Replica Bags

Welcome to my world of designer handbags! Whether you have a deep passion for replica bags or seeking inspiration and guidance for your next purchase, my blog will provide you with comprehensive and expert reviews and information.

The Art of Buying a Replica Handbag

prada handbag saffiano comparison fake vs real black

An AAA replica of a Prada Saffiano double zip tote and a counter quality version. The AAA was one of the first AAA replicas I bought and boy was the quality bad!

Replica handbags are oh so alluring. The idea of saving thousands while dropping only hundreds for a perfect copy of THAT bag you just saw in THAT designer boutique is enough to make anyone drool, myself included. However you shouldn’t think it is just that simple to purchase a replica. After shopping for replica for over 8 years (began of course when I was a not so wealthy teenager) myself I have realized there is an art to it just as there is as an art to anything else. You don’t just do a quick google search for “replica handbag” and purchase on the first website that pops up when it comes to replicas since there is a lot of investigation necessary to make sure the website you want to purchase from is legit and is not a scam that will rip you off!

First of all if you are going to purchase a replica handbag there is one thing I have realized throughout the years: you must be willing to take a risk. Yes purchasing replica handbags is very much like a game of Russian roulette; you can either get lucky or you can bite the bullet! For example many of the good sellers I have found only accept payment through money orders such as Western Union and although at first this frightened me greatly since I risked basically losing all of my money, I have grown quite comfortable with the process over time I just always make sure to vet any seller/company before I actually send my payments through to avoid being scammed. The way I personally see it however is that after a few bullets you will get lucky and find a trustworthy seller or few who you can stick with and will take care of you! At least that is how it has worked out for me, although I am always open to finding better sellers who have more precise quality and work with better materials.

Another part of the art is to be able to recognize quality! This once again does come back to the trust between yourself and the seller however there are a lot of other factors which come into play as well! The most basic thing you can do is to check what quality the seller is advertising for their bags. There are several tiers of handbag qualities when it comes to replicas which include the A grade replicas which range from disgusting bags which scream 100% fake upon first glance, to bags which may have the form down but lack the quality in terms of materials. I personally stay away from any bags labelled AAA, AAA+, AAAA etc. since they usually equate to junk.

For myself personally when I am shopping for an item whether it be replica or Replica Knockoff I like to make sure I get the cream of the crop; just because you are buying a knockoff does not mean you have to buy one that screams fake. The quality of bags that I personally purchase are strictly one to one or counter quality as they are called in Asia. The counter quality bags are considered bags which are good enough to be placed on the counter at Celine, Louis Vuitton, Prada etc. so those are the handbags you should aim for if you are after a replica or knockoff! Anything less and you will be feeling queasy, that is if you have any experiences with the Replica Knockoff bags.

If you have never purchased a real designer handbag before the AAA might seem like amazing quality but once you get your hands on an Replica Knockoff bag you will be able to see what you are missing out on, and you’ll never be able to look at the bag you just purchased in the same way. My first time I ever got tricked into buying an AAA purse was when I shopped on Ioffer a few year ago and I purchased a Prada Saffiano. The bag was adorable to me at the time, but once I stopped by the Prada boutique to see the Saffianos in person I was heartbroken as I realized I had spent so much money on a piece of absolute junk! Luckily I found a seller later on who sells amazing Prada’s and I will post a comparison between the two handbags for everyone to get a glance at the quality in depth. Overall as you may have realized by now purchasing replicas can be very rewarding (I’d like a single person who wouldn’t like to save thousands monthly especially if they are a fashionista like myself to comment below) but you just need to make sure you know the art of buying one well!


Another quality comparison between two Celine bags I have purchased. One is an AAA while the other is a counter quality the difference is in the details even though both look similar from afar. If you are a detail oriented person it is always better to go for the counter quality bags as you most likely like myself don’t want anyone to think your bag is fake!

If you are looking for guidance feel free to screen through the reviews submitted by blog readers and myself posted on this website as a tool to help you!

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!


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7 Ways to Tell if Your Prada Saffiano Bag is Fake! (Real vs. Fake Comparison)

Prada, like most other designers, is plagued with the issue of fake or replica bags selling as the real deal. We’ve put together seven key tips to look for when looking to authenticate your Prada bag to make sure it’s not a knockoff!


1.Look at the stitching!

Replica Knockoff Prada bags have their stitching done at an angle. The stitching on Replica Knockoff bags is also done with a thick thread. Most fake bags will use a flimsier thread and the stitching will usually be done straight. The stitching should also be singular and not double backed. Looking at these details requires a sharp eye and a magnifying glass in many instances as they are very easy to miss.


