Replica Bags

Welcome to my world of designer handbags! Whether you have a deep passion for replica bags or seeking inspiration and guidance for your next purchase, my blog will provide you with comprehensive and expert reviews and information.

The Classic Louis Vuitton Handbag Reference Guide!


Oh Louis! How many hearts have your handbags captured? Millions I am sure, and that is exactly why LV is one of the brands a person automatically associates with luxury. But who can help it? That classic monogram logo, and the timeless style of the brand make it irresistible, and deservingly so! This reference guide will go through the most popular LV styles and give some tips on what to watch for when in the market for a used or replica Louis Vuitton. The guide may be updated on an ongoing basis as new information is gained! 🙂

Neverfull: The Neverfull comes in 3 sizes (PM, MM, and GM) and is the quintessential Louis handbag. It comes in both the classic designs (Monogram Canvas, Damier Ebene, and Damier Azur), recent collections (e.g. the Epi leather version, or the recent Summer 2013 collection) as well as more limited designs. If you are in the market for your first Louis Vuitton handbag you can never go wrong with a Neverfull as its versatility and function is truly top notch. The varying sizes means it can accommodate both small and large needs, while maintaining that effortless cool! Make sure to pay attention to the dimensions when shopping for an LV as that is a dead giveaway indicating whether the handbag is “fake”. Additionally the straps on a Neverfull (or any Louis in general) are very important as their quality can also be a giveaway. Make sure the straps are not overly flimsy or of low quality trimmings! The quality of the canvas is also important but it is easier to spot flaws in that and make sure to pay close attention! Additionally the actual canvas print is crucial and make sure it matches the Replica Knockoff to a tee! 






Louis Vuitton Neverfull PM Bag $900.00 (USD) $800.00 (USD) 11.02” x 8.66” x 5.12”
Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM Bag $940.00 (USD) $850.00 (USD) 12.6” x 11.42” x 6.3”
Louis Vuitton Neverfull GM Bag $980.00 (USD) $900.00 (USD) 15.7” x 13.0” x 7.9”

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REP-A-PORTER Review Black Prada Saffiano Replica Knockoff

So I purchased from REP-A-PORTER after they relaunched since I always heard good things about their Prada bags. What do I think of the bag now that it is here? It is actually a pretty good replica. The leather feels good, and the inside of the bag is nicely done as well. I remember reading somewhere that you can judge a replica handbag by its interior quality. I agree with this statement since every replica handbag I have purchased which turned out to be a piece of c-r-a-p looked disgusting inside. But every decent replica I have bought has had an interior which matches the exterior’s quality. Take a look at the pictures below and let me know what you think.

The customer service of REP-A-PORTER was better than other replica sites I have dealt with since they at least knew English. I had to pay with Western Union which I have gotten used to now that I have bought over 3 replica handbags. I think you just really have to know where you are shopping. After owning both real handbags and replicas I have to say that finding a good replica is like hitting a small lottery win since you know how much you have saved from the authentic. Here is a link to their website:


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Hermès Kelly Black 30cm Replica Review

Hey guys,

Here is a review of a Hermès Kelly black 30cm handbag which was forwarded to me by a beautiful blog reader named Leslie. Here is what she has to say:

Hi Angie I bought a Hermes from Designer Discreet and wanted to send it my review. I purchased it on 04/09/14. There was a customs delay with my parcel so my handbag took a while longer than they originally told me to ship. They said something about there being a strict inspection going on by the local government? Anyways my Kelly arrived after 14 business days (including the wait time because of the customs issue) and overall it seems very nice. I previously purchased a Kelly from Fallin4Fashion but that turned out to be a waste since the leather was completely off and is sitting at the back of my closet going unused. The leather is pretty firm and the handbag and I really like the size since it is not too big (since Hermes handbags are heavier) and not too small either. Overall I would rate my experience as a 9/10. Feel free to post this review on the blog to give advice to the other readers. 

Leslie has included a video of the bag which is a first, and I will try to film all my future reviews as well to give everyone a more detailed view of the bags!

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Pursevalley = Spotbags = Scam


Hey guys here’s a quick review about Pursevalley a reader sent in:

Wish I had seen all the negative reviews about pursevalley before I made a $650 purchase. First of all, their shipping is horrible it has been almost a month since I placed an order. I ordered stuff for an event coming soon and it’s taking forever to ship out to me. I tried to contact customer sevice and they are either very rude (one hung up on me!) or they don’t reply to the couple emails I sent. they wasted no time at all getting my money. (Should have not send it through western union because I cant get refunds now wish I had done some fact checking before buying). I was deceived by Eva Knox from spot bags because of all her false reviews, no one who does not work for the company will have such high praises…

Here is another Pursevalley review emailed to me by a different blog reader:

I really really wish I had been a more careful shopper and vetted Pursevalley before shopping with them. Their website looks so professional so it is hard not to fall for their tricks. I ordered a few Louis Vuitton bags that arrived late and damaged. Why did I buy so many the first time? Because of the discount they give and I also paid through a web transfer since I also got a discount for that payment method. I knew it was too good to be true but sometimes common sense doesn’t kick in I guess. Can you please post this so anyone out there can see and have a fair warning before shopping with them.

Stay away from Eva Knox and the Pursevalley circus unless you want to face trouble! As I have mentioned before what irks me and many others out there is not even the fact that Eva Knox owns Pursevalley (which actually does irk me because it is so deceptive) but more so the fact that she can’t run her business properly and keep her customers satisfied. This isn’t the first time she is doing this either! Eva used to own a different website and deceive people under the name Sofia Nolan.

If you have any experiences with Pursevalley, Spotbags, or Eva Knox feel free to comment and share your stories below whether they be positive or negative! CLICK HERE to read a previous discussion where many blog readers weighed in on their experiences with Pursevalley and Iposhmoda!


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Purse Review From Designer Discreet!

I ordered a Louis Vuitton Neverfull in Damier Azur from the famous Designer Discreet. I love the tagline of their site, “Shh… They Can’t Tell” because it really is true. I have been carrying around my Neverfull for approximitely a year now, and I have had nothing but compliments.

UPDATE: Their new website link is:

I find it very funny when people get their panties all up in knots because they find out someone is carrying a fake. Seriously who cares? I also have an Replica Knockoff Eva in Damier Ebene, and honestly the differences between the two are extremely minor. I feel like the only negative stigma attached to replicas is that of “not being able to afford the real thing”. To be honest I think that people who are paying thousands for an Replica Knockoff just to reassure and remind themselves that they can afford it should have a negative stigma attached to them as well.

Anyways back to my handbag.. I love it and my mom actually bought me an Replica Knockoff Speedy in Damier Azur collection for my graduation from university (4 years of HARD WORK). Does this make me hypocritical? No I don’t think so because there are certain moments for splurging and certain moments for saving. Anyways my mom doesn’t even realize that replicas are a market which exist (she only buys one Replica Knockoff bag on her birthday every year), otherwise I would have told her to save her money as I could have gotten 5 Louis Vuittons from Designer Discreet for the price she paid for my Speedy.

Overall I am extremely happy I have found a wonderful source for replica handbags which patina just like the Replica Knockoff Louis Vuittons, and look forward to continuing to wear my handbag.

neverfull damier azur

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