Hey guys,
So I have been emailed a lot about this site spotbagz.co and was asked to check it out by some blog readers and this is my conclusion: it is a scam. This “Eva Knox” individual is a woman who is clearly quite deceptive and knows that we as buyers are disadvantaged in the replica market since there are so many shoddy sites out there … So this is basically her game: She has several sites she owns including PurseValley which I had previously commented negatively on. She “reviews” these sites which really means she just promotes her own site with fake reviews. People then come across her blog and think they’ve discovered a helpful person who really wants to help others …. But it is all a lie.
You have been warned my dear blog readers. Do not fall for her scam. I have read many upset blog reader emails about how they have spent hundreds and either received horrible products or simply have had their credit card information abused.
This brings me to the second part of this posting. I would like to give my lovely blog readers some tips on credit card safety.
Angie’s Top Credit Card Tips for Online (Specifically Replica) Purchases:
1. If a site doesn’t offer some type of Paypal verification or some other trust-able 3rd party merchant who will process the payment do not purchase from them.
2. Never
I repeat NEVER
give your credit card information through email or make email purchases. This is like giving your purse willingly to a thief. It is the biggest mistake you will make and you will definitely pay for it.
3. Do not ever send a photocopy of your credit card or a letter with your signature to a company stating that they have permission to charge you for a certain product. You do not know what they can (and will do) with your financial information.
4. Use a disposable credit card if you want to be super safe. They are a one time deal and online fraudsters can’t really get too far with them.
5. Always, always, always search for a review about a site if possible before you make any kind of purchase or give them any of your information. If others have been duped it is more likely than not that there will be bad reviews out there since the internet is open to all. However there are many fake reviews (like Ms. Eva Knox’s blog) so you just have to be able to read between the lines in many cases.
Hope this helps out you ladies and gents because I have heard way too many horror stories through my email of poor shoppers getting ripped off!
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