Replica Bags

Welcome to my world of designer handbags! Whether you have a deep passion for replica bags or seeking inspiration and guidance for your next purchase, my blog will provide you with comprehensive and expert reviews and information. Review: Yves Saint Laurent (YSL) Cassandre Tassel Chain Replica Bag


Ok so I really don’t know who hasn’t seen photos of the YSL Cassandre Tassel Chain bag floating around on social media by now, and totally fallen in love with the bag. I personally have had this bag on my mind for about a year and a half but never really got around to taking the initiative to purchase it until the end of this very summer that just slipped by us. I LOVE the va-va-voom style of the bag. I personally think the YSL Cassandre is a bag you carry when you want to stand out, not when you want to blend in. I have seen a couple of people carry the bag in person and it just has this magnetic pull (for me at least) which usually leaves me wanting the bag that second at any cost. As you all read in my previous review about the Chloe Hudson bag.I had a mini haul from Designer Discreet this summer I never got around to properly reviewing for you all, but I finally found some spare time to put it up!

This Yves Saint Laurent bag is a superb replica I mean I could go on talking about it but I really feel like for both the YSL and Chloe bag the photos speak best for themselves. Both bags are basically perfectly crafted and as an experienced replica shopper (I guess I can call myself that … I have been doing this for over 7 years :-P) I really am finding it hard to find any flaws with them. Of course there’s things like date codes, but I’m not trying to resell the bags as originals (which is completely unethical in my opinion) so I could really care less.

A lot of YSL chain bags I see are in a soft calfskin leather but I decided to opt for something a little more glamorous which was the coated leather. I love the coated leather because I find it harder to scratch or dent than smooth calfskin, and we all know that on a night out having to worry about keeping your bag pristine is not ideal. I went for black not surprising to any reader who understand my favorite color palette a.k.a neutrals. Overall I am very pleased with the bag and love the contrast between the black and gold hardware. I’ve posted many photos of the bag to follow which you can take a glimpse at, and let me know what you think in the comments!



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10 Ways to Tell if Your Chanel Bag is Fake (Real vs. Fake Comparison)

They say “hell hath no fury like a woman scorned” but we say “hell hath no fury like a woman who just found out her bag is fake”. Perhaps it’s a bit of an exaggeration but we all can imagine the gut wrenching feeling of purchasing your dream Chanel bag only to find out it is a knockoff. Read our 10 key tips below to help authenticate your Chanel bag below.

1. Look at the leather!

Chanel bags are famous for the quality of their leather. Whether it be buttery smooth lambskin or pebbled caviar leather, the quality should be top notch. The same goes for their bags made with fabrics like tweed. Basically if the quality of the leather or fabric seems off it may be possible your bag is fake, especially if you purchased it as a gently used or new bag.

2. Look at the stitch count!

If your bag is an Replica Knockoff Chanel it should have more than 10 stitches per inch. This is considered a high stitch count, and anything below this usually indicates the bag is fake. Replica manufacturers do not usually put the same care into crafting the bag as their Replica Knockoff counterparts do, and in the case of Chanel specifically a low stitch count makes the bag look “puffier”. So grab your bag and start counting the stitches!

3. Look at the chain strap!

If all else seems good, the chain strap is usually what can best be used to differentiate between real and fake. The stitching on an Replica Knockoff Chanel bag should be seamlessly done. There should not be any pieces of leather that stick out or look disfigured. Once again replica manufacturers usually do not put in as much care into their bags, so the leather in straps are often sewn unevenly and they look messy.

4. Look at the quilting!

The quilted pattern on a Chanel bag should remain consistent on the front and back. If you notice your quilting is not cohesive or all over the place you may have a fake.

5. Look at the lining!

As we have mentioned previously in other Fake guides, the interior of the bag is where replicas really dip in quality. Replica Knockoff Chanel bags have a leather interior so make sure it does not feel plastic-y and also make sure the lining fits perfectly inside the bag without bulging. The lining should not be loose and easily detach from the bag if it is real.

6. Look at the stamping!

Always make sure that the color of the stamping on the interior (where it says CHANEL) matches that of the hardware. If they are mismatched you definitely have a fake bag on your hands.

