Prada Esplanade Replica Bag Review

Hello my lovely blog readers!

I had promised to share this review back in 2016 but never got around to it. So sorry for the super long delay but here are the pictures of the amazing Prada Esplanade bag I got in two tone (white/navy blue combo). The bag is a counter quality replica as you all know by now is the best grade of replica which exists out there. The bag is a mix of calf leather/saffiano leather and I think that the leather combination works well. The bag is the super sophisticated and I think it looks bets paired with a cute little black dress on a night out. Although you could totally pull it off as a day bag as well. The Esplanade is definitely a statement bag it is not a subtle piece, but it really really stands out so if you are looking for something to give your outfit a bit of a pop or wow factor I would really suggest this Prada model. Without further ado here are pics of my bag:

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Prada Saffiano Replica Wallet Review

Hey guys it’s been a while since I have posted! I got super busy with work and life, but my purse and designer addiction never left me and I have been collecting more beauties (both real and fake) to add to my collection! I’ll be sharing them all with you guys over the next little while and wanted to start with a wallet that I am completely in love with right now. I am a hot pink girl. I know … a lot of people are not into pink, but I embrace it. Especially during the fall and winter seasons I think it really adds a nice color pop to an otherwise boring or neutral outfit (which is how I tend to dress when the weather is chillier).

replica superfake Replica Knockoff 
prada wallet saffiano 8

A view from the front!

replica superfake Replica Knockoff 
prada wallet saffiano 2

A shot from the back I missed the black speck on the wallet so it came through in the picture so don’t mind it!

replica superfake Replica Knockoff 
prada wallet saffiano 3

A shot from the side you can see the zipper lining and quality is very high as well you just have to know what to look for when shopping for a replica!

replica superfake Replica Knockoff 
prada wallet saffiano 4

A closeup of the logo plate. I feel like the picture doesn’t do it justice in terms of portraying its actual quality, and it definitely looks at lot better in person!

replica superfake Replica Knockoff 
prada wallet saffiano 5

A super close-up of the saffiano leather and stitching both well done!

As you guys probably already know I have seen a lot of very very bad saffiano replicas out there both in terms of bags and wallets but this wallet has all the check marks of a good replica Prada as it a) has the exact same leather standard (often a very big giveaway when it is poor); b) it is put together well (there is no point of paying top dollar for good leather when the manufacturers can’t sew it together well but luckily this replica’s manufacturer did); and finally c) the hardware is heavy and very close to the original/the same (this is another big giveaway as often times plastic-y hardware is used that has a weird shine to it and can be spotted a mile away).

The retail price of this wallet on the Prada estore is about $665 USD, and I snagged it for about $179 killer savings right considering the quality is basically identical to the real deal?

So what do you guys think? Let me know in the comments below and I absolutely cannot wait to share the rest of my purchases with you guys in upcoming posts!

Ps. Since this is probably my last post before the XMAS celebrations, Happy Christmas, Hanukkah, or whatever you celebrate!

Speak to you soon dolls!


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Pursevalley Review on Prada Saffiano Tote Negative Shopping Experiences

