Mails From Readers

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Another Disappointed Customer From (Email Review)

Hey guys I got this email recently and wanted to share with everyone another disappointed customer from Pursevalley. They advertise everywhere so it is hard for people not to see them when buying replicas or thinking of buying replicas but the more we can spread the word about their shady business the better. Here is the email I received with photos to follow:

Dear pursequeen,

I have order from pursevalley 2 order one speedy 40 and another keypall 55. First the package took so long before they ship out. Second when package arrive was a mess damage broken. But I was  took a picture before event sign the name to mail man. Package was wet and broken ripped all over I couldnt event identified if this was worst money almost $800. Then I get in to the phone right away call their customer service and notify them with photo and complain. Then I didnt event touch or open the package bjt I have send another email to customer service and told them however what should I do because package was bad and anxious to open it. They told me to go ahead to open it. I did but I actually have my sister taking photo as the same time of opend the package.  After open the first package tthe item speedy monogram 40 I notice the hardwear look very cheap. The gold bass hardwear was none weight  material itself very light no weight look like PVC not letter like They discript. Opening to chheck inside is worst more shoulder straps was misskng the keys lock was missing. I only got carecard in an envelope that all accessories I got. I have own Replica Knockoff speedy and I know this was bad quality replica comparer to the price they charge. All hardwear gold bass was cheap cheap.
Second package is keypall 55 after began open package the item was ok the letter and quality of material was exceptible the bass gold hardwear was exception and have much weight on it. But buy comparer between speedy hardwear totally different material side by side by far I can tell. Then start to open inside the item I was very mad cause all accessories that suppose to come with this luggage was missing. No shoulder straps no key lock but funny I got little box that first I was assuming will be the box for the key lock. Open it little box was empty only 2 keys no Lock key. No Name padlock card  to attach with luggage. None of accessories didnt come with item. I only got care card and 2 keys but none lock key.
After found your Blog and began to read the review comments I very upset cause I know I will never be able to return the item and I will lose my money. That was bad. Please help kmed lead to an honestly trust worst website replica LV purse that hight quality and very reputation small price and good quality.
I have attach some photo to you as well. By the way please let me know what the best solution. And what your opinions of this 2 items.
Thank you.
pursevalley review review 2 review 3 review 4
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The Truth About Buying Replica Bags


I recently received an email from a blog reader that said,

Hello! I bought my first replica from Purse Valley because the pictures they posted on their website looked pretty good, and it looked like they have a decent return policy, but when I received my Prada double bag bag, I could immediately tell that it was fake. The label was crooked, and both the zippers started malfunctioning within a month. They gave me two options: I have to pay $70 in shipping fees to return or exchange the item or accepting a $80 credit and a zipper, I chose the latter.

I am certainly not surprised about the comment about Pursevalley (if anyone has read anything on this blog about them they will know they sell garbage), but after reading this email I feel compelled to share some general, plain, factual, and really important truths about buying replicas and the replica market in general. Firstly when you are shopping for replicas please keep in mind that 99% of the replica market sells junk. By junk I mean super cheaply manufactured bags that put the fake in fake. In other words these are bags that should have never been made in that they are utter junk. Most people are starstruck when it comes to buying replicas so they do not pause to think about quality and go for the first good deal they spot this is the wrong way to shop for replicas and a surefire way to end up with a junky bag you’ll be embarrassed to take out of your closet. It has personally taken me about 7 years before I became very good at buying replica bags without getting ripped off by paying for something which would end up in the trash bin as soon as it arrived. 7 years is a long time and it shows you how hard it is to navigate the replica market. Now you might think, “Angie is crazy” and “it is not that hard to find a good seller” but my checklist for a good seller goes beyond finding a bay that generally resembles a good fake. I look at the leather weight, stitching details, hardware etc. and these things factor heavily into my replica purchases because I want a bag that will last as long as the real thing. There are many brands out there that have copies of specific models that are the perfect dupe for an original (e.g. Chanel, LV etc.) and I have seen these with my own eyes but finding them online is like navigating a minefield. That is why I was inspired to begin this blog.

Basically I want to encourage any shopper to be extremely vigilant and you can end up with a good bag with patience and research!

I also really encourage you guys to send any reviews with photos to me at as the more information we can share with one another, the better shoppers we can become!


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Website Review: Pursevalley and Poshmoda Shopping Experiences

UPDATED: This is an old post which is being updated to reflect new information! The post was first published in 2012. I just wanted to let everyone know that it has been confirmed that Poshmoda and Pursevalley are connected so if you are wary of one you should be wary of the other! Feel free to share your experiences (good and bad) below shopping through either seller/website. 

