How Super Can Superfake Birkins Be?

A Hermes Birkin Croc bag being burned in the name of art.

Most hand bag lovers are aware of the site Purse Forum where dedicated purse fans dish out about all the intricacies linked to designer handbag shopping. Now there’s also an acknowledged sense of snobbery many sense while perusing these forums where certain forum members adopt a holier-than-thou attitude simply because they own designer items. I was surprised to find that they actually mentioned that one of their Closet Confessional confessors purchases fake handbags and, as you may have guessed, this caused quite a stir on the post’s comments.

The comments ranged from acceptance of the fact that designers cannot really differentiate between superfake bags and their Replica Knockoff counterparts to accusations of replica bag manufacturing being linked to terrorism (a claim that has been debunked in the past). The following comments were ones I particularly enjoyed and agreed with:

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Can You Spot A Fake Hermès Birkin? A Guide to Replica Knockoff vs Replica Hermès Birkin Bags

Can you tell which Birkin is fake and which one is real?

Many people are afraid to buy a fake Hermès Birkin bag, both knowingly or unknowingly. Considering these bags can run up to the $100s of thousands (especially if they are exotic leather editions) it makes sense to KNOW your Hermès before you embark upon the re-seller market to make sure you don’t get cheated by a seller. Even if you are looking for a fake it is important to know what key aspects of the bag are important to get a good knockoff vs. a piece of junk.  In this article I will be comparing my replica Hermès Birkin (which I previously reviewed here) to an Replica Knockoff Birkin in the same model. Please note that the replica being used to compare to the Replica Knockoff bag is a super fake so the quality is very high your average fake bag will not be as good! At the end of the article I will reveal which bag is fake! Put on your detective glasses and try to spot the fake to see if you know your Hermès Fake as well as you do!

  1. Slouchiness is not necessarily a sign that your bag is either fake or real!

Before I begin to go through key things to pay attention to when looking at a fake vs. real Birkin, I would like to note that you do not need to pay attention to the slouchiness of the bags. This is not a sign that will indicate whether the bag you are examining is fake or real. The bags featured both are made with Togo leather however the difference is that one bag is brand new, thus the leather is still quite stiff and so the shape of the bag is also more stiff. However as your Togo leather Birkin ages the bag naturally becomes more slouchy and this is part of the look of the Togo leather that many Hermès fans love, while some others prefer to keep the shape of the bag stiff and opt for other leathers which are better at keeping the shape! Look below at a well aged Replica Knockoff Birkin in Togo leather to see how the slouchiness tends to look. If your brand new Hermès bag’s shape is really out of whack however this is a sign that your bag is most likely fake since the bag should have a clean shape when it is new!

As you can see the leather on this bag has slouched quite a bit it is a natural part of an aging Togo leather Hermès Birkin.

2. Take a look at the stamping of the Hermès logo.

An Replica Knockoff bag’s stamp should be clean and uniform, however on fake bags the stamp usually looks unclean a.k.a spotty and irregular. Take a look at the stamps on both bags, as pictured below, to see which looks better/worse.

Which bag has better stamping?

3. Take a look at the stitching.

Hermès stitching should be done on a slant not a straight line. If you see the stitching on your bag is done in a straight manner the bag is 100% fake. This is probably the easiest thing to look at to weed out a very bad fake. Keep in mind however that if the threading is slanted, this does not mean that is 100% real, since many replica manufacturers are aware of this and stitch their bags accordingly. As you can see both bags pictured in this article feature slanted stitching.

4. Take a look at the hardware.

The font of the Hermès stamp on the hardware should be thin and elegant. If you notice a boxy or thick font the bag is definitely fake! Additionally the letters should not be too far apart on the stamping.

5. Take a look at the inside strap of the bag!

The strap’s cutout should be done nice and cleanly, and the threading should continue to be clean. Additionally you should see some numbers engraved into the inside of the strap. These refer to the production run in which the bag was produced. If there are no numbers the bag you have is definitely a fake!

6. Take a look at the leather of the bag!

The leather on a Hermès bag should be rich and feel buttery smooth especially if it is a Togo leather bag. You can use your basic instincts when judging the leather it should be smooth to the touch and feel luxurious these bags are pricey for a reason after all!

So do you think you’ve guessed it? Which bag did you think was real, and which did you think was fake? Well time for the grand reveal… the bag on the right is fake! The bag on the left is real. Did you guess right or were you confused? Well if you were confused don’t feel to bad since as I mentioned earlier the fake being compared to the original in this article is a superfake or counter quality replica which means it is the best of the best when it comes to knockoffs. It’s hard for Fake experts to judge it to be fake, let alone the average consumer! Leave a comment below letting me know how accurate your Fake skills were!


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Hermès Kelly Black 30cm Replica Review

Hey guys,

Here is a review of a Hermès Kelly black 30cm handbag which was forwarded to me by a beautiful blog reader named Leslie. Here is what she has to say:

Hi Angie I bought a Hermes from Designer Discreet and wanted to send it my review. I purchased it on 04/09/14. There was a customs delay with my parcel so my handbag took a while longer than they originally told me to ship. They said something about there being a strict inspection going on by the local government? Anyways my Kelly arrived after 14 business days (including the wait time because of the customs issue) and overall it seems very nice. I previously purchased a Kelly from Fallin4Fashion but that turned out to be a waste since the leather was completely off and is sitting at the back of my closet going unused. The leather is pretty firm and the handbag and I really like the size since it is not too big (since Hermes handbags are heavier) and not too small either. Overall I would rate my experience as a 9/10. Feel free to post this review on the blog to give advice to the other readers. 

Leslie has included a video of the bag which is a first, and I will try to film all my future reviews as well to give everyone a more detailed view of the bags!

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!


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