When exploring the luxe world of replica designer bags, have you ever gotten confused by terms like “AAA,” “5A,” “lushentic,” or “1:1”?
Which of these standards really represents top quality?
Where can you find the best superfake handbags on the market?
As someone who’s been both buying and loving high-end replicas and Replica Knockoff luxury handbags for years, I get how tricky it can be to choose quality replicas and know the ins and outs of spotting the good stuff.
🌟In this post, I’m going to break down these complex quality standards, show you the real differences between various grades of replicas, and share some personal shopping experiences and reviews.
🌟I’ll also point you towards some tried and tested places to shop, which are gems I’ve found over many years.
🌟This info will help you connect with reputable sellers, get real value for your money, and avoid those costly mistakes that come from not knowing enough.
Table of Contents
🔹Exposing the Truth About Replica Bags | 🔸How to Choose the Right Tier Replica Bags? |
Exposing the Truth About Replica Bags:
Quality, Price, and Seller Lies
In the replica luxury market, there’s no official classification or institution for quality checks and quality assurance.
It’s a black market.
Sellers often use terms like “AAA” or “top quality” to give the illusion that their products are high-end, misleading consumers into thinking the quality is exceptional.
For example, you might see a so-called “AAA” Hermes on Amazon for $200, while elsewhere, a “top quality” Hermes could cost $500 or even over $2000.
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Pictures from different sellers show the same Birkin 25 at different prices.
They all claim to be handmade with high-quality leather.
Do these price differences really reflect the quality of the products?
⚠️A lot of times, these terms are just marketing tactics and don’t actually mean much about the quality.
In this market, no one is going to openly admit that their product is average or poor quality.
I once talked to a seller who reached out to me via email. Usually, I don’t pay much attention to these kinds of emails, but one thing this seller said caught my eye:
they claimed they ship from Europe (which is interesting for me because I often get questions about this from readers in Europe and there is always a customs risk when buying from the Chinese sellers).
They told me they have “Replica Knockoff grade” quality, which is supposed to be the best (according to them, mind you!).
They even showed me a graphic with a pyramid, claiming their products use the same materials and production methods as the Replica Knockoff ones.
Although it sounded very tempting, after looking at their Insta profile, I found that the bags they sold are mid-tier at best.
But, as I said, it’s the black market. Sellers often use flashy claims to attract buyers, but their descriptions usually don’t match the actual quality of the products.
When it comes to replicas, my advice is to do thorough research.
🌟Educate yourself about the style you want.
🌟Check the product quality through pictures and the seller’s reputation.
If the seller refuses to send detailed factory pics or other info that can verify the quality, that’s usually a bad sign.
So, when you see all these different quality ratings, it’s best to stay skeptical.
🌟Try to gather as much info as you can about the actual product.
🌟Look at customer reviews, detailed photos, and comparisons with the original.
If you want to learn how to spot a fake Birkin bag, check out the article
How To Spot Fake Birkin: Expert Tips from a Seasoned Collector
If you’re interested in other brands, you might also want to look at
Spot Fake YSL Bag Like a Pro: What You Need to Know
How to Spot Fake Louis Vuitton Bag Like a Pro (Ultimate Guide)
How to Spot a Fake Goyard Bag.
These will help you become an expert at identifying fake bags from various top brands.
How to Identify Different Tiers
of Replica Handbags?
Even though all those fancy labels in the market are just marketing gimmicks, to put it simply:
these bags can be split into three quality tiers high, medium, and low.
- Low Tier You don’t give a S*** what it looks like
- Mid Tier So So
- High Tier Best
So how are these grades determined?
It all comes down to several key factors:
material quality, craftsmanship, durability, and how closely they replicate the original design.
To help you get what each level means, I’ll break down these three types of bags in more detail below.
Low Tier Replica (A, B)
🔶Price Range
- Typically falls between $50-150.
🔶Materials Quality
- Made from inferior materials that are not durable. And the leather (or faux leather) feels stiff or plastic-like.
- Visible flaws in stitching, zippers, and linings. The overall finish lacks finesse.
- These fakes have noticeable differences from the original designs, including incorrect logos, off proportions, or different hardware.
- Cheap: For those on a budget, their biggest advantage is the low price.
- Easy to find: These replicas are available in many places, like street vendors or online platforms (such as AliExpress and DHgate).
- Poor quality: They use low-quality materials and craftsmanship, so they don’t last long.
- Easy to spot: Anyone with a basic understanding of the brand can easily recognize these fakes.
- Health and safety issues: Low-quality materials may contain harmful substances, and cheap synthetic materials and glues can be hazardous to your health.
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Low-end YSL bag from an Instagram seller. Submitted by a reader. |
On the streets of Manhattan’s Chinatown, street vendors sell various brands of cheap fake bags. |
Years ago, when I bought my first replica bag, I made a typical newbie mistake. I got drawn in by the replica seller’s ads and didn’t pay enough attention to the quality.
I remember I bought a YSL envelope bag off of AE, and when this thing arrived, the fufu smell was so strong that I hid it away.
That experience taught me a valuable lesson: don’t just go by price when you’re buying. Now, I focus more on the materials and craftsmanship to make sure I’m getting good quality.
Medium Tier Replicas (A+, AAA)
🔶Price Range
- Typically priced between $150-300.
🔶Materials Quality
- They use regular leather, and the hardware is made of zinc alloy.
- Because the zinc alloy isn’t dense enough, the logo engraving often looks light and fuzzy.
