Mails From Readers

Are you an experienced or new replica designer bags buyer? Eager to share your thoughts and reviews on replica designer bags but don’t know where to go? Look no further! Join our community and start this wonderful journey with us!

New Column Ready to Launch: You Could Be Part Of It

Hey guys!

I’m thrilled to finally have some NEWS to share with all of you I’m planning to launch a special column on my blog dedicated solely to reader emails (emails from YOU)!

Why I Am Doing This?

  • A Closer Connection: As a blogger, I believe that my readers are the heart of my blog, so I value the connection I have with them. Dedicating a whole section of their emails is my way of saying I appreciate their support and engagement.
  • Highlight Insightful Msgs: Every day I receive insightful and thought-provoking emails from my readers, and I want to create a space where I can highlight and share these messages to a wider range.
  • Community Building: I want my blog not only just about my own experience/review but also to serve as a platform/community for anyone who loves designer items to get involved and share their fun/painful experiences.
  • Inspiration Source: By sharing their stories, I can spark new ideas and perspectives for new posts, as well as inspire others to share their own experiences and insights.
  • Easier Access to Info:  Often times I notice one reader could face similar problems or situations that other readers have, by going through the section, they easily find other’s experiences so they could gain inspiration or avoid the same mistakes.

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Hello everyone,

I have received an urgent mail from a new reader named Anna who wants to share her shopping experience as a warning. She reached out to me after realizing she made a mistake in purchasing a replica bag. I’m sharing her story with you all in the hopes that it will serve as a warning.

This is the content of the original email:

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How Useful Was This Post? Website Review: A Poor Excuse for an LV Replica website review #replicabags

A snap of’s homepage.

While it is true that a Louis Vuitton knockoff should be much cheaper than it’s Replica Knockoff counterpart, you should always be wary when a site is selling them for too cheap as that is a sign that the quality of their products is poor.

As this client who shopped at reveals in the review I received by email, you can’t even expect mediocre quality at these prices, not to mention something that is actually good…or at least wearable.

This is not the first time I have heard whispers of bad things about this replica site, but this is the first detailed review I received by email. Here is the content of the email I received:

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How Useful Was This Post? Review Damier Ebene Berkeley Bag (Blog User Submitted) review

Dear blog readers,

This is a review received by email for from a blog reader named Jill (pseudonym used to protect Jill’s real identity).

When I first received the review I visited (which I have heard mentioned a couple of times by several blog readers in the comments), and was struck by the poor site design. That would be a red flag to myself personally while shopping, however it is easy for first time buyers to be so enamored with the idea of saving money on designer goods, that they would overlook this and shop on the site anyways. The price point of the bag is also another red flag that would have triggered concern from me because you usually can’t get good replicas at that low of a price point in my experience. Here’s Jill’s experience in her own words:

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PSA: is an imposter blog / NOT ME! (#fakeblog)

Hello everyone,

This is just a quick post regarding a “wtf” moment I had today when I discovered some questionable individual seems to have copied the blog over at their domain ( so I just wanted to let you ladies gents know that that blog is not run by me, and to not trust anything you read/see there.

I am not sure what the person’s motive is in copying the blog, but thought I’d share a warning just in case they try to impersonate me and do suspicious things (e.g. try to scam people). The only 2 domains which this blog is based on are:

So keep your eyes open when clicking any links you think are from this blog and make sure you are on the correct domain! Hope Y’all have a great week I’ll be posting some new reviews this week on some new LV Chloe goodies I have purchased!



UPDATE: I noticed that the impersonator has copied this article onto their blog and have edited to make it seem like their domain is legitimate. Please once again be advised that is a fake blog.

Screen Shot 2018-04-30 at 11.45.38 AM

UPDATE #2: Now is redirecting to

This is a known scam site. Please do not click on nor shop on

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