When it comes to buying CELINE replica bags you have to be very careful since they are extremely popular at the moment! You could easily fall for what I call replica ugly which is as low as you can go when it comes to buying a fake bag, let alone a fake CELINE. Replica ugly basically refers to the deep waters of fake that nobody wants to be swimming in especially when these bags don’t sell for cheap online (yes even for a fake!). This article will explore the three different qualities and I will review my personal CELINE replica bags showing you how I fell for a mediocre replica and eventually how I ended up finding the best quality of CELINE in the black nano I purchased which I am still in love with till this day! First of all I’d like to note that the CELINE nano is my favorite CELINE model after the trio because it is so petite and functional, and I am personally in a stage in my life where less is more and I think my purse choices are beginning to reflect this personal philosophy.
Anyways lets get back on point. The ugly replica as you can see is pictured first and when you compare it to the third picture a.k.a the good CELINE replica you will shocked and astonished to hear that some people pay for that ugly replica and even consider wearing it. The bag is COMPLETELY off. Everything from the zipper placement, to the dimensions, to the handles, to the logo are done extremely poorly. It can hardly be considered a bare bones replica bag and I think you can guess just as well as I can why that is. I will have to say that when you hear people dissing fakes, it is the ugly replicas that they are most likely referencing as these bags are a shame to the original design and to bag making in general. I think that if you are going to buy a replica you should purchase one that at least respects the original design or don’t even buy it at all as it will quite frankly turn out to be a waste of your money. Ok so I had to do some googling to come across the ugly replica and it is not part of my personal collection but I think right off the bat anyone with any knowledge of CELINE will be able to point out the flaws. First the loose handles completely defy the original CELINE design which is so structured. Secondly the logo has been maximized and looks terrible. The zipper on the bag has been placed too high and makes the bag lose the original CELINE symmetry which adds to the beauty of the bag in my opinion.
The second bag pictured was indeed one I purchased on my own and although it is not an ugly replica it is just a mediocre one and shows that even if you think you know designer bags, you have to be careful with their replica equivalents as there are so many details you need to pay attention to. The second bag is a lot better than the first but the quality of the leather (which is something you have to see in person) is generally poor overall as it has a half plastic feel to it, making me personally doubt whether it is real leather at all. Additionally the dimensions of the handbag are off by a bit (it is supposed to be a nano) and if you can see it has more of a rectangular shape to it than a square shape. This bag is what most replica sites sell and they are good enough to dupe most people into thinking they are Replica Knockoff
CELINEs an expert would be still able to spot the bag as a fake. I have posted detailed photos below for you to take a look at to see all the details, and what the manufacturers missed in making it.
Front view of the bag. This bag is probably around 80% similar to the original CELINE.
The bottom of the handbag has pegs which a CELINE nano is not supposed to have since it is the tiniest model!
The bag is of the bag is ok, but you can see the shiny sheen on the leather here which makes the bag look really fake.
At least they got the stamp on the replica bag right!
As you can see there is an overall unfinished look the the purse!
The interior stamp is very off compared to the original CELINE design. The good CELINE nano replica I reviewed had an accurate interior stamp.
Although I do not care too much about the interior of a replica bag I want the quality of the materials to be good. this bag had a plastic lining on the inside which was not very good compared to the genuine leather lining of the good nano replica pictured before.
The hardware was a bit clunky and large compared to the good CELINE replica and the Replica Knockoff
version of the nano as well, although at least they go the stamp on it!
Finally the third bag pictured is the good replica and honestly compared to an Replica Knockoff
CELINE replica it is very hard to tell the difference between the two. Everything from the leather to the interior are on key and right off the bat you can see that the square shape of the CELINE nano is accurately represented in this replica bag. If you want to see a detailed comparison between the third bag and an original CELINE in my original review of the purse you can click here.
Overall the moral of the story is that you have to be careful when shopping for not only CELINE replica purses, but generally all replica purses online as it is easy to end up wasting your money on a poor excuse for a bag! There are good CELINE replicas out there, you just need to make sure you know how to spot one and spend your money right the first time!
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blog by emailing me at thepursequeenreviews@gmail.com! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!
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