7. Look at the structure of the bag!

Replica Knockoff Chanel handbags are manufactured to be sturdy and have the ability to stand up straight. Make sure your bag seems well structured. Remember after all that Chanel puts a lot of time and effort into making sure they make high quality pieces which will last for years on end.

8. Look at the serial number!

Every Chanel bag should come with an Fake card (it looks and feels like a credit card) that contains a serial number which should match that of the hologram sticker placed within the bag. You can check both the card and sticker to make sure the numbers match. If your Fake card is giving off a rainbow-ish glow this means it is 100% fake. Please be aware that not all fake Fake cards necessarily have this effect, as replica manufacturers are becoming better at what they do.

9. Look at the CC lock!

The CC lock is one of the easiest things to look at to help authenticate your bag. Remember that the right C should always overlap on top and the left C should always overlap on the bottom. If your bag does not have a CC lock that overlaps this way it is 100% fake. The hardware on Replica Knockoff bags also tend to be flatter at the edges whereas the hardware on replicas tend to have rounded edges.

10. Look at the dust bag!

If you receive a black dustbag with your purse make sure that the Chanel logo is printed using the proper font on the front of the bag. The logo should be centred as well. If the font seems off then it is likely the bag is fake.

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Celine Nano Luggage Bag from Review/ Comparison (in pics)!

Hello everyone! Sorry for being so M.I.A I’ve had a really busy summer so far and had very little time to update the blog. Anyhow I am back now and boy oh boy do I have a great summer haul to share. My latest purchases include a Hermes 25cm Birkin, some Chanel, Chloe, Prada, and Celine (which is being featured in this article!). I will be updating the blog with all my reviews in the upcoming days and am super excited to share how awesome my latest replica purchases are.

So let’s begin with my latest Celine nano I bought a tricolor nano from Counter Lux (their latest link is at I was trying to be more “fun” so instead of getting a solid bag which is my usual preference I got the combination of olive/cream/black which is still quite neutral however the mixup of colors is enough for the bag to be considered “fun” in my books. Without further hesitation here is a pic of the bag:

perfect celine nano review real vs fake replica vs Replica Knockoff 

I really LOVE the color combination on this bag. I have noticed a fair amount of improvements in the quality of the Celine Nano since the last time I purchase my black nano from Perfect Celine, including better stitching, form, sturdiness, and weight in terms of the hardware. The hardware on my old Celine nano (black) is much lighter in comparison to the new hardware and the new hardware just has a better look and feel overall. The bag is also a million times better than my first Celine replica which I had purchased a long time ago which looks utterly terrible when placed side by side with the new bag. I have taken pictures of all the bags side by side for you to feast your eyes on. So go ahead and take a look below:

celine bag strap close up #celine #nano #tricolor #Replica Knockoff 
#real #fake #replica

The new hardware is phenomenal!

celine bag strap hardware #celine #nano #tricolor #Replica Knockoff 
#real #fake #replica

When you hold up the hardware it is nice and heavy!

celine nano side by side comparison #celine #nano #tricolor #Replica Knockoff 
#real #fake #replica

This is my really old Celine (bought a couple of years ago) vs. my latest Celine. You can see a very shiny leather that looks kind plastic-y on the old bag, but the new leather is more matte and luxe.

back of celine nano bag #celine #nano #tricolor #Replica Knockoff 
#real #fake #replica

A closeup on the back of the bag!

celine closeup nano bag #celine #nano #tricolor #Replica Knockoff 
#real #fake #replica

A close up of the details on the front of the bag!

#celine celine strap Replica Knockoff 
fake replacement

This is how the strap came packaged.

inside #celine #nano

A plastic air pack was included inside to help keep the form during shipping.

#celine #nano #tricolor #Replica Knockoff 
#real #fake #replica

A pic of the bottom of the bag!

