Real Vs. Fake

Welcome to my blog column dedicated to the art of the comparison between real and fake designer bags! If you’re a fashion enthusiast or just love the allure of designer purses, you know how crucial it is to distinguish genuine pieces from fakes.

This section is to equip you with the knowledge and skills to confidently identify the real deal from the fakes.

MUST READ: Good Fakes VS. Bad Ones: Louis Vuitton Replica Guide

Can you spot the better replica? Hint: look at the overall composition of the two bags. They may not look overly different but the symmetry is more accurate in the left bag than the right one.

Hello y’all!

This post will serve as a very important guide to anyone looking to buy a knockoff or replica bag for the first time for any brand, even though the focus will be on Louis Vuitton in this particular post. The points made however are applicable when shopping for any brand out there so pay close attention especially if it is your first time you may be purchasing a fake bag!

Anyone who has bought a fake or replica bag out there knows that we are bombarded with many claims of various qualities and it seems like every replica seller in town has the best purse if we listen to their claims. But the truth is that there is a tiered system of quality when it comes to replicas and I would say as an educated guess after buying so many for so many years that the tiers are roughly 3 levels. On the third bottom rung is the super disgusting and really really bad knockoffs that never deserve to see the light of day on anyone’s arm or shoulder (yet they still unfortunately do we’ve all seen one). These are the bags that give replica bags a bad rep and make people think rightfully so that they’d rather be caught dead than wearing a replica purse. However if you are a seasoned replica purchaser you will have most likely come across the second tier as well. The second tier is in the middle the bags aren’t bad, they get about 75-80% of the original right and they can pass for a fairly decent fake. These were the kind of bags I myself bought when I first dabbled in replica shopping.

But the third first is where it is at my friends if you are looking for quality. This is the tier that exceeds the 90% zone in terms of accuracy and can please even the nittiest of buyers. This is the only type of replica I personally buy as I like to collect bags and these are pretty much as good as the originals in my opinions. Do all brands come in all 3 tiers? I’m not sure and can’t answer this with 100% accuracy but from my purchasing experience most of the popular brands are covered in all 3 tiers. In this post I will compare what I think is a 1st tier replica Louis Vuitton Favorite in Monogram Canvas (which I bought from Designer Discreet) with a 2nd tier Louis Vuitton Favorite in Monogram Canvas (I bought this one a long time ago from a replica seller through email). I didn’t bother buying a 3rd tier for the comparison as you can simply use your imagination to come up with how ugly the bag in that tier looks.

As you can see the replica on the left side has a nice sheen to it like the Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton purses while the bag on the right is more dull.

A closeup of the bag on the right. The quality of the canvas is certainly not bad but not as good the one on the right.

Top down is where a difference is totally visible. Just taking quick look at the two bags can help one see that the one on the left is superior to the one on the right. The overall composition and structure of the bag is very on point with the original LV.

The canvas is very vibrant on this replica and the stitching is very well done making it a 1st tier or counter quality replica.

Once again a more lux sheen can be observed on the bag to the left.

The chain is more faded for the 2nd tier replica while the 1st tier replica is nice and vibrant and gold!

The chain is more faded for the 2nd tier replica while the 1st tier replica is nice and vibrant and gold!

Sideshot of the 2nd tier replica. The cowhide patch is too large compared to the original.

Sideshot of the 1st tier replica. The cowhide patch is the same size as the original.

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Chanel Real VS Replica Identification Guide

chanel jumbo flap real vs fake replica vs Replica Knockoff 

Can you tell which is real and which is fake? Keep in mind the lighting makes the bags colors look slightly different but both are equally black in person!

Hey guys!

I just wanted to do a quick post sharing what to look for when shopping for a Chanel handbag to make sure you are getting the best bang for your buck when shopping for an Replica Knockoff or fake new, or used, or replica purse. Firstly I’d like to start off by saying Chanel is a very hard to find replica as the parent company actively seeks out any replica sellers who sell their products (and when you see the superfakes you will understand why) as they want to stop the devaluation train for Chanel. This is completely fair and I would do the same if I were Chanel as well.

I do however want to start with a few gripes I have with them, as a Chanel purse lover. Firstly dear Chanel why do you no longer coat your hardware with 24k gold? As a serious Chanel lover and collector I can say that there is a significant decline in quality within the Chanel brand over the years as they seemed to have lowered their production standards. I highly recommend well kept vintage bags that have the gold coating as these bags are in my opinion from a Chanel era in which quality was at the top of their priorities. Anyways enough chit chat. This guide is meant to give you a glimpse at a comparison between an Replica Knockoff and replica Chanel with tips for spotting fake bags which have been very poorly constructed.

