Fabulousaaa.com Review (User Submission): LV Damier Graphite and Epi Men’s Bags

Hey guys,
Here is a review a kind reader named Cris has sent in with lots of details pics for the site http://www.fabulousaaa.com. The website is run by Joy who is a very well known replica seller. I personally have not ordered from them because I can see certain quality flaws in some of the pieces, but just wanted to share this review for anyone else out there interested in shopping with them. Thanks for the review Cris and if anyone else has a review for any site feel free to email it in with pics to thepursequeenreviews@gmail.com
Hi Angie,
I’ve placed an order on fabulousaaa.com
It was a LV Damier Graphite Tadao tote bag N51192 ($114) and
the LV Epi Leather men bag N59092 ($105).
Shipping was $55 dollars which I recommend ordering more than one item as it’s much better deal.
The package came exactly a week via usps right when I’ve placed and paid for my order.
I will forward you like 14 pictures.
My overall experience has been pretty good and the products are very very close to the real thing.
There’s no way your can tell it’s a fake by looking at the exterior and I believe the tote was almost the exact mirror replica and
 the Epi bag itself is exact mirror replica while their leather tag was close…if only they would print the leathers a little lower
 and the strap is thinner than the real one…. and they do not come with authenticity card or booklet.
The only I don’t know is how they stand over time…..
Let me know if you need more pics.
Louis Vuitton Epi leather speedy 40 black noir 1 fabaaa damier graphite

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at tthepursequeenreviews@gmail.com! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!


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EXPOSED: http://www.spotbagz.cn or http://www.spotbags.org or http://www.spotbags.co is a SCAM or FAKE blog!!

Hey guys,

So I have been emailed a lot about this site spotbagz.co and was asked to check it out by some blog readers and this is my conclusion: it is a scam. This “Eva Knox” individual is a woman who is clearly quite deceptive and knows that we as buyers are disadvantaged in the replica market since there are so many shoddy sites out there … So this is basically her game: She has several sites she owns including PurseValley which I had previously commented negatively on. She “reviews” these sites which really means she just promotes her own site with fake reviews. People then come across her blog and think they’ve discovered a helpful person who really wants to help others …. But it is all a lie.

You have been warned my dear blog readers. Do not fall for her scam. I have read many upset blog reader emails about how they have spent hundreds and either received horrible products or simply have had their credit card information abused.

This brings me to the second part of this posting. I would like to give my lovely blog readers some tips on credit card safety.

Angie’s Top Credit Card Tips for Online (Specifically Replica) Purchases:

1.  If a site doesn’t offer some type of Paypal verification or some other trust-able 3rd party merchant who will process the payment do not purchase from them.

2. Never I repeat NEVER give your credit card information through email or make email purchases. This is like giving your purse willingly to a thief. It is the biggest mistake you will make and you will definitely pay for it.

3. Do not ever send a photocopy of your credit card or a letter with your signature to a company stating that they have permission to charge you for a certain product. You do not know what they can (and will do) with your financial information.

4. Use a disposable credit card if you want to be super safe. They are a one time deal and online fraudsters can’t really get too far with them.

5. Always, always, always search for a review about a site if possible before you make any kind of purchase or give them any of your information. If others have been duped it is more likely than not that there will be bad reviews out there since the internet is open to all. However there are many fake reviews (like Ms. Eva Knox’s blog) so you just have to be able to read between the lines in many cases.

Hope this helps out you ladies and gents because I have heard way too many horror stories through my email of poor shoppers getting ripped off!

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Balecianga Replica Handbag Review! … www.designerdiscreet.net

balenciaga replica

1. Website Usability: The website design is actually slightly cute compared to the typical replica handbag out there on the web. It seems as if the operators of this site have put some effort into marketing, The usability is actually pretty decent too, however I wish they would label their products with the actual designer handbag names as it would make it a lot easier when you know exactly what you are looking for. I actually emailed them this suggestion and they seem to be open to change and improvement so I guess the usability should become better since they say they are fairly new in the market.

balenciaga replica 4

2. Selection/Variety of Bags: The variety of handbags isn’t as much as I’d like it to be, but once again I guess they are new and still expanding. Right now they seem to have 4 brands: Chanel, LV, Hermes, and Balenciaga… but I will say this since I have purchased my bag a while ago, Chanel wasn’t up then so clearly they are updating and adding to their site. Another difference about this site compared to the usual is that they say they are very “picky” with choosing what handbags and that really helps us shoppers have to worry less about receiving a crappy product after placing an order. They also have a request a handbag service which I haven’t tried but I guess could come really handy in finding a specific bag you have been searching for forever! Apparently they will have shoes as well soon since their wording makes reference to it… I hope Louboutins are added cause I definitely have been on the search for a good pair of those 😉

