Neverfull MM Neo Mimosa Replica Review

Hey guys!

I had a bit of a Louis Vuitton replica haul this last month … my excuse: I was treating myself for the New Year (2016 bring it on) … that is justifiable right? Well anyways I bought a few bags from Designer Discreet all of them Louis Vuitton. I have already done a review on a comparison between the Favorite from them vs. a cheaper replica I got elsewhere to identify the quality which you should totally read if you haven’t already because I think it really portrays the difference between a good replica and a “meh” replica in depth photos are worth a thousand words after all! I will be posting all of my haul in the upcoming days on the blog, and as a precursor I must say I am really impressed by how accurate the replica makers are becoming the quality between my bags I have receiving lately are crazy good and I mean crazy good!

Anyways back to my Neverfull MM. I absolutely love the Neo Mimosa series and my favorite interior lining is the yellow I love the pop of color it gives, but the fuschia interior is also beautiful as well! I honestly plan to buy every color of the Mimosa series because I think that the Neverfull is such a functional bag and hey when they are replicas at a fraction of the cost why not right? So I was super impressed with the bag and I think you will be too once you see the photos below … take a look and let me know what you think!

The Fake card + care pamphlet.

The canvas is nice and firm and can stand up on its own with a counter quality replica. Cheaper replicas are usually very flimsy!

A closeup of the interior logo

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MUST READ: Good Fakes VS. Bad Ones: Louis Vuitton Replica Guide

Can you spot the better replica? Hint: look at the overall composition of the two bags. They may not look overly different but the symmetry is more accurate in the left bag than the right one.

Hello y’all!

This post will serve as a very important guide to anyone looking to buy a knockoff or replica bag for the first time for any brand, even though the focus will be on Louis Vuitton in this particular post. The points made however are applicable when shopping for any brand out there so pay close attention especially if it is your first time you may be purchasing a fake bag!

Anyone who has bought a fake or replica bag out there knows that we are bombarded with many claims of various qualities and it seems like every replica seller in town has the best purse if we listen to their claims. But the truth is that there is a tiered system of quality when it comes to replicas and I would say as an educated guess after buying so many for so many years that the tiers are roughly 3 levels. On the third bottom rung is the super disgusting and really really bad knockoffs that never deserve to see the light of day on anyone’s arm or shoulder (yet they still unfortunately do we’ve all seen one). These are the bags that give replica bags a bad rep and make people think rightfully so that they’d rather be caught dead than wearing a replica purse. However if you are a seasoned replica purchaser you will have most likely come across the second tier as well. The second tier is in the middle the bags aren’t bad, they get about 75-80% of the original right and they can pass for a fairly decent fake. These were the kind of bags I myself bought when I first dabbled in replica shopping.

But the third first is where it is at my friends if you are looking for quality. This is the tier that exceeds the 90% zone in terms of accuracy and can please even the nittiest of buyers. This is the only type of replica I personally buy as I like to collect bags and these are pretty much as good as the originals in my opinions. Do all brands come in all 3 tiers? I’m not sure and can’t answer this with 100% accuracy but from my purchasing experience most of the popular brands are covered in all 3 tiers. In this post I will compare what I think is a 1st tier replica Louis Vuitton Favorite in Monogram Canvas (which I bought from Designer Discreet) with a 2nd tier Louis Vuitton Favorite in Monogram Canvas (I bought this one a long time ago from a replica seller through email). I didn’t bother buying a 3rd tier for the comparison as you can simply use your imagination to come up with how ugly the bag in that tier looks.

As you can see the replica on the left side has a nice sheen to it like the Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton purses while the bag on the right is more dull.

A closeup of the bag on the right. The quality of the canvas is certainly not bad but not as good the one on the right.

Top down is where a difference is totally visible. Just taking quick look at the two bags can help one see that the one on the left is superior to the one on the right. The overall composition and structure of the bag is very on point with the original LV.

The canvas is very vibrant on this replica and the stitching is very well done making it a 1st tier or counter quality replica.