One thing I would like to say before providing this information is that Chanel replica manufacturers have been getting increasingly accurate to the point that I have heard many stories about fake Chanels being returned to Replica Knockoff boutiques, which is really scary if you are dropping a couple of thousands on what you hope will be a real bag. Overall remember to be vigilant even if shopping in an Replica Knockoff boutique! Take a look at the guide, and I hope it helps everyone out there!

When looking at the first photo I am sure a lot of people were confused aren’t both bags real? Well they aren’t. These pictures feature a superfake Chanel being compared to an Replica Knockoff so the subtleties are more minute and harder to spot, but I thought it would be worth showing! I will do another guide soon that outlines the really bad Chanel fakes I encourage you to burn if you see in person, on the spot, since they totally misconstrue the beauty of the originals, and are a total disgrace to Miss Coco’s designs.

chanel real vs fake replica vs Replica Knockoff 
jumbo double flap guide 2

The replica looks a bit more “puffy” since it is newer compared to the used jumbo pictured right. Overly puffy bags are a sign of a fake Chanel however this comes down to the number of stitches! All Chanel bags (Replica Knockoff and superfake) look a bit more puffy (but not overly) when new because they haven’t been subjected to the use and abuse of being worn on a daily basis! I’ll add a picture of the superfake Chanel jumbo once it has reached a point of use comparable to the Replica Knockoff bag on the right!

chanel real vs fake replica vs Replica Knockoff 
guide under bag stitching

A shot of the bottom of the bags. Make sure if you are shopping for a jumbo that there is a stitch down the middle otherwise you are dealing with a terrible fake.

chanel real vs fake replica vs Replica Knockoff 
guide interior flap leather 6

The interior C’s are very important! In very poor Chanel replicas you will see very strange stitching that is either too skinny or too fat. The bag on the right is an Replica Knockoff Chanel’s stitching while the bag on the left is a superfake that gets it close enough (the camera’s angle for the photo makes it look a little strange however).

chanel real vs fake replica vs Replica Knockoff 
inside double flap guide 4

Depending on the production period of the bag a lighter or darker interior can be expected. What you should pay attention to inside the flap is the leather quality if it seems fake or non-genuine leather then you are dealing with a bad replica my friends.

chanel real vs fake replica vs Replica Knockoff 
guide hologram sticker jumbo 7

The interior hologram sticker is always a give away with a replica. Make sure to really pay attention to this if shopping on auction sites for a used Replica Knockoff purse as the Chinese models usually have a standard number (10218184) that they use. However I have heard of cases of custom stickers being printed so once again be vigilant!

chanel real vs fake replica vs Replica Knockoff 
guide hardware stamping 5.jpg

The hardware on the right is that of an Replica Knockoff bag. The one on the left is the hardware of the superfake. As you can see both are equally well done. The heaviness of the hardware is a key giveaway to the authenticity of the bag. Once again many vintage pieces are coated with real gold for Replica Knockoff Chanels, however their newer lines are not, and no replicas are coated with gold.

fashionophile ad chanel jumbo black double flap

The fashionphile ad I used to compare the replica and authentic. As you can see the bag is going for $5250 on fashionphile, while the supefake cost 1/10th of that.

Overall I hope this guide is helpful and makes everyone a wiser shopper when looking for Chanel whether it be online or in person as you are looking to drop down a lot of money on these beauties so make sure it is worth it!

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Prada Saffiano Replica Wallet Review

Hey guys it’s been a while since I have posted! I got super busy with work and life, but my purse and designer addiction never left me and I have been collecting more beauties (both real and fake) to add to my collection! I’ll be sharing them all with you guys over the next little while and wanted to start with a wallet that I am completely in love with right now. I am a hot pink girl. I know … a lot of people are not into pink, but I embrace it. Especially during the fall and winter seasons I think it really adds a nice color pop to an otherwise boring or neutral outfit (which is how I tend to dress when the weather is chillier).

replica superfake Replica Knockoff 
prada wallet saffiano 8

A view from the front!

replica superfake Replica Knockoff 
prada wallet saffiano 2

A shot from the back I missed the black speck on the wallet so it came through in the picture so don’t mind it!

replica superfake Replica Knockoff 
prada wallet saffiano 3

A shot from the side you can see the zipper lining and quality is very high as well you just have to know what to look for when shopping for a replica!

replica superfake Replica Knockoff 
prada wallet saffiano 4

A closeup of the logo plate. I feel like the picture doesn’t do it justice in terms of portraying its actual quality, and it definitely looks at lot better in person!

replica superfake Replica Knockoff 
prada wallet saffiano 5

A super close-up of the saffiano leather and stitching both well done!