2. Look at the feet of the bag!

If your Prada bag comes with studs at the bottom (remember: not all Prada’s necessarily do), you will want to pay attention to the engraving on the studs. The word PRADA should be printed on the studs in the same font as used on the front of the bag. Replica manufacturers usually use a font that is off, or the printing is not done as crisply as the Replica Knockoff counterpart’s.


3. Look at the leather!

The Prada Saffiano leather is a distinctive calf leather that is cross hatched. This calf leather is of the highest quality and the cross hatching on the bag is produced by a process in which the print is pressed onto the leather which is meant to coat the bag. Replica manufacturers may use real calf leather however they are usually not able to replicate the cross hatch design as accurately. This detail may seem minute but the photo below makes its importance clear.


4. Look at the logo!

Most fake Prada bags miss the curve on the letter “R” in the Prada logo. This is one of easiest ways to spot a fake Prada as you can simply compare the logo on your bag to to that of an original, or simply pull up the logo on the internet to see if it matches. The engravings on the logo should also be printed crisply and should present themselves as easy to read. The spacing between the letters is also important as many fake bags have crooked or uneven lettering which is a telltale sign of a fake.


5. Look at the lining!

Replica Knockoff Prada bags almost always have a signature lining that repeats the name of the brand continuously. Most fake bags have a similar lining however leave out the name of the brand. This is a really easy and quick way to spot whether your bag is a fake or not.


6. Look at the dustbag!

Replica Knockoff Prada bags come with a dustbag that is white in color and has the Prada logo printed on the front. If your dustbag is not white or has something else other than the simple Prada logo printed on it, your bag may be a fake!


7. Look at the authenticity cards!

The authenticity card for an Replica Knockoff Prada bag usually comes sealed inside of a small envelope, which is usually black in color. The card contained in the envelope should have a serial number written on it that matches the serial number on the inside of the bag. If these two numbers do not match the bag is most likely a fake.

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Spot Replica Louis Vuitton Bags: Replica Knockoff vs. Replica Monogram Totally Buying Guide

Replica Knockoff 
vs replica louis vuitton totally fake vs real lv1

Pictured is the Louis Vuitton replica bag I will be comparing to the Replica Knockoff model. Please keep in mind there is a size difference between the two as one is a PM, while the other is an MM. Can you guess which is the fake handbag and which is the real?

I have compiled pictures to compare my replica Louis Vuitton Totally MM bag in monogram canvas to an original (albeit used) for resale on Fashionphile. I purchased my handbag for approximately $279 USD with free shipping included (from Designer Discreet) over 2 years ago while the handbag on Fashionophile is listed for resale at $1,150 USD. The bag’s condition is listed as:

Item Condition: Preowned Very Good

Exterior: patina of vachetta, wear on piping trim, light corner wear, light surface wear

Handle: patina, surface wear, small marks, light water marks, light scratches

Interior: small minor marks on main section, ink marks and wear in side panel pockets

Hardware: scratches

I have really used and abused my replica Totally MM bag as I have taken it on several vacations where it has primarily served as a beach bag and has bared more than its fare share of the brunt of my travels (I am not sure about you guys but I tend to be very careless on vacations and so I never take any Replica Knockoff purses with me!). Anyways the bag has held up very well considering all of the abuse it has gone through under my care and the patina has shaped out quite nicely as well. I  hope this post helps those who are looking to buy an Replica Knockoff purse avoid getting a fake in its place as we all know Ebay and the online world are generally quite notorious for that, and even our most favorite of consignment shops can slip in a fake here or there (these services are run by humans after all)! Take a look at the photographs before to picture the differences between the Replica Knockoff vs. replica Louis Vuitton Totally MM, and let me know whether you’d go fake or real in the comments below for this particular Louis Vuitton! I would personally go for the fake as the differences are really nonexistent between the two as shown by the photos!

fashionphile louis vuitton totally mm monogram canvas genuine authentic

This is the Fashionphile listing for the Replica Knockoff purse. The handbag is selling for $1,150 USD + free domestic shipping within the United States. The bag is alright overall in terms of condition based on the photographs but definitely looks used.

Replica Knockoff 
vs replica louis vuitton totally fake vs real lv comparison

Starting with a sideshot of the handbag the differences are not very pronounced between the two. The only key difference that shows through some replicas is the stitching which is not to bad on this replica bag.