#celine #nano #replica #authentic

Look how cheap my first Celine replica looks I am glad I have come far from my first days of buying bad bags!

celine luggage bag collection black tricolor nano Replica Knockoff 

All 3 bags pictured side by side. It goes from worst quality (left side) to best (right side).

tricolor celine nano luggage bag

Close up of the logo/handles.

black celine nano luggage bag

This was my second replica Celine bag I purchased from Perfect Celine which was good but not as good as my latest bag from Counterlux!

perfect celine nano review real vs fake replica vs authentic

Another side by side shot of the worst bag (left) vs. the best one (right). Pay attention to the logo printing it looks unusually large and bold on the bag on the left.

perfect celine nano review real vs fake replica vs Replica Knockoff 

My little Celine collection!


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Louis Vuitton New Neverfull Monogram Replica Review (Email Submission)

The Neverfull bag from Louis Vuitton has undergone a bit of a cosmetic makeover within the last year and the change is in my opinion for the better. What are the key changes in the bag? Well this is how most of us are used to the Neverfull looking:

old monogram canvas neverfull

The old bag featured a big pocket inside the bag and fleurs within the lining. The font was more cursive as well. What’s changed? Well there are 2 key changes. One the interior lining of the bag does not feature any fleurs (a.k.a flowers) anymore and instead the lining is simply solid straight lines featuring a more blocky-font vs. the previously cursive one. Additionally there is a detachable pouch with the bag and no interior pocket any longer!

I love this change as I have an old Neverfull myself and found the pocket by itself slightly annoying to use, and think the pouch would be much much more functional as you can easily pull it out and then hook it bag into the bag. In my world at least anything that makes life easier = better. A kind blog reader named Elle has sent in a review of a replica of the new Neverfull in monogram canvas she received from Designer Discreet! This is what Elle had to share:

Hi Angie,

Thanks so much for your blog! I’ve learned so much! Here are pictures of my LV Neo Neverfull MM that arrived yesterday. I purchased through DD. I am happy with the experience, although slow, they delivered what they promised. The bag is beautiful in my opinion and I am happy. The only fault, is the seam on the leather band around the cinch straps is sewn facing to the left. I believe it should be facing the right. Let me know your thoughts please! Thanks!


Here are the photos she added in the email (which look fantastic I have added the new Neverfull to my personal wishlist as soon as I saw the photos!):


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Replica Bags on IOFFER How NOT to Buy Replicas from Them!

Hi y’all.

I received an email review from a lovely blog reader named Helen who had her first replica shopping experience on IOFFER and let’s just say it didn’t turn out pretty. Helen is a novice shopper and this was the first time she ever bought a fake or replica bag. At first she was impressed with her replicas when she got them even going as so far as to recommend IOFFER to other readers on the blog. But a few months in things started to fall apart literally her bag and wallet turned out to be replica duds and Helen has some words of wisdom to share with her fellow replica shoppers (including you and I) out there! Here is what she had to say (with photos to follow):

I paid $50 for the bag and $10 for the wallet, in this case I got what I paid for.  This is the epitome of what a fake really looks like. Made out of cheap smelly material. I don’t remember where I answered someone’s question about wanting help in finding a good site to buy a good quality LV bag and I answered by recommending ioffer. Big mistake I take back my recommendation in purchasing women’s LV bags from this site. I’m hoping the question was from your blog and if so I hope she reads this comment.

Helen followed up with a second email to send me photos and had this to add on:

Hi Angie,

I am going to start all over and send you 13 photos again because I don’t know which ones you received and which ones you didn’t and last time I did it through my phone but this time I’m going to send it through my computer which will be better in sending photos.

I had bought several LV bags from ioffer but from 2 different sellers. The photos I am sending you the LV Metis and the double zipper wallet are both from seller: “gagamall”. I had also bought men’s wallet and the set of 4 cosmetic bags from this seller but those weren’t too bad for the money spent. I had also bought another LV Neo bag from a different seller from ioffer but haven’t gotten that bag yet but from this experience not going to expect a good quality bag I’ll let you know how it turns out as soon as I get it. Even though there are allot of different sellers on ioffer, I think they are all using the same stock photos from someplace other than their own photos. In other words the photos you see of all LV bags are fake on ioffer.

bad fake louis vuitton replica review ioffer 4bad fake louis vuitton replica review ioffer tagbad fake louis vuitton replica review ioffer 3

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