Hey guys! So I just wanted to do a quick review on Pursevalley which is one of the most advertised replica handbag sites out there! Who is it mostly reviewed and fetted by? Evan Knox and her similar cronies (e.g. Hannah Handbags is also owned by Eva Knox who owns Pursevalley). Anyways I personally wouldn’t really care about the fact that Eva Knox owns Pursevalley if it did actually sell what it claims to the best replica handbags out there I mean it would be a win win situation for everyone I guess. But unfortunately this claim just does not seem to be true which is where her deception begins to irk myself and many other people out there. It is completely unfair to get people to spend their hard earned dollars on bags which are just simply not as good as truly good replicas out there! So I just want to do a quick comparison between a Prada Saffiano I had purchased from Pursevalley a few years ago when I was pretty new to this whole replica buying process and obviously couldn’t tell the best from the worst, or the in between (boy how that has changed now!). Ok so I really think that the pictures are really the best tell tale sign in terms of pointing out the quality as you can just simply see why Pursevalley is not as good as they claim to be! Maybe if you are an amateur replica purveyor as I once was you may love the bag you get from them at first but for the more trained eye it is obvious on first glance that the bag is a fake! I went with black for the Prada Saffiano as I usually do with a lot of bags since I know that they just can’t get it wrong in terms of color (which is a common worry for anyone out there that buys replicas). But aside from the color the quality of the hardware, the leather in itself, and all the small details that are supposed to make the bag feel special just aren’t there! I have added a lot of pictures below for anyone who is interested to take a look at! I just think it is unfair that Eva portrays PV as the best when it is clearly not. I am happy to say that I have outgrown Pursevalley and Eva Knox’s faux blog generally but I know that there are many people out there who are still being duped which is why I was inspired to write this post in the first place! Ok so enough chit chat let’s get into the details of what makes a good fake or good replica handbag a good one vs. what makes a poor replica handbag a poor one! Replica Knockoff 
prada saffiano black doublezip tote gold hardwareOk so this is my awesome Saffiano. Let me tell you that this replica Prada Saffiano is the bees knees! I got it very recently and was floored by how Replica Knockoff the handbag was in comparison to all the beauties I had seen in the Prada store! Now take a look at the next picture which is the Prada Saffiano I had initially purchased from Pursevalley. prada saffiano black doublezip tote replica Replica Knockoff 
vs fakeCan you tell which bag is the better fake or replica? Let me give you a hint look at the sheen of the leather on the bag that is a big giveaway as to what quality of a replica handbag you have just picked up or ordered! Alright so if you guess the one on top is the horrible fake while the one on bottom is the superfake (meaning it is an awesome fake and as close to the real as you can get out of China) then you are RIGHT! As I mentioned before all you really have to do is just take a quick glance at the leather. The leather on the top bag is so dull, and I am not sure if it is even really real leather but the one on the bottom has that sheen which Prada Saffiano’s that are Replica Knockoff are known to have! I paid a bit more for the one on the bottom but compared to the original price, and the fact that I will own the bag for life it is a steal!

Replica Knockoff 
prada saffiano black doublezip tote back of prada bag black saffiano fake prada saffiano replica black replica fake prada saffiano replica black replica 2 fake prada saffiano replica black replica back of bag fake prada saffiano replica black replica bottom of bag

More pictures of the really bad Prada Saffiano replica handbag from Pursevalley which you can see seems to have been put together quite hastily by whatever factory produced it! I will be donating this fake bag to Goodwill as I am definitely not wearing it out ever again, and am quite frankly upset that I ever did now that I realize how poor the quality truly is!

prada handbag saffiano comparison fake vs real

The two bags side by side! It really is super hard not to notice the very clear difference in quality between the two replica bags as one looks like a joke compared to the other one quite literally!

fake prada saffiano replica black replica inside

Last but not least a picture of the inside of the bad fake which had a poorer interior lining as well compared to the superfake Prada which has a much better lining as well!

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!

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REP-A-PORTER Review Black Prada Saffiano Replica Knockoff

So I purchased from REP-A-PORTER after they relaunched since I always heard good things about their Prada bags. What do I think of the bag now that it is here? It is actually a pretty good replica. The leather feels good, and the inside of the bag is nicely done as well. I remember reading somewhere that you can judge a replica handbag by its interior quality. I agree with this statement since every replica handbag I have purchased which turned out to be a piece of c-r-a-p looked disgusting inside. But every decent replica I have bought has had an interior which matches the exterior’s quality. Take a look at the pictures below and let me know what you think.

The customer service of REP-A-PORTER was better than other replica sites I have dealt with since they at least knew English. I had to pay with Western Union which I have gotten used to now that I have bought over 3 replica handbags. I think you just really have to know where you are shopping. After owning both real handbags and replicas I have to say that finding a good replica is like hitting a small lottery win since you know how much you have saved from the authentic. Here is a link to their website:


If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!


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