Replica Knockoff 
vs replica louis vuitton totally fake vs real lv comparison bottom of bag

louis vuitton totally mm bottom

The bottoms of both the bags are identical except for which pattern falls to the centre where the stitch occurs. This is where the size difference’s importance comes in as the bag on the right (the authentic) is a PM which is a smaller size so the stitch pattern falls at a different placed. If you take a look at the Replica Knockoff Totally MM I have pictured below the comparison photo you will notice that the alignment is the same as the replica as both have the Logo cut through and the stitch occur between the two.

Replica Knockoff 
vs replica louis vuitton totally fake vs real lv comparison tag

The tags of both the replica bag and the Replica Knockoff bag are not too far off. Louis Vuitton’s fonts have been known to variate slightly throughout the years so the two are quite comparable. The color of the thread on the tag of the Replica Knockoff purse (pictured right) is less vibrant and more dull compared to the replica and the stitching is a bit more well done I will say. In person however this difference is quite negligible as I have walked into the Louis Vuitton store many times with my replica handbag on pictured on the left.  Replica Knockoff 
vs replica louis vuitton totally fake vs real lv comparison inside of the bag

Last but not leas is the interior of both handbags which is virtually the same (the lighting variance on both photos may make both look a bit different but I have compared the interior to my Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton handbags and it is not too far off.

Overall the canvas of the handbags are the same which I will say is one of the most important qualities you should be on the watch for if you are looking to purchase a replica Louis Vuitton bag as it is the biggest giveaway. If the replica manufacturers improve the stitching of the bag to a finer degree I personally believe it will be extremely difficult to tell between the two purses at all as that I will say is what can really separate the two when it comes to the nitty gritty details. Other than that however it is very hard for the average Joe or Jane to decipher between the two! Once again let me know what you think in the comments below!

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!

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Celine Nano from Perfect Celine Review!



Perfect Celine seemed to consistently come up as one of the most recommended replica sites to buy a Celine bag from so I took the dive and went for a nano in black of course (my safe color). I usually like to buy replica bags in black just because I know a) they can’t screw it up, and b) I tend to be a neutral clothing wearer. Their website got shut down for some reason or another, I didn’t really inquire, but I heard they were accepting orders through email so I sent them an email and got an auto response and a link to their catalog (they have shut down now but you can email the owner at

I spoke to a representative named Luna paid through Western Union which I was initially thought was questionable, but really wanted a Celine so I thought it would be worth the risk if it worked out (replica shopping is kind of like gambling or playing poker in that way you spend some and you get an amazing return or alternatively you can get nil; the more skilled you are the more better of a return you get). Anyways all in all they sent my tracking number in 4 days, and the bag took a week and half to get here. I am very happy with the quality and have added the pictures below for everyone to take a look. Definitely a good buy, and I will be going back to a Trapeze too as I love the structure of that bag as well.

celine-nano-smooth-leather-black-straps celine-nano-straps tags-celine-nano-boutique celine-nano-box.-packaging-authenticinside-celine-nano-suede-leather stuffing-protection-celine-nano-bag top-zipper-celine-nano-luggage-bag-authentic celine-logo-closeup-luggage-nano-bag celine-nano-pocket-zipper-gold-black-authentic bottom-of-celine-nano-black back-of-a-celine-nano-bag-authentic perfect-celine-nano-black-leather-beautiful celine-nano-luggage-black-mini-micro-authentic-replica celine-nano-luggage-black-smooth-2 celine-nano-luggage-tags-authentic celine-dustbag-packaging-authentic-boutique

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10 Ways to Tell if Your Louis Vuitton is Fake (Real vs. Fake Comparison)

So you’ve snagged yourself a Louis Vuitton bag and something feels a little off, making you wonder whether what you have is the real deal or not. Well we’ve put together a list of 10 key things to look at (with pictures to accompany) in order to help you determine the authenticity of your handbag!


1.Look at the stitching!

The stitching on an Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton bag should be crisp and clean. If you are noticing any careless or wayward stitching these are potential red flags. Also pay attention to the stitch count. The higher the SPI (which refers to the # of stitches per inch) the more likely your bag is Replica Knockoff as Louis Vuitton manufactures their bags using a high SPI count. Repli manufactures do not usually put in the same effort into making their bags, so if the stitches are sparse and loosely done then it is more likely than not your bag is fake.



2. Look at the hardware!

The hardware on a bag is another place you can usually look at to help quickly determine the authenticity of your bag. Unlike Louis Vuitton, replica manufacturers usually use cheap plastic-y hardware that is weightless and flimsy. This hardware is not made to last and usually fades quickly and breaks easily. Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton hardware is more weighty and you can also look at the printing of the logo on the hardware. The hardware on a fake bag does not as clear printing of the bag’s logo as does its Replica Knockoff counterpart.


