Hey guys!
I just wanted to do a quick post sharing what to look for when shopping for a Chanel handbag to make sure you are getting the best bang for your buck when shopping for an Replica Knockoff or fake new, or used, or replica purse. Firstly I’d like to start off by saying Chanel is a very hard to find replica as the parent company actively seeks out any replica sellers who sell their products (and when you see the superfakes you will understand why) as they want to stop the devaluation train for Chanel. This is completely fair and I would do the same if I were Chanel as well.
I do however want to start with a few gripes I have with them, as a Chanel purse lover. Firstly dear Chanel why do you no longer coat your hardware with 24k gold? As a serious Chanel lover and collector I can say that there is a significant decline in quality within the Chanel brand over the years as they seemed to have lowered their production standards. I highly recommend well kept vintage bags that have the gold coating as these bags are in my opinion from a Chanel era in which quality was at the top of their priorities. Anyways enough chit chat. This guide is meant to give you a glimpse at a comparison between an Replica Knockoff and replica Chanel with tips for spotting fake bags which have been very poorly constructed.
One thing I would like to say before providing this information is that Chanel replica manufacturers have been getting increasingly accurate to the point that I have heard many stories about fake Chanels being returned to Replica Knockoff boutiques, which is really scary if you are dropping a couple of thousands on what you hope will be a real bag. Overall remember to be vigilant even if shopping in an Replica Knockoff boutique! Take a look at the guide, and I hope it helps everyone out there!
When looking at the first photo I am sure a lot of people were confused aren’t both bags real? Well they aren’t. These pictures feature a superfake Chanel being compared to an Replica Knockoff so the subtleties are more minute and harder to spot, but I thought it would be worth showing! I will do another guide soon that outlines the really bad Chanel fakes I encourage you to burn if you see in person, on the spot, since they totally misconstrue the beauty of the originals, and are a total disgrace to Miss Coco’s designs.
Overall I hope this guide is helpful and makes everyone a wiser shopper when looking for Chanel whether it be online or in person as you are looking to drop down a lot of money on these beauties so make sure it is worth it!
Hi Purse Queen! Have you tried buying Chanel items from http://www.perfectcclub.ru?
Hi G,
I haven’t but I have heard good things from others who have! If you do try them please let us know how it goes!
I took a chance on buying a used Chanel bag on ebay. When I received it, I was so excited…the leather felt and smelled so good, everything matched up just as it should, but then……I looked at the hologram sticker again, the numbers and hologram were perfect except for one thing…..the “0” it didn’t have line through the center. That was the giveaway :((( I was luckily able to get my money back, so no harm no foul. So many perfect details, but the tiniest of details gave it away. Oh well, I ended up buying a real one on my trip to Europe and with the exchange rate was able to get a little discount 🙂
Dear PurseQueen,
thank you for sharing that helpful and detailed information about the Flap Bag! It was very useful for me, but I’m still quite insecure about where to buy such a superfake after long internet researches. Do you have any recommendations/experiences about where to buy (or not) such a gorgeous superfake flap bag like that one, which is depicted in your post?
I would be very thankful for a reply! Many greetings from Germany, S.
Hi purse queen and community Do you Know where can I fin a good Chanel Le boy replica?? and the LV that you rece tly reviewed. There is nothing anf the websites you recommended. Thanks .
Hi.. where u get that chanel? Its beautiful
It’s great that you are sharing your knowledge on various designer bags, however; what I am interested in is the LV bag, particularly the “LV Monogram Retiro MM”. Do you know of anymore other than the 2 websites you’ve already mentioned? They don’t have a whole lot of LV selection and was hoping you would refer me to another reputable site? Thanks, looking forward to your reply….;)))
Hello Helen! I will update the links shortly hun! I have just been really busy but I am waiting for a package from an LV supplier I will let you know about if they turn out to be good.
Thank you for sharing all your knowledge. I’m also looking for a really good LV bag. I tried DD but that site is currently down. Let me know when you find a reputable website. Thanks!
Hi purse queen and community Do you Know where can I fin a good Chanel Le boy replica?? and the LV that you rece tly reviewed. There is nothing anf the websites you recommended. Thanks .
where did you get your Chanel replica????