Replica Bags

Welcome to my world of designer handbags! Whether you have a deep passion for replica bags or seeking inspiration and guidance for your next purchase, my blog will provide you with comprehensive and expert reviews and information.

Classic Lady Dior Bag Replica Review

Hello everyone!

Time for round 2 of my summer hall ’17 reviews! This time I will be reviewing the Lady Dior bag I purchased. The Lady Dior bag is part of Dior’s timeless classics series, and I’m sure we can all agree that the history, structure, and look of the bag all certainly support this. Fun fact do you know why the Lady Dior bag is called the Lady Dior bag? Well after doing some snooping I found out it was named after none other than Lady Di herself a.k.a the late Princess of Wales, Diana. So if you are already lucky enough to own one of these bags then now you know your bag is steeped in a bit of royal history. And for those who have been coveting the bag in other words dying to get one it only gives you an extra reason to move it up on your wishlist!

I myself can certainly see why Princess Diana loved the bag. It has a regal essence to it and I believe it can make the least sophisticated of gals myself included look a little more elegant by sporting this look. As you can tell from the montage above, Princess Diana was obsessed with the bag and had the black color in every size and leather! When I decided to get the bag I naturally floated towards picking black myself so hey I guess Lady Di and I have something in common when it comes to gravitating towards black accessories! Anyways jokes aside I decided to go for the Lady Dior in the original size in black lambskin (not the mini or the large) with gold hardware. I love the look of silver hardware on a Lady Dior too, but for some reason  felt the black really popped out against the black and I fell in love with the look. The original a.k.a Replica Knockoff version of the bag retails for around $4,100 USD while I got mine for less than a 1/10 of that at about $400 USD.

I paid for a counter quality replica which means that the bag is as close to the real deal as possible if you have been reading the blog in the past you know I don’t like to mess around with poor fakes they are a waste of money in my opinion I am buying the bag to last as long as the original therefore I only shop for the best. The features of this specific bag that make it counter quality include the leather quality, the hardware quality, the stitching, the interior of the bag, and the overall feel of the bag. I will go into detail about all those details below:


The leather of the bag is genuine lambskin leather and I must tell you it is uber supple. Genuine lambskin leather should have a super buttery feel and the leather on this bag gets a big pass when it comes to this criteria. The leather is very comparable to the Chanel classic flap series which should also be super butter-y. If you buy a poor fake with fake leather that would ruin the whole look of this bag as the quality of the leather will be visible from a mile away.


Good quality hardware should be as heavy as the original. Some brands have lighter hardware while others have a heavier hardware. Dior is a brand that is in the middle when it comes to hardware heaviness. The charms are a bit heavier than the zipper and handles, but overall the there is a good weight to the hardware on this bag. The bag also has little pegs at the bottom to prevent it from getting dirty and also prevents the leather from getting scratched. I personally hate it when brands make bags with delicate leather like lambskin and do not include feet at the bottom (especially if you end up going for the real bag and spending 4 grand), but fortunately the Lady Dior is not one of those bags!


The stitching quality of a bag can either make or break a replica, and the case of this Lady Dior replica it makes the bag. Each square has a 9 count stitch which is on par with the authentic. Once again making a comparison to Chanel, the stitching is something that easily gives away a fake when it comes to that brand too as you notice an overly puffy classic flap. If your replica does not have a good stitch count on par with the original you don’t need to look at any other characteristics as it is bad fake period.


My last and favorite place of a replica bag I peek at in order to judge in order to assess the quality is the interior of the bag. A counter quality bag and a mediocre bag may look similar in many regards however the interior is usually what gives the bag away as fake. Most replica manufacturers use fake leather on the interior of a bag because they are cheap and trying to maximize their dollar made. I always look for a counter quality model of a bag that has real leather or original quality fabric on the interior, and in this case the Dior’s interior is made with real leather trimmings on the interior leather zipper while the actual interior is outlined with a red logo imprinted fabric.


The bag came with a strap that can be used to wear the bag on your shoulder as opposed to simply holding it.

Overall this Lady Dior replica bag is a good example of what a good replica bag should look like and what you should look for when shopping for one if you decide to go for a replica instead of a used or authentic!


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Summer ’17 Replica Haul Sneak Peak!

Hello dolls!

Hope everyone’s (almost) summer is going well! This is a brief post in which I wanted to give everyone a sneak peak of some of my recent (and AWESOME) replica bag purchases. I will be doing detailed reviews on each bag within the next couple of weeks but decided to quickly post a group shot of the haul for everyone to take a look at. My purchases include: a Louis Vuitton Keepall 40 in Damier Graphite (for my husband), a Gucci Dionysus, a Balenciaga Metallic Edge City, a Lady Dior, and a Goyard St. Louis tote. The bags are all outstanding (some a bit more than others), and I look forward to sharing more in depth reviews of each bag with you! In the mean time, let me know which review you are most looking forward to! 🙂

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Scammer Alert: Do Not Buy Replicas From Instagram Sellers

Hello all. I received an unfortunate email from a blog reader who wishes to share her story of being scammed by purchasing through social media (Instagram in this case). I have noticed that the number of blog readers interested in Instagram replica bag sellers and quite frankly there are a lot of security flags that arise with social media that make me feel very uncomfortable with even thinking of purchasing from there. Unlike a website which has a verifiable history and record, social media accounts can pop up and disappear within moments. This means you are putting yourself at the mercy of an individual who presents themselves a certain way on a free social media platform (we all know how easy it is to set up a fake social media account) and putting your money at a very high risk. I strongly suggest you do not purchase anything through social media whether it be an Replica Knockoff bag or fake bag because there is simply not enough security or reassurance. If you come across a seller with a website linking to their profile that is a different story (and of course their website still needs to be vetted). Anyways here is the contents of the email I received warning everyone to stay away from an individual named Kiran Taha Berat (shame on him) who is stealing people’s money with no remorse:

