Replica Bags

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Can You Spot a Fake Louis Vuitton Bag? Replica Knockoff vs. Replica Louis Vuitton Neverfull Comparison


One bag is a GM (the one on the left with the white background) while the other is an MM so please keep that difference in mind while reading this guide!

Louis Vuitton is and always will be one of the most wanted designer brands out there! The Neverfull bag specifically is one of their most famous bags celebs and fashionistas from all walks of life have shown their love for the bag. I personally love the Neverfull because it is one of the most functional bags in my wardrobe it is big and fits EVERYTHING! Especially if you go for the bag in its largest size the GM! This handbag review will compare an Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton Neverfull Mimosa bag to a replica version of the same bag. So can you tell off the bat which is fake? Whether your answer is yes or no scroll down below to see if you’re right!


1) Look at the canvas quality of the bag

This is a hard difference to spot between these 2 bags since the canvas quality is on point for the replica, but a bad knockoff will have a plastic-y feel to the canvas material. The canvas refers to the monogrammed brown material used for the body of the bag.


2) Look at the stitching of the bag at the sides underneath the bag

Once again the replica bag featured in this post is of a very high quality so it is hard to notice a major flaw, but make sure that the side of the bag’s stitching aligns. The shapes on the Monogram Canvas should also align on the sides of the bag. If you spot poor or spotty stitching, or stitching that is very loose quickly then you most likely have a bad fake on your hands. Looking underneath the bag is very important as many replica sellers get lazy when it comes to the bottom of a bag and cut corners on a spot they think most people don’t pay attention to so make sure you peek underneath!


3) Look inside the bag to see the quality of the lining

As mentioned before replica sellers often cut corners on areas they perceive to be less important on a bag such as the interior so make sure to look inside your potential purchase before spending any money! The interior of a Louis Vuitton neverfull is a cotton lining that is sturdy. Make sure to pay attention to the lining print and the pocket where the Louis Vuitton logo is printed. If anything looks off or the logo looks funny you may have a fake on your hands. The interior of the Replica Knockoff bag in this case has a bit of a cleaner look around the seams of the bottom however other than that the two interiors look virtually identical.


4) Look inside the bag to see the stamping

One final think you can take a look at in order to determine whether your bag is fake or real is to take a look at the stamping on the interior label of the bag (which is on the pocket on the inside). Not only should you inspect the stitching around the label but you should also look at the way the words are stamped. If you see the T’s connect in “VUITTON” or if you see poor stamping quality this may indicate you have a fake. The replica bag pictured above is of a high quality (or it can be considered a superfake) so once again it is hard to spot these issues on that specific bag.

So how did you do? Did you easily figure out which bag was the fake? Well if you haven’t by now it was the one of the right hand side of the screen (the bag with the darker pictures/non-white background). This bag is actually a very good replica (a superfake or counter quality replica) so the tips given in this article don’t necessarily apply, but most replica bags out there are not superfakes so you will be able to easily spot these flaws. I hope this guide is helpful for either a replica buyer looking to buy a copy of the Louis Vuitton neverfull handbag (so they know how to purchase a top quality bag) as well as anyone looking to buy an Replica Knockoff and wanting to make sure they don’t get duped into paying the Replica Knockoff price tag for a knockoff Louis Vuitton!  Feel free to comment below and let me know whether you’d go Replica Knockoff or fake for this Louis Vuitton Neverfull bag!

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First Look: The “Louis Vuitton Race” Cruise 2017 Series

For their 2017 Cruise lineup, Louis Vuitton has introduced the “Louis Vuitton Race” series of bags. Many iconic pieces have been animated with explosive graphic designs on printed shiny canvas to embody the spirit of the Cruise 2017 fashion show. The bold playful looks are sure to add freshness and contrast to any look. Scroll down below to take a first look at all the pieces from the “Louis Vuitton Race” series.

Louis Vuitton Race Alma BB




Size: 9.4 x 6.7 x 4.7 inches

Price: $2140 USD

Louis Vuitton Race Alma PM

Size: 12.6 x 9.4 x 5.9 inches

Price: $2680 USD

Louis Vuitton Race Speedy Bandouliere 30

Size: 11.8 x 8.3 x 6.7 inches

Price: $2510 USD

Louis Vuitton Race Speedy Bandouliere 30

Size: 11.8 x 8.3 x 6.7 inches

Price: $2510 USD

Louis Vuitton Race Neverfull MM

Size: 12.6 x 11.4 x 7.5 inches

Price: $1570 USD

Louis Vuitton Race Petite Malle

Size: 7.1 x 4.7 x 1.6 inches

Price: $5750 USD


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First Look: Supreme x Louis Vuitton

The rumored Louis Vuitton collaboration with the street-wear fashion brand Supreme was just confirmed, as the duo released a preview for their joint Autumn-Winter 2017 collection. The collection includes Louis Vuitton’s signature Keepall duffel bag, the Christopher backpack, gloves, belts, shoes, Iphone cases, and a selection of pouches and waist bags. It is believed that the collection will be released on July 17th at select Louis Vuitton stores. Scroll down to take a first look at the collection that is sure to be a smash hit in the photos below.

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Purse 411: Are Chanel Handbags Made With Real Gold Hardware?

Chanel is one of those iconic brands that is on the wishlist of pretty much every handbag lover out there. One oft asked question about the brand is whether Chanel handbags are made with real gold hardware?

Well the answer to this question is both yes and no. Yes because vintage Chanel bags were indeed made with real 24k gold hardware. However around 2008 Chanel stopped making their bags with real 24k gold plated hardware, and instead started to produce their bags with non-real gold toned hardware. This distinction is important to keep in mind when shopping for a Chanel bag, since it is easy to get confused especially if you are a first time Chanel shopper.

If you are shopping for vintage Chanel bags (a.k.a anything made pre-2008) it is important to make sure the hardware is in fact 24k gold plated. One key difference you will easily notice between vintage and newer Chanel bag productions is the hardware on the vintage models has a deeper golden look to it (due to the 24k gold plating), and the color does not wear off as easily as the newer bags produced with gold tone hardware. We believe this makes a vintage Chanel bag a great choice for a first purchase as the sheen of the real 24k gold plated hardware really adds an extra touch of luxury to the bag.

In general however, regardless of whether you purchase a new Chanel bag or a vintage model, you will not regret your investment. Chanel’s prices continue to climb higher year after year, making it hard to regret buying one!

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Girl Crush: Gigi Hadid’s Designer Bags

I’m sure you’ve all seen the Hadid sisters (Bella Gigi) all over social media, and I have to say I am a fan of their exotic looks! But I’m even more so a fan of their beautiful designer bags they carry around while looking stunning in the process of doing so. Below I’ve put together some of my favorite bags that Gigi’s been spotted wearing. Take a look and let me know what you think of her bags in the comments below!


Love Gigi’s Prada Saffiano tote here!


What do you think of the feather pom pom accessory? I personally love it especially when it’s been paired with a croc YSL bag like here.


I love this YSL shoulder bag! It is on my 2017 wishlist!


Hermes can do nobody any wrong. Love the vibrant blue color pictured right especially.


Marc Jacobs is a great brand because it is more affordable as an Replica Knockoff bag, and this particular model is beautiful!


I’ve always been a fan of the Proenza Schouler PS1, and Gigi is rocking it hard here!

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