3. Order Process/Customer Service: They are paypal verified however you can’t login to your paypal but instead it seems to be integrated into their shopping cart and you put in your info and paypal charges you. My statement was charged by Paypal under the name T.A.G which is I guess their merchant name? I definitely feel safe with the site cause paypal is probably the most trust-able payment processor out there on the web right now.

balenciaga replica 3

4. Quality: I ordered a Balenciaga Dark Brown City Classique and I have to say I am truly truly impressed with this purchase. I actually have a friend with a real Balenciaga and I gotta say the two are really fully alike! Down to the s

mallest details of the zippers and how the handles are sewn, this site seems to have it down in terms of quality! Everything seems to be spot on. The leather has a very rich feel to it, and the bag came with a dust bag and authenticity cards to help it seem even more real. I have added a lot of pictures of the bag and comparisons to the Replica Knockoff thing to this post so you blog readers can really get a good look at it. I will have to say I am truly impressed and have even placed an order for 2 more bags from them (an LV and a Chanel) since there is a multiple buy discount (on their front page) and am looking forward to receiving them… I truly hope their quality is as impressive as the Balenciaga’s has been!

balenciaga replica 2

5. Image Comparison: The bag does match the picture posted on the site, which is a very comforting fact. The lighting does make it seem a little bit darker than it is in reality though.

If anybody is interested you can click here to see the product for sale at DD.

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Replica Horror Story

Hi everybody,

Here is an email I had sent to me about a site called replicashandbag.com (it is one of the first sites that come up when you search replica handbags on Google)… Judging by her experience I would add this to the list of terrible sites! Stay away!

I would like to warn you about this replica store http://www.replicashandbag.com. I bought two bags and I paid 280 € for them. When I received the items I was totally disappointed. Neither of them were “high replica”. I could fiind these bags in any street market. No quality of the leather, no careful in the details. I wanted to return both inmediately and it was no possible. The answer of the person in the costumer service was:


Our bag is replica bag, so that quanlity is the top quanlity already, I think you cannot find where has that quanlity replica bag, so I think you will love the bags soon, also we have add a nice wallet to you as a gift, so can you accept them?

Maybe next time, if you wan to order more bag, we will give you more discount,ok?


If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at thepursesqueen@hotmail.com ! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!

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Authenic vs Replica Louis Vuitton Purchasing Guide

Hello guys! 

I just wanted to give you guys a few quick tips about buying replica handbags from the LV brand … possibly one of the most coveted brands! So I spoke with an insider in the replica industry after looking hard for the inside info to see what exactly goes on in the minds of these factories producing these handbags. It was very much an investigative search for answers for my fellow shoppers and I … Anyways here are several key facts I have learned about the LV replica handbag industry.

1. MYTH: There are no 1:1 LV replica handbags.

Folks I have some good news. The myth that there are no factories which currently produce 1:1 LV handbags is false . This is the idea that every fake or replica Louis Vuitton purse you purchase will be off in some way or another. Sometimes you may get lucky and purchase a purse which is very close to the real thing but it is often said that is nothing more than luck! Well I used to believe this myth but now after shopping for replica LV’s for many years I know it is false!

So basically when you are shopping for LV handbags just make sure to keep in mind you will never get one which is EXACTLY like the Replica Knockoff unless you go for what they call the “counter” quality standard. These are not your usuall $200 replicas but are usually in the range of $350; I think they are worth it though since they get the smaller details that really irritate perfectionists (like myself) right! So if any store or seller states their handbag is a 100% mirror quality or whatever the new phrase is, make sure it is a “counter” quality standard darlings. 

Replica Knockoff 
vs replica louis vuitton totally fake vs real lv1Now the one on the right is a very good replica compared to the Replica Knockoff on the left! Unfortunately not all LV replicas are as good. You can read more about my comparison on the fake vs real bag by clicking here

2. Replica LV’s can oxidize!

One of the biggest problems with buying a replica LV is that the handles or straps of the handbag are so light and often do not darken like the authentics. This can clearly indicate a fake handbag to the trained eye but many manufacturers now have perfected a method which allows them to create handbags which do oxidize!

So whether you are buying real or fake, make sure to pay attention to the straps! They are very important and could be a big give away!


This is my replica Totally MM in Monogram Canvas and as you can see the handles have oxidized quite nicely so far (I’ve had the bag for over a year but only really used it for a few months). The more exposure = the more chance for oxidization.

3. Threading, threading, threading!

Pay attention to this one guys, as many handbags have horrible, horrible, horrible threading!!
Real Louis Vuitton will come with clean and consistent stitches. Yellow thread is used in real Louis Vuitton products. Counterfeit Louis Vuitton stitching is often uneven, crooked or insecure at the ends. I find this often to be the easiest way to identify a fake and a big give away! 

Overall purchasing a replica LV handbag is a stringent process as you must pay attention to key details to make sure it pulls off the look of the original.

Let me know your thoughts. Comment below and email me

Also feel free to email pics of your LV, whether it be Replica Knockoff or replica, good or bad! 



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