards!
The authenticity card for an Replica Knockoff Prada bag usually comes sealed inside of a small envelope, which is usually black in color. The card contained in the envelope should have a serial number written on it that matches the serial number on the inside of the bag. If these two numbers do not match the bag is most likely a fake.