Purse Valley Eva Knox Scam

Hey guys!

So I was going to make a purchase from (they are the same site operated under different names in order to trick people) since they are advertised all over the place however after receiving some emails from several blog readers I decided not to even spend a penny as these sites seem to clearly sell poorly made replicas, and have even scammed people it turns out in many cases. Here is what I have heard:

Hi Angie, I posted this on another site but I thought I’d email you too to let you know. I had ordered 4 purses from First, delivery was late. Secondly, the quality is inferior. Third, they didn’t have one of the purses I ordered so they cancelled without informing me. Fourth, I tried to call, email, and use live chat to get authorization to return the purses (they only allow 10 days for returns AND the package has to be mailed to China!) and they will not return my calls or emails. To make it all worse, I ordered 4 purses so I would get a 30% discount but because they cancelled part of my order and only sent 3 purses, I didn’t receive a discount.
The quality of the purses is inferior. I have real Chanel purses and these are not even close. You can buy nicer, cheaper faux purses in L.A. for a fraction of the cost.
I started calling on Jan. 3, 2011, and have called 4 times, emailed 4 times, and tried their “live chat” 4 times. I left my number in each case, and I have yet to receive any correspondence from them. I used a debit card to pay so I am very concerned.
I hope you can put this on your blog to help prevent this from happening to others.

Another email I received said:

Do not waste your time. is full of dishonest people say money back guarantee but refuse a refund then cannot get a response from customer service I am out of $640 plus $80 shipping charges for returning their products. I am disgusted and am very careful before I purchase online now because of this experience.

Finally a few other shoppers have mentioned:

Wish I had seen all the negative reviews about pursevalley before I made a $600 purchase. First of all, their shipping is horrible. I ordered stuff for an event coming soon and it’s taking forever to ship. I try to contact customer sevice and they are either very rude (one hung up on me!) or dont reply to the couple emails I sent. they wasted no time at all getting my money. (Should have not send it through western union cos I cant get refunds now). I was decieved by Eva Knox from spot bags because of all her false reviews, no one who does not work for a company will have such high praises in all her posts. I ordered an lv evora from another well known replica company and the service was great and I recieved my bag in no time, Quality was flawless. I still havent recieved my order from purse valley and I have no idea how that will turn out as most of the real reviews I see are negative. I wrote a complaint on the facebook page and they removed it immediately, hence the mostly positive reviews. I’m very sure if they were honest, the negative reviews would bypass the positive by far. Will never purchase from this company again and I hope you tell others not to either.

“I recently ordered a bag from and it was a really bad quality bag. When I complained, they asked me to send it back which costed me £30 and promising a new bag. The bag arrived but it was broken as soon as I opened it and it was a poor replica of the MM artsy. It did not look anything like the actual bag. Now, they wont give me the money back and want me to spend another £30 to send this broken bag back! I am disappointed and they ripped me off. I would never recommend purse valley or club couture for replica bags!! horrible horrible quality bags!!

I would really like to thank you girls for emailing me before I created a potential headache for myself, and hope that these experiences will help others! This site operates under a lot of aliases so you really need to be careful when you are shopping online to avoid one of their traps! If anyone else has a horrible/amazing experience feel free to email me (with pictures preferably) at I hope this post will serve as a warning to anyone out there who is shopping for a knockoff.

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!


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Pursevalley Review on Prada Saffiano Tote Negative Shopping Experiences