As you guys probably already know I have seen a lot of very very bad saffiano replicas out there both in terms of bags and wallets but this wallet has all the check marks of a good replica Prada as it a) has the exact same leather standard (often a very big giveaway when it is poor); b) it is put together well (there is no point of paying top dollar for good leather when the manufacturers can’t sew it together well but luckily this replica’s manufacturer did); and finally c) the hardware is heavy and very close to the original/the same (this is another big giveaway as often times plastic-y hardware is used that has a weird shine to it and can be spotted a mile away).

The retail price of this wallet on the Prada estore is about $665 USD, and I snagged it for about $179 killer savings right considering the quality is basically identical to the real deal?

So what do you guys think? Let me know in the comments below and I absolutely cannot wait to share the rest of my purchases with you guys in upcoming posts!

Ps. Since this is probably my last post before the XMAS celebrations, Happy Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever you celebrate!

Speak to you soon dolls!


How Useful Was This Post? Review: One Of The Worst Celine Replica Bags I’ve Ever Seen!

There are plenty of bad reviews here on the blog, especially when you take a peek at the scam sellers warning page, and it’s actually been quite some time since I’ve heard of anyone trying to purchase a replica bag from this site. I was really relieved to see people stop shopping with them.

However I recently received this review, and just like I expected, nothing has changed here. It’s not only Céline replica bags from iOffer that you should avoid shopping for, but all replica handbag brands in general. And I’d rather repeat myself to help spare a poor soul who may fall into iOffer’s trap, even at the risk of sounding redundant.
So, just to make it clear once again: if you’re looking for quality, iOffer is not the place to find it. On their website you can’t really be sure of anything as: 1) you don’t know if the seller’s reviews are real, 2) you don’t know what you’re going to receive, and 3) you don’t know if returning the item is actually a possibility. It’s true that the prices are low here, but what’s great about that when you end up receiving a bag like this replica Celine Luggage you would never wear?
This replica Celine bag is painful to look at I hope our reader has learned her lesson to stay away from this site! Just scroll down to the email photos below to judge for yourselves!

My dear Angie,
I feel like I’m disappointing you right now with this Ioffer review because you’ve put so much effort into making us understand why we should avoid this site. But I thought that the least I can do is tell you and your other readers’ about my experience.
Maybe there are girls who are still considering to buy from this site and I hope I can help them change their minds. Even though I knew this site is not trustworthy, there was still a little devil inside my mind saying “Hmm, maybe you’ll be lucky and the bag is actually going to be great!”
So I found a seller that had many Celine replica bags and many customer reviews, I thought this was a good thing. They weren’t all positive, but most of them were. I made the offer for a replica Celine Luggage with black and beige. He offered a discount for Western Union but I refused and chose PayPal instead.
I sent him the money, and he gave me a tracking number. After more than a month, I received the bag. I won’t lie to you, I was scared before I opened the package. And I had reasons to feel that way, the bag looks horrible! Oh, and it’s black and white, not black and beige like I wanted. If only that were the only problem with it!
I thought that returning it was useless, the shipping would cost like half the price of the bag. So I thought I should email the people at Ioffer to ask for a refund. But guess what? The seller was nowhere to be found, he closed his account! And iOffer refuses to take any responsibility for it.
I didn’t lose a lot of money, but I learned my lesson the hard way. The only thing I can say: girls, don’t listen to that little devil in your head like I did!
Angie, I hope you’ll share my review on your blog. Trust me, I’m sorry I didn’t listen to your advice!
Thank you


Now the replica bags on iOffer are cheaper than on most decent replica sites and there are many models to choose from. However iOffer is just a mediator, they never get involved if something goes wrong in a purchase, so you as a buyer basically have no safety net.