3. Look at the canvas!

The canvas of an Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton bag will be quite heavy and firm. Most replica bags usually have floppy canvas that not only is lightweight but usually it is too flimsy to keep the bag standing up straight. The shine on the canvas is another factor to pay attention to the canvas should not be overly shiny as this is a sign it is made of plastic and as a result fake. It is however important to notice that the canvas of your bag will become more dull as you use it and time progresses, so a little bit of a sheen does not automatically make it fake.


4. Look for a date code!

The date code of a Louis Vuitton bag is written on a little leather flap located somewhere along the inside lining of the bag, usually along the seam. This date code may seem like random numbers to you and I but it actually parlays really important information about where the bag was manufactured which can help you decipher a real bag from a fake. One easy way to authenticate your bag is to look at the letters on the first two letters on the date code which indicate the country in which the bag was made and compare this to the stamp which also says “made in …” to see if they match up. Use the chart below:

Made in France: A0, A1, A2, AA, AAS, AH, AN, AR, AS, BA, BJ, BU, DR, DU, CO, CT, ET, FL, LW, MB, MI, NO, RA, RI, SD, SF, SL, SN, SP, SR, TJ, TH, TR, TS, VI, VX

Made in Germany: LP

Made in Italy: BC, BO, CE, FO, MA, RC, RE, SA, TD

Made in Spain: CA, GI, LO, LB, LM, LW

Made in Switzerland: DI, FA

Made in USA: FC, FH, FL, LA, OS, SD

For example if your bag says “Made in Switzerland” on the stamp but the date code starts with VX, you know the stamp should actually say “Made in France”. Small details like this are what replica manufacturers usually miss.


5. Look at the embossed stamping!

You may have noticed by now that replica manufacturers are generally sloppy with their work and don’t get the details right since they usually don’t care about quality as much as the Replica Knockoff brand itself does! Well this sloppiness extends to the embossed stamping on the bag. Keep in mind that the O’s in LOUIS VUITTON should be round not narrow like the number 0. The two t’s in VUITTON should not be touching either. The spacing between the letters should be even, and the lettering should generally be crisp and clear.


6. Look at the leather detailing!

Although the main body of many Louis Vuitton handbags are made with a canvas material, the bags always come with leather detailing around the trims and handles. If you want to ensure your bag is authentic, make sure to check whether the leather is vachetta cowhide leather, and not a plastic material. Genuine cowhide leather is very soft and should darken or patina over time as the leather oxidizes. If your Louis Vuitton bag’s leather detailing does not patina it may be a fake plastic and this should ring a warning bell.


7. Look at the packaging!

If you received the bag and it was wrapped with plastic around the handles or hardware your bag is definitely a fake. Louis Vuitton does not wrap their bags, and this is usually done by replica manufacturers to protect the bag while it’s being shipped overseas to its final destination. You should also look at the dustbag to make sure it matches the Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton dustbag which is pictured below.


8. Look at the inner lining!

The interior of a bag is one place most replica manufacturers ignore. They think that as long as the bag resembles the exterior of the original design they have nailed it. Alas we know that Louis Vuitton likes to put equal effort into the interior and exterior of their creations. In other words the quality inside your bag should match the exterior quality. If the inside lining looks cheap or not as well done as the exterior you may have yourself a fake bag. Another thing to pay attention to is what type of a lining your particular bag model should have. Some bags should come with a canvas lining, others with a microfiber suede. You can always look this up on Louis Vuitton’s official website to ensure your interior is exactly what it is supposed to be!


9. Look at the model!

A super easy mistake to make, especially as a first time buyer, is to purchase a model that doesn’t exist. This might seem silly, but not everyone is automatically born with knowledge of the names and styles of every Louis Vuitton bag ever created. It’s actually quite easy to get caught up in the buying process and end up with something Louis Vuitton never actually produced. The easiest way to avoid to this mistake is to make sure you know what style you are buying and check the official website or a catalog to ensure Louis Vuitton does produce the specific model you are thinking of buying.


10. Look at the pattern!

One of the most defining features of most Louis Vuitton handbags is the logo print on the bag. This can be seen in the varying canvas series, as well as the Mahina, Empreinte, and Vernis leather series. Make sure that the pattern is not off and doesn’t look disproportionate. The pattern should have an even look. However please do not that it is ok if your bag has upside down “LV’s” as this is simply a sign that a continuous loop of canvas was used when creating the bag and is common in Replica Knockoff models such as the Speedy or Keepall.

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