Once again a more lux sheen can be observed on the bag to the left.

The chain is more faded for the 2nd tier replica while the 1st tier replica is nice and vibrant and gold!

The chain is more faded for the 2nd tier replica while the 1st tier replica is nice and vibrant and gold!

Sideshot of the 2nd tier replica. The cowhide patch is too large compared to the original.

Sideshot of the 1st tier replica. The cowhide patch is the same size as the original.

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Louis Vuitton Neverfull Replica Damier Azur

louis vuitton neverfull replica

The front of my LV Neverfull replica with all the protective plastic packaging still on!

Hi guys! If you love summer like I do then you probably will also be a fan of Louis Vuitton’s Damier Azur collection. I believe the line has a perfect summer look to add on to any outfit and usually gives even the most plainest of a looks that oomph it needs to add a touch of luxe from the house of LV. I purchased a Louis Vuitton Neverfull replica in the MM size (a.k.a the medium size) in the newer edition with the pouch to add to my collection alongside my Neverfull GM in Damier Azur I also own (previous purchase). For those of you who are not well acquainted with Louis Vuitton, the Neverfull’s used to come without a pouch however a recent update (this year I think?) the company decided to include the pouch with all of their Neverfulls. I think this was a good decision on their part especially for those who pay full price for the Replica Knockoff version of bag since they DESERVE a pouch … I mean dropping a grand on a very simple tote is fine and all but at least the pouch helps give an extra touch to slightly justify the price (maybe I am just crazy?).

Anyways the pouch is actually super handy when it comes to organizing your little bits and just helps keep your bag more neat overall. I mean anyone who has ever owned a Neverfull knows that it tends to get full and messy since as the name implies it seems like it will never become full! The replica bag I purchased is awesome in terms of both stitching (which as I have mentioned before is one of the most important things you need to pay attention to when shopping for a replica) and the canvas heaviness. The bag’s handles are also true cowhide leather which I can tell by touch since there is a soft-ness to the leather that false plastic handles cannot match (which is what most replica companies sell I actually own a Neverfull I had previously purchased in Damier Azur with the plastic handles and I have to say in person the comparison between the two bags is night and day). Overall I am extremely happy with the purchase and cannot wait to put this baby to use and let it get its summer tan while I enjoy its company. As usual I got a box with the bag as well as the dustbag and the smaller knick knacks like the Fake cards, and papers etc. (which I have personally mentioned I do not really care for). UPDATE: I got the bag from Designer Discreet in case you were wondering. Click here for the link! Take a look at the photos below and let me know what you think of Neverfulls, or the replica version I have purchased in particular in the comments below!

inside louis vuitton neverfull replica

Inside the bag!

louis vuitton neverfull replica stamp

A closeup of the stamp inside my new Neverfull replica!

neverfull replica bottom pouch

Underneath my Louis Vuitton Neverfull replica bag which you can see lines up nicely in terms of print placement.

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Louis Vuitton Totally GM Review (Replica Handbag)

I have already done a comparison between the replica Louis Vuitton Totally GM handbag I recently purchased, and an Replica Knockoff handbag of the same model for you guys to get an idea of how the two compared since it is often hard to really understand without a clear visual. If you are interested you can click here to read that article! In order to accompany that comparison I thought I would upload some more detailed pictures for those interested to get a good look at the handbag. It is overall a good replica although if I could change anything about it would be the interior cotton lining which I feel could have been done just a bit better! I have a Totally MM in Monogram Canvas I previously purchased which has a better interior lining so I am not sure if I just got unlucky this time? Anyways it is not really a big deal since the bag is overall well done, and the interior is always the last of my worries when I shop for a replica as long as it is decent!

