Replica Bags

Welcome to my world of designer handbags! Whether you have a deep passion for replica bags or seeking inspiration and guidance for your next purchase, my blog will provide you with comprehensive and expert reviews and information. Review/Warning (Reader Email Submission)

Hello everyone!

I’ve been sharing a few email reviews throughout the past few days and I have a few more to add which have been shared by generous blog readers. This review was emailed to me by a reader name Rochelle. She shopped at  which seems to specialize in selling fake or replica Chanel handbags, and was not too happy with the experience. We all know buying Chanel replicas is about 10x more hard than buying your average replica since Chanel is very stern and keeps shutting down any replica sellers and that means there are many more scammers out there for this brand. Anyways here is the review I received:

Hi pursequeen I just found your blog and wanted to share an experience. I shopped with because even though I have a real flap bag already (in caviar) I wanted a lambskin and can’t really afford the real thing right now due to a tight budget. I stumbled upon and with all of the positivity on their  site I was encouraged to try them out but boy oh boy do I regret my stupidity now. The ordering process was ok, no complaints there. My problem was when the package arrived I was SO disappointed because the purse (classic flap jumbo) had a quilting pattern was very off making it extremely visibly fake! The bag looked nothing like what they advertise on their site and the flaws are very noticeable to the naked eye. The ‘CC’ on the inside of the bag was also wierdly done. Threading was coming loose and there was glue and a huge scratch on the inside. VERY POOR QUALITY for what I paid!!!! The leather of the bag just screamed fake and cheap! When I tried to rectify the situation since the website claims “90 day return policy”but I have not received a response in 1 month since submitting this request. Definitely not a great company. I tried to post a few negative reviews on their site and guess what — they have to be “approved” so I guarantee you they are only posting positive reviews which is why you only see the good on their site. My sister Natalie visited Mandy’s blog for Chanel and she bought one from the site they recommended which is 1 million times better than what I got from chanelpurses … they should really just change their name to Chanel garbage. Really wish I had listened to her advice and just bought from there.

I hope nobody else falls for their tricks as I feel scammed and I thought I was a smart shopper. I will send photos once I am home from work.

It seems as if Rochelle fell for the classic replica trick: seller’s showing a certain set of photos and then sending a poor product that looks totally different. Thanks for sending in the review Rochelle, and if anyone else has had any experiences (good or bad) purchasing from this site please share below with the rest of us!

UPDATE: I got another bad review through email at the end of last month (August 2018). For the sake of your own sanity please do not consider shopping with them! Here is the original email I received:

I sent CHANELPURSESRU a Western Union of $850 dollars (four) purses over five weeks ago, lots of emails about it being sent already, then a tracking number that did not exist. I feel pretty stupid and wish I had checked your site before buying.  Still have not received the purses and am pretty sure I never will.  The only reason I believed they were legitimate was they send me a copy of a DHS tracking invoice from June with a name on it and I tracked the person down and talked to her and she said she got her bag and loved it.  Did this company used to exist and now a scamer has taken over the website??  What else do you know about this website.  Is there any way for me to report them except to you?  Is there any way you could call me?

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Another Disappointed Customer From (Email Review)

Hey guys I got this email recently and wanted to share with everyone another disappointed customer from Pursevalley. They advertise everywhere so it is hard for people not to see them when buying replicas or thinking of buying replicas but the more we can spread the word about their shady business the better. Here is the email I received with photos to follow:

Dear pursequeen,

I have order from pursevalley 2 order one speedy 40 and another keypall 55. First the package took so long before they ship out. Second when package arrive was a mess damage broken. But I was  took a picture before event sign the name to mail man. Package was wet and broken ripped all over I couldnt event identified if this was worst money almost $800. Then I get in to the phone right away call their customer service and notify them with photo and complain. Then I didnt event touch or open the package bjt I have send another email to customer service and told them however what should I do because package was bad and anxious to open it. They told me to go ahead to open it. I did but I actually have my sister taking photo as the same time of opend the package.  After open the first package tthe item speedy monogram 40 I notice the hardwear look very cheap. The gold bass hardwear was none weight  material itself very light no weight look like PVC not letter like They discript. Opening to chheck inside is worst more shoulder straps was misskng the keys lock was missing. I only got carecard in an envelope that all accessories I got. I have own Replica Knockoff speedy and I know this was bad quality replica comparer to the price they charge. All hardwear gold bass was cheap cheap.
Second package is keypall 55 after began open package the item was ok the letter and quality of material was exceptible the bass gold hardwear was exception and have much weight on it. But buy comparer between speedy hardwear totally different material side by side by far I can tell. Then start to open inside the item I was very mad cause all accessories that suppose to come with this luggage was missing. No shoulder straps no key lock but funny I got little box that first I was assuming will be the box for the key lock. Open it little box was empty only 2 keys no Lock key. No Name padlock card  to attach with luggage. None of accessories didnt come with item. I only got care card and 2 keys but none lock key.
After found your Blog and began to read the review comments I very upset cause I know I will never be able to return the item and I will lose my money. That was bad. Please help kmed lead to an honestly trust worst website replica LV purse that hight quality and very reputation small price and good quality.
I have attach some photo to you as well. By the way please let me know what the best solution. And what your opinions of this 2 items.
Thank you.
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The Truth About Buying Replica Bags


I recently received an email from a blog reader that said,

Hello! I bought my first replica from Purse Valley because the pictures they posted on their website looked pretty good, and it looked like they have a decent return policy, but when I received my Prada double bag bag, I could immediately tell that it was fake. The label was crooked, and both the zippers started malfunctioning within a month. They gave me two options: I have to pay $70 in shipping fees to return or exchange the item or accepting a $80 credit and a zipper, I chose the latter.