Good afternoon. I came across the beware of scammers section and Im glad I did. I was looking for Chanel Supers and came across a man named Kiran Taha Berat from Budapest Hungary. Our communications were through WhatsApp. He had me send the money through Western Union. I’ve been waiting for months. I kept getting the run around. First it was “Oh we sold the last one and are waiting to restock”. Second was “Sorry we are no longer getting that model so heres some that we carry”. When I didnt like what was being offered they said I have to wait for the new shipment. Then I was sent photos of bags I actually liked. I made my choice and was told they’d be delivered asap. A week later I asked what day he sent it to me and disnt get a response for about 3 days. After waiting about 2 months I finally said if my order wasnt shipped by Friday that I want a full refund. The following day I was blocked on the app as well as his Instagram. Now I’m out of $1070.00. Im including screenshots and you can do what you like with them. I just wanted to warn everyone and anyone. He shouldn’t be able to rob people so easily. Now I have no idea what I should do.

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Can You Spot A Fake Hermès Birkin? A Guide to Replica Knockoff vs Replica Hermès Birkin Bags

Can you tell which Birkin is fake and which one is real?

Many people are afraid to buy a fake Hermès Birkin bag, both knowingly or unknowingly. Considering these bags can run up to the $100s of thousands (especially if they are exotic leather editions) it makes sense to KNOW your Hermès before you embark upon the re-seller market to make sure you don’t get cheated by a seller. Even if you are looking for a fake it is important to know what key aspects of the bag are important to get a good knockoff vs. a piece of junk.  In this article I will be comparing my replica Hermès Birkin (which I previously reviewed here) to an Replica Knockoff Birkin in the same model. Please note that the replica being used to compare to the Replica Knockoff bag is a super fake so the quality is very high your average fake bag will not be as good! At the end of the article I will reveal which bag is fake! Put on your detective glasses and try to spot the fake to see if you know your Hermès Fake as well as you do!

  1. Slouchiness is not necessarily a sign that your bag is either fake or real!

Before I begin to go through key things to pay attention to when looking at a fake vs. real Birkin, I would like to note that you do not need to pay attention to the slouchiness of the bags. This is not a sign that will indicate whether the bag you are examining is fake or real. The bags featured both are made with Togo leather however the difference is that one bag is brand new, thus the leather is still quite stiff and so the shape of the bag is also more stiff. However as your Togo leather Birkin ages the bag naturally becomes more slouchy and this is part of the look of the Togo leather that many Hermès fans love, while some others prefer to keep the shape of the bag stiff and opt for other leathers which are better at keeping the shape! Look below at a well aged Replica Knockoff Birkin in Togo leather to see how the slouchiness tends to look. If your brand new Hermès bag’s shape is really out of whack however this is a sign that your bag is most likely fake since the bag should have a clean shape when it is new!

As you can see the leather on this bag has slouched quite a bit it is a natural part of an aging Togo leather Hermès Birkin.

2. Take a look at the stamping of the Hermès logo.

An Replica Knockoff bag’s stamp should be clean and uniform, however on fake bags the stamp usually looks unclean a.k.a spotty and irregular. Take a look at the stamps on both bags, as pictured below, to see which looks better/worse.

Which bag has better stamping?

3. Take a look at the stitching.

Hermès stitching should be done on a slant not a straight line. If you see the stitching on your bag is done in a straight manner the bag is 100% fake. This is probably the easiest thing to look at to weed out a very bad fake. Keep in mind however that if the threading is slanted, this does not mean that is 100% real, since many replica manufacturers are aware of this and stitch their bags accordingly. As you can see both bags pictured in this article feature slanted stitching.

4. Take a look at the hardware.

The font of the Hermès stamp on the hardware should be thin and elegant. If you notice a boxy or thick font the bag is definitely fake! Additionally the letters should not be too far apart on the stamping.

5. Take a look at the inside strap of the bag!

The strap’s cutout should be done nice and cleanly, and the threading should continue to be clean. Additionally you should see some numbers engraved into the inside of the strap. These refer to the production run in which the bag was produced. If there are no numbers the bag you have is definitely a fake!

6. Take a look at the leather of the bag!

The leather on a Hermès bag should be rich and feel buttery smooth especially if it is a Togo leather bag. You can use your basic instincts when judging the leather it should be smooth to the touch and feel luxurious these bags are pricey for a reason after all!

So do you think you’ve guessed it? Which bag did you think was real, and which did you think was fake? Well time for the grand reveal… the bag on the right is fake! The bag on the left is real. Did you guess right or were you confused? Well if you were confused don’t feel to bad since as I mentioned earlier the fake being compared to the original in this article is a superfake or counter quality replica which means it is the best of the best when it comes to knockoffs. It’s hard for Fake experts to judge it to be fake, let alone the average consumer! Leave a comment below letting me know how accurate your Fake skills were!


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Prada Esplanade Replica Bag Review

Hello my lovely blog readers!

I had promised to share this review back in 2016 but never got around to it. So sorry for the super long delay but here are the pictures of the amazing Prada Esplanade bag I got in two tone (white/navy blue combo). The bag is a counter quality replica as you all know by now is the best grade of replica which exists out there. The bag is a mix of calf leather/saffiano leather and I think that the leather combination works well. The bag is the super sophisticated and I think it looks bets paired with a cute little black dress on a night out. Although you could totally pull it off as a day bag as well. The Esplanade is definitely a statement bag it is not a subtle piece, but it really really stands out so if you are looking for something to give your outfit a bit of a pop or wow factor I would really suggest this Prada model. Without further ado here are pics of my bag:

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