One tip I will give anyone who wants to buy a good replica Louis Vuitton is that you should pay most attention to canvas quality of the handbag as that is the key defining distinction between a good replica and a bad one especially in the case of Louis Vuitton since their coated canvas bags are the most popular. Many years ago I purchased a Damier Azur Neverfull that had a very weak canvas material that kept falling over when I put the bag down, but the Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton’s have a stiffer canvas that do not act that way so please keep this in mind when you are shopping! The bag came with all the bells and whistles of a good replica including the authenticity card, pamphlets, dustbag, box etc. (even though I don’t really usually care about those accessories personally, but I can see why they would be nice to have especially if you were giving the bag as a gift to someone). Take a look at the photos below if you want to get a good detailed look at the replica version of this particular Louis Vuitton handbag and let me know what you think in the comments is it a good fake or would you go Replica Knockoff for this handbag?

louis-vuitton-authenticity-card louis-vuitton-pamphlet-handbag louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-2 louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-4 louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-5 louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-6 louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-cards louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-handle louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-inside-2 louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-inside-bag louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-print-canvas louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-print louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-strap louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-tag-label louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-under louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-zipper louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!


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Louis Vuitton Noe BB Replica Review

louis vuitton replica noe side

My lovely Louis Vuitton Noe BB replica

Hey guys in this post I will be reviewing my replica Louis Vuitton Noe BB handbag. I purchased the purse in Damier Azur for my summer vacation last year when I visited both Europe and Turkey and thought it would be the perfect go to bag when I was visiting the various tourist destinations because of its small size. Anyways unfortunately I damaged the bottom of my bag by spilling my skin toner bottle on the inside which leaked to the bottom of the bag and damaged the cowhide trimmings.The funniest story I actually ever heard about a damaged bag (although many might argue it is cringeworthy) was from a blog reader that told me  that her dog chewed up her Louis Vuitton which was actually Replica Knockoff that must have been a definite ouch in the wallet and heart! However I think that once the bag patinas out it will look half decent again as once the color is darker on the trimmings it will be hard to notice the damage at all! The bag was a really good replica I would say as the canvas quality and leather cowhide trimmings were both of the original quality.

How could I tell this? You can feel a good weight to the canvas on Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton bags, and many replicas do not have this heaviness but instead are super light and flimsy. This is the difference between a good and bad replica. Another sign of a good replica is that the bag kind of keeps it’s form on its own and does not simply down right away once you place the handbag down. Most replicas do not keep their form, so you have to know what to shop for online or in person (which is obviously easier) to look for a good knockoff. Anyways aside from the stain the quality of the bag is actually pretty good!

One thing which I noticed on this bag that most Louis Vuitton replica handbags lack is the accuracy of the trimmings. A lot of Louis Vuitton replica bags have a red lacquer which is more of a bright red used to finish off the edges. Louis Vuitton used to use this finish back in the day so it is not deadly to buy a replica bag with this kind of trimming, but it is always nicer to have the latest method of production used on your bag. What Louis Vuitton does now is use more of a matte brown seal on the sides of the cowhide trimmings for the handles and you can see in the pictures below that the Noe I am reviewing does indeed have the dull brown trimmings as opposed to the red.

Overall aside from the damage I inflicted upon the handbag myself, I would rate the bag a 9/10 on the replica scale as it has all the key details down, and the stitching is well done without the bright yellow look of many Louis Vuitton replica threads. A tip for anyone with a damaged Louis Vuitton bag similar to mine is to use olive oil on the trimmings and then place the bag out in the sun to help the patina process speed up a bit. I will try this trick myself and post updated photos once the look of the bag improves a bit! Let me know what you think of the bag in the comments below and whether you have personally ruined any of your Louis Vuitton or designer handbags (real or fake).


Can you spot the damage at the bottom? I am praying the patina will even out the color and make it noticeable.


The bottom shot of the bag where you can pretty clearly see the damage. Have you ever damaged any of your designer purses? If so comment below and let me know what you did to try and fix it!


A closer shot of the buckle of the bag.


The little knot that the Noe is known for!


Unfortunately the stamp of the bag was not spared from all the damage!


Another closeup of the hardware and stitching.


I wanted to get a closeup of the hardware and the writing on it!


I am surprised that the toner did not do more damage to the inside of the bag!


Overall I am very impressed with this replica of the Noe!

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