I am certainly not surprised about the comment about Pursevalley (if anyone has read anything on this blog about them they will know they sell garbage), but after reading this email I feel compelled to share some general, plain, factual, and really important truths about buying replicas and the replica market in general. Firstly when you are shopping for replicas please keep in mind that 99% of the replica market sells junk. By junk I mean super cheaply manufactured bags that put the fake in fake. In other words these are bags that should have never been made in that they are utter junk. Most people are starstruck when it comes to buying replicas so they do not pause to think about quality and go for the first good deal they spot this is the wrong way to shop for replicas and a surefire way to end up with a junky bag you’ll be embarrassed to take out of your closet. It has personally taken me about 7 years before I became very good at buying replica bags without getting ripped off by paying for something which would end up in the trash bin as soon as it arrived. 7 years is a long time and it shows you how hard it is to navigate the replica market. Now you might think, “Angie is crazy” and “it is not that hard to find a good seller” but my checklist for a good seller goes beyond finding a bay that generally resembles a good fake. I look at the leather weight, stitching details, hardware etc. and these things factor heavily into my replica purchases because I want a bag that will last as long as the real thing. There are many brands out there that have copies of specific models that are the perfect dupe for an original (e.g. Chanel, LV etc.) and I have seen these with my own eyes but finding them online is like navigating a minefield. That is why I was inspired to begin this blog.

Basically I want to encourage any shopper to be extremely vigilant and you can end up with a good bag with patience and research!

I also really encourage you guys to send any reviews with photos to me at as the more information we can share with one another, the better shoppers we can become!


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Louis Vuitton Trocadero Handbag in Empreinte Replica Review

louis vuitton empreinte Trocadero replica Replica Knockoff 

Hello everyone! Hope February is rolling well for y’all. I started a Louis Vuitton replica bag haul series of posts last month but due to life getting in the way I was never able to finish posting my last review for the Trocadero handbag which I totally LOVE and is my go to bag for work right now. It is a very structured bag that has a lot of room inside for documents and laptops making it amazing for work if you handle a lot of papers! It is one of Louis Vuitton’s new creations so you most likely haven’t heard of it or seen it as much but then again the empreinte line is generally a rarer sight on the streets compared to the classic Monogram canvas looks! But at the same time it does not compromise my inner fashionista’s needs and gives me that super chic style vibe that Louis Vuitton’s empreinte range generally exudes in my opinion at least. Anyways I got this bag from Counterlux as well the same place I bought my Babylone PM. This bag is also on my 10/10 replica list meaning the bag is pretty much a perfect dupe and lacks all those usual nitpicky things that are wrong with replicas and I have become very good at picking apart over the years.

I went with the taupe color because I am obsessed with neutrals they are super safe and just work with my overall style which is also generally to stick with safe colors (I know I’m kind of boring but oh well). If you are looking for more loud colors I would totally suggest the Aurore it looks lovely and in retrospect I kind of wish I went for that color instead, but hey since it’s a replica I always have the option to buy a second if I wish since I am paying significantly less than the $2,880 USD sticker price shown on the Louis Vuitton website. I will let the photos speak for themselves in the rest of this post. Let me know what you think in the comments below!

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Louis Vuitton Babylone PM Mahina Leather Replica Review

louis vuitton babylone pm mahina replica authentic

Ok so it is time for me to officially share my FAVORITE and most stunning replica Louis Vuitton bag purchase this month. As you all may already know I previously shared that I kinda went all out on LV bags this month and I have saved the best for last in terms of reviews what is it? It is the Louis Vuitton Babylone PM in Mahina leather. I have always been a fan of the Mahina leather but last time I tried to purchase a Selene replica (totally love that model too) but the leather was way too overly plastic-y and the bag was totally off, and left me feeling like a compete faker carrying it. So surely enough that bag hardly saw any light of day and I dropped it off to a thrift store about 2 years ago, and that was the end of that.

Ever since then I have always thought that Mahina leather was something replica sellers would never perfect and I would simply be stuck dropping money on an Replica Knockoff one from a Louis Vuitton boutique. The Babylone PM costs a pretty penny at the LV store coming in at $4,100.00 USD. Back when I was totally into buying authentics I would usually do a bag two times a year one for my birthday and one for Christmas. With prices like this you can totally understand why! Anyways when I first saw the Babylone PM on Counterlux I was like OMG I have to have it. But then memories of the Selene crept back to me and I realized maybe this bag is simply too good to be true even though the pictures on the site showcased the depth of the leather pretty well. After emailing back and forth with the site’s customer service I decided to take the plunge and order this model (unfortunately DD did not have this one in their catalog which is where I got my other LV bags this month from). Why do I love the Mahina leather series so much? Well I think it is so sophisticated, dare I say even more so than the canvas series because the LV logo is not as prominent and so much more subtle!

The bag took about two weeks to arrive to my apartment, and once I opened up the parcel I was in total disbelief and beyond happy in how good replicas have become! I mean if you could see and feel the leather of this bag in person you would be in awe as well. I have taken some photos of the bag and done my best to try and showcase the quality below! As far as replica Louis Vuitton bags, and replica bags in general go this bag is a 10/10 when you take into consideration everything including the hardware, leather etc. These are the kind of replica bags that get returned to the boutiques and dupe sales associates! Take a look at my pics (although note my camera went weird causing different looking shades in some pics) and let me know what you think in the comments

babylone pm mahina replica Replica Knockoff 
7louis vuitton hardware babylone pm mahina leather Replica Knockoff 
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