This Celine replica Luggage Tote pictured above is horrible, and the pictures speak for themselves so I won’t make any further comments. You may think this experience is a one off, however the truth is that this is the usual story when it comes to iOffer shoppers, and the end result is unsurprising. Truth be told, you can’t expect a $50 knockoff bag from any brand to look that great. So save your money and spend it on something (or anything else) before you think twice about shopping here!

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Celine Replica Bags: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!


When it comes to buying CELINE replica bags you have to be very careful since they are extremely popular at the moment! You could easily fall for what I call replica ugly which is as low as you can go when it comes to buying a fake bag, let alone a fake CELINE. Replica ugly basically refers to the deep waters of fake that nobody wants to be swimming in especially when these bags don’t sell for cheap online (yes even for a fake!). This article will explore the three different qualities and I will review my personal CELINE replica bags showing you how I fell for a mediocre replica and eventually how I ended up finding the best quality of CELINE in the black nano I purchased which I am still in love with till this day! First of all I’d like to note that the CELINE nano is my favorite CELINE model after the trio because it is so petite and functional, and I am personally in a stage in my life where less is more and I think my purse choices are beginning to reflect this personal philosophy.

Anyways lets get back on point. The ugly replica as you can see is pictured first and when you compare it to the third picture a.k.a the good CELINE replica you will shocked and astonished to hear that some people pay for that ugly replica and even consider wearing it. The bag is COMPLETELY off. Everything from the zipper placement, to the dimensions, to the handles, to the logo are done extremely poorly. It can hardly be considered a bare bones replica bag and I think you can guess just as well as I can why that is. I will have to say that when you hear people dissing fakes, it is the ugly replicas that they are most likely referencing as these bags are a shame to the original design and to bag making in general. I think that if you are going to buy a replica you should purchase one that at least respects the original design or don’t even buy it at all as it will quite frankly turn out to be a waste of your money. Ok so I had to do some googling to come across the ugly replica and it is not part of my personal collection but I think right off the bat anyone with any knowledge of CELINE will be able to point out the flaws. First the loose handles completely defy the original CELINE design which is so structured. Secondly the logo has been maximized and looks terrible. The zipper on the bag has been placed too high and makes the bag lose the original CELINE symmetry which adds to the beauty of the bag in my opinion.

The second bag pictured was indeed one I purchased on my own and although it is not an ugly replica it is just a mediocre one and shows that even if you think you know designer bags, you have to be careful with their replica equivalents as there are so many details you need to pay attention to. The second bag is a lot better than the first but the quality of the leather (which is something you have to see in person) is generally poor overall as it has a half plastic feel to it, making me personally doubt whether it is real leather at all. Additionally the dimensions of the handbag are off by a bit (it is supposed to be a nano) and if you can see it has more of a rectangular shape to it than a square shape. This bag is what most replica sites sell and they are good enough to dupe most people into thinking they are Replica Knockoff CELINEs an expert would be still able to spot the bag as a fake. I have posted detailed photos below for you to take a look at to see all the details, and what the manufacturers missed in making it.


Front view of the bag. This bag is probably around 80% similar to the original CELINE.


The bottom of the handbag has pegs which a CELINE nano is not supposed to have since it is the tiniest model!


The bag is of the bag is ok, but you can see the shiny sheen on the leather here which makes the bag look really fake.


At least they got the stamp on the replica bag right!


As you can see there is an overall unfinished look the the purse!


The interior stamp is very off compared to the original CELINE design. The good CELINE nano replica I reviewed had an accurate interior stamp.


Although I do not care too much about the interior of a replica bag I want the quality of the materials to be good. this bag had a plastic lining on the inside which was not very good compared to the genuine leather lining of the good nano replica pictured before.


The hardware was a bit clunky and large compared to the good CELINE replica and the Replica Knockoff version of the nano as well, although at least they go the stamp on it!


Finally the third bag pictured is the good replica and honestly compared to an Replica Knockoff CELINE replica it is very hard to tell the difference between the two. Everything from the leather to the interior are on key and right off the bat you can see that the square shape of the CELINE nano is accurately represented in this replica bag. If you want to see a detailed comparison between the third bag and an original CELINE in my original review of the purse you can click here.

Overall the moral of the story is that you have to be careful when shopping for not only CELINE replica purses, but generally all replica purses online as it is easy to end up wasting your money on a poor excuse for a bag! There are good CELINE replicas out there, you just need to make sure you know how to spot one and spend your money right the first time!

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)! 

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