Hey guys! So I just wanted to do a quick review on Pursevalley which is one of the most advertised replica handbag sites out there! Who is it mostly reviewed and fetted by? Evan Knox and her similar cronies (e.g. Hannah Handbags is also owned by Eva Knox who owns Pursevalley). Anyways I personally wouldn’t really care about the fact that Eva Knox owns Pursevalley if it did actually sell what it claims to the best replica handbags out there I mean it would be a win win situation for everyone I guess. But unfortunately this claim just does not seem to be true which is where her deception begins to irk myself and many other people out there. It is completely unfair to get people to spend their hard earned dollars on bags which are just simply not as good as truly good replicas out there! So I just want to do a quick comparison between a Prada Saffiano I had purchased from Pursevalley a few years ago when I was pretty new to this whole replica buying process and obviously couldn’t tell the best from the worst, or the in between (boy how that has changed now!). Ok so I really think that the pictures are really the best tell tale sign in terms of pointing out the quality as you can just simply see why Pursevalley is not as good as they claim to be! Maybe if you are an amateur replica purveyor as I once was you may love the bag you get from them at first but for the more trained eye it is obvious on first glance that the bag is a fake! I went with black for the Prada Saffiano as I usually do with a lot of bags since I know that they just can’t get it wrong in terms of color (which is a common worry for anyone out there that buys replicas). But aside from the color the quality of the hardware, the leather in itself, and all the small details that are supposed to make the bag feel special just aren’t there! I have added a lot of pictures below for anyone who is interested to take a look at! I just think it is unfair that Eva portrays PV as the best when it is clearly not. I am happy to say that I have outgrown Pursevalley and Eva Knox’s faux blog generally but I know that there are many people out there who are still being duped which is why I was inspired to write this post in the first place! Ok so enough chit chat let’s get into the details of what makes a good fake or good replica handbag a good one vs. what makes a poor replica handbag a poor one! Replica Knockoff 
prada saffiano black doublezip tote gold hardwareOk so this is my awesome Saffiano. Let me tell you that this replica Prada Saffiano is the bees knees! I got it very recently and was floored by how Replica Knockoff the handbag was in comparison to all the beauties I had seen in the Prada store! Now take a look at the next picture which is the Prada Saffiano I had initially purchased from Pursevalley. prada saffiano black doublezip tote replica Replica Knockoff 
vs fakeCan you tell which bag is the better fake or replica? Let me give you a hint look at the sheen of the leather on the bag that is a big giveaway as to what quality of a replica handbag you have just picked up or ordered! Alright so if you guess the one on top is the horrible fake while the one on bottom is the superfake (meaning it is an awesome fake and as close to the real as you can get out of China) then you are RIGHT! As I mentioned before all you really have to do is just take a quick glance at the leather. The leather on the top bag is so dull, and I am not sure if it is even really real leather but the one on the bottom has that sheen which Prada Saffiano’s that are Replica Knockoff are known to have! I paid a bit more for the one on the bottom but compared to the original price, and the fact that I will own the bag for life it is a steal!

Replica Knockoff 
prada saffiano black doublezip tote back of prada bag black saffiano fake prada saffiano replica black replica fake prada saffiano replica black replica 2 fake prada saffiano replica black replica back of bag fake prada saffiano replica black replica bottom of bag

More pictures of the really bad Prada Saffiano replica handbag from Pursevalley which you can see seems to have been put together quite hastily by whatever factory produced it! I will be donating this fake bag to Goodwill as I am definitely not wearing it out ever again, and am quite frankly upset that I ever did now that I realize how poor the quality truly is!

prada handbag saffiano comparison fake vs real

The two bags side by side! It really is super hard not to notice the very clear difference in quality between the two replica bags as one looks like a joke compared to the other one quite literally!

fake prada saffiano replica black replica inside

Last but not least a picture of the inside of the bad fake which had a poorer interior lining as well compared to the superfake Prada which has a much better lining as well!

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!

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Pursevalley = Spotbags = Scam


Hey guys here’s a quick review about Pursevalley a reader sent in:

Wish I had seen all the negative reviews about pursevalley before I made a $650 purchase. First of all, their shipping is horrible it has been almost a month since I placed an order. I ordered stuff for an event coming soon and it’s taking forever to ship out to me. I tried to contact customer sevice and they are either very rude (one hung up on me!) or they don’t reply to the couple emails I sent. they wasted no time at all getting my money. (Should have not send it through western union because I cant get refunds now wish I had done some fact checking before buying). I was deceived by Eva Knox from spot bags because of all her false reviews, no one who does not work for the company will have such high praises…

Here is another Pursevalley review emailed to me by a different blog reader:

I really really wish I had been a more careful shopper and vetted Pursevalley before shopping with them. Their website looks so professional so it is hard not to fall for their tricks. I ordered a few Louis Vuitton bags that arrived late and damaged. Why did I buy so many the first time? Because of the discount they give and I also paid through a web transfer since I also got a discount for that payment method. I knew it was too good to be true but sometimes common sense doesn’t kick in I guess. Can you please post this so anyone out there can see and have a fair warning before shopping with them.

Stay away from Eva Knox and the Pursevalley circus unless you want to face trouble! As I have mentioned before what irks me and many others out there is not even the fact that Eva Knox owns Pursevalley (which actually does irk me because it is so deceptive) but more so the fact that she can’t run her business properly and keep her customers satisfied. This isn’t the first time she is doing this either! Eva used to own a different website and deceive people under the name Sofia Nolan.

If you have any experiences with Pursevalley, Spotbags, or Eva Knox feel free to comment and share your stories below whether they be positive or negative! CLICK HERE to read a previous discussion where many blog readers weighed in on their experiences with Pursevalley and Iposhmoda!


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