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Can You Spot a Fake Gucci Dionysus Bag? A Real vs. Fake Guide

2017 is over (for better or worse), and the Lyst index indicates that Gucci was on fire as the second hottest brand of 2017, right behind Balenciaga. One of Gucci’s most popular handbags of the year was the Dionysus Supreme GG bag which I actually ended up snagging one (as a replica), in the same color combo Chiara Ferragni has (pictured below from her Instagram account):

In this review I will compare an Replica Knockoff Gucci Dionysus bag to a replica Gucci bag. As you go through the guide, try to guess which is real, and which is fake. By the end of the article you’ll know whether you were right or wrong.

So in case you haven’t seen the Dionysus before, this is the bag pictured on the Gucci site, where it retails for $2,290 USD:

I got my bag as a replica around $420-ish dollars which is about 18% of the Replica Knockoff retail price.

A Quick Note:

Now one factor I’d like to mention before beginning the comparison, is that the bag pictured on the left is a brand new bag so it looks more polished than the bag on the left, which is used, and was taken with different photography equipment. So please do not take that into consideration when deciding which bag is real and which is fake. Also due to camera lighting variations, the colors might seem a bit different, but they are actually the same. The sizing on the two bags are different as well so please keep that in mind when scrolling down. One last important thing to note is that the replica version of the bag is a counter quality replica bag, meaning it is not a knockoff that you can spot easily. The differences, if any, will be subtle.


Both bags have a red suede interior. Gucci Dionysus Supreme GG bags have an interior suede color that matches the exterior of the bag. If you see a Gucci Dionysus bag that doesn’t have the same interior color suede as the exterior detailing then that is a red flag that the bag you are looking at is fake. The interior of the bag should also have suede lining that meets with GG Supreme canvas interior the pockets. The canvas is usually visible at the bottom and the left and right hand side of the interior of the bag, while the front and back, as well as the middle pocket is suede. Both of the bags pictured above meet these requirements.


Looking from the top down, you cannot spot a difference between the two bags. Both bags have  9 GG’s when you count from top to bottom. The sliding chains also do not display any difference visually. Although the chain hook may seem bigger on the bag on the right it is simply due to the angle the photo was taken at.


Both bags have sides that are lined with suede. The bag looks accordian-like from the side, and the real beauty of the bag really shows from the side.

For comparison sake, this is an Replica Knockoff Gucci Dionysus. The width of the edges should be this thick in the Replica Knockoff version of the bag.


The hand painted edges of the bag are coated in a black lining in both the real and fake version of the bag, creating a beautiful contrast between the suede, and the edges of the bag. Please remember that the size difference between the two bags accounts from why the one on the right looks a bit taller.


From the back there is not really much to say, as both bags look essentially identical. Some versions of the Dionysus come with a suede pocket on the back of the bag, however this version of the bag does not have such a pocket, and merely has the coated canvas material on display in the back of the bag.


After scrolling down, I’m sure you’ve realized it’s not really easy to spot the difference between the two bags since the counter quality fake is pretty good. Before I reveal the Replica Knockoff bag, I want to spice things up by showing you a 3rd picture of a Gucci Dionysus that is in fact 100% authentic:

This is a 100% Replica Knockoff Gucci Dionysus.

So which bag from the comparison is real? If you guessed that the bag on the right is real, you guessed wrong. It is the fake. However if you guessed the bag on the left is Replica Knockoff you are indeed right. Either way, whether you got it wrong or right I don’t blame you since the difference is negligible at most. Even the serial number inside the bag matches the Replica Knockoff Gucci serial number shown on their site. You can view more detailed pictures of the serial number as well as the bag in general by clicking here.

Overall the Gucci Dionysus was one of my favorite bag purchases I made in 2017, and I highly suggest getting one if you are thinking about it as it is a super fun bag that is easy to dress either up or down!


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  1. Yinks
    January 27, 2018 / 3:38 am

    Hi, could tell immediately that the one on the right was a fake. Good replica though

  2. Shoghig Sarian Ladki
    January 27, 2018 / 3:13 am

    Hello how much r the bags

    Sent from my HTC

    • February 10, 2018 / 7:11 pm

      The Replica Knockoff was $2,390 while the replica I bought was around $420.

      • Alaa Al Lawati
        January 18, 2020 / 11:59 pm

        could you please let us know where you got your replica Gucci Dionysus from?

  3. Michelle
    January 27, 2018 / 2:48 am

    Firstly, I’m in Canada the date is the 26th so I got confused off the bat.
    The bag on left I thought was fake BUT reading in a comment, I guess I’m wrong.

  4. Jackie Torpy
    January 27, 2018 / 2:42 am

    Beautiful! Where did you purchase?

    Sent from my iPhone


  5. Iva
    January 27, 2018 / 2:24 am

    Wow I’m embarrassed. I thought the one on the left was fake.


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