- These bags look like the real deal on the outside but lack the fine details.
- Balance of Price and Quality: A nice balance between looking good and not breaking the bank.
- Looks better: These bags look more like the real ones and aren’t as easily spotted as fakes by most people.
- Better durability: They last longer compared to low-end replicas.
- Lacks details: Even though they look close to the real thing, there are still differences in the details and materials.
- Easily spotted by experts: People who know the brand well can spot the differences.
Then there are the mid-range ones. They’re not super expensive, but they’re not shoddy either.
They use somewhat better materials, and they pay more attention to the little details.
Mid-tier means that visually it looks close to authentic, but the materials are not quite as good.
It’s okay to go for these if you’re not in an urban area so the people here aren’t scrutinizing your stuff like they would be in a big city.
High Tier Replicas
(Mirror, 1:1, 5 stars, 7 stars, Original Quality, Counter Quality, Lushentic)
🔶Price Range
- Ranges from $400-3000, or even higher depending on the specific style, especially for exotic leather types.
🔶Materials Quality
- Use high-quality leather. The seller claims to use leather that is the same as the genuine product, with a clear and unique texture.
- The hardware is top-notch as well, offering options like semi-steel, full steel, and brass. It’s finely polished and engraved.
- They excel in replicating classic styles, paying meticulous attention to details, and can even replicate the latest chip versions and codes.
- Premium Quality: Uses high-quality leather and hardware, the texture is very close to the genuine product.
- Fine details: Every detail is carefully crafted, from the stitching to the logo, to closely mimic the real thing.
Luxurious packaging: Often comes with fancy packaging, giving the feel of buying a genuine item.
- Strong durability: Long-lasting and suitable as a long-term wardrobe investment.
- Higher price: More expensive compared to other replicas.
- Harder to find: Takes time and effort to find trustworthy sellers, usually sold by individual sellers.
- Still risky: Even though the quality is high, it’s still a replica and there might be some subtle differences.
🌟High-end products aren’t that easy to find everywhere. You need to spend some time and effort searching and filtering.
I usually opt for these because I want a high-quality bag that’s going to be a long-term investment in my wardrobe just like an Replica Knockoff bag would have been.
By knowing the different quality levels of replica bags, you can make smarter buying choices and avoid falling for marketing tricks.
If you’re curious about how well high-quality replicas hold up over time,
take a look at my detailed review of the replica LV Speedy.
I go over how it performed after two years of use and compare it to the real one.
Different Tier
Replica Designer Bags vs. Authentic
Despite sellers heavily promoting their products, the reality is they can’t achieve 100% similarity with the original.
When it comes to claims that replicas are exactly the same as the real thing, just take it with a grain of salt.
Think about it – if someone could make bags that are 100% identical to the originals, why wouldn’t they just sell them as the real thing and rake in more profits?
⚠️Even the best “super fake” bags on the market can’t replicate every single detail of the genuine product.
Yet, these high-quality replica handbags can hit about 90% accuracy, which is pretty impressive when it comes to how they look and feel.
I can assure you, in regular social situations, telling them apart is likely impossible.
🔷What is the 10% difference between replica bags and Replica Knockoff bags?🔷 1. Codes Font Details a. Replicas might use outdated or invalid codes and serial numbers, while genuine bags always have the latest and valid ones. b. There could be subtle differences in the fonts, although you’d need a magnifying glass and someone familiar with the Replica Knockoff product to spot these distinctions by comparing them side by side. 2. Hardware Color a. Even with high-quality knockoffs, there might be slight differences in the color and gloss of the hardware and zippers compared to the Replica Knockoff product. |
Here are some comparison photos I’ve gathered from sellers. Take a look, and you’ll get a clearer picture.
The order goes like this (the details shown in the pics aren’t from the same bag model):
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![]() From top to bottom: Replica Knockoff to low tier |
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To be honest, I’ve gone high tier for most items (bags, jewelry, shoes, clothes, sunglasses). If an item I want isn’t available in high tier, I skip it.
You may also enjoy: Replica Tiffany Jewelry: Worth It? A Full Review and Analysis
In the past, when I’ve tried to save some $$ and go lower tier, I’ve been disappointed every time. With everything else, either the quality is off, or there are too many details that give it away as a fake!
How to Choose
the Right Tier Replica Bags?
Choosing the right tier of replica bag isn’t just about budget; it’s also about where you’ll use it and what kind of quality you expect. Here are some key points to help you make a smarter decision.
1. Consider Your Budget
The first thing to think about is how much cash you’re ready to drop.
Higher-grade knockoffs will cost you more but they’re also better good quality and look a lot like the real deal. If you have a generous budget, these high-quality replicas are definitely worth considering.
If your budget is tight, go for the Medium Grade. Though they won’t be as detailed or high-quality, they still offer a decent user experience.
I don’t recommend you to try low-tier bags. These bags are poorly made, and even if you’re on a tight budget, it’s better to skip these street-market goods.
2. Usage and Occasions
Think about where and how you’ll be using the bag.
If it’s something you’ll carry around every day, going for a sturdy, high-quality replica would be a smart move.
High-quality replica bags are not only durable but also maintain a great appearance with daily use.
But if it’s just for once in a while or you’re just playing around with styles, it’s fine with a lower grade.
3. Be Realistic with Expectations
While we’re all about chasing quality, it’s easy to forget that replicas aren’t the real deal. So I want to make one thing super clear here:
High Tier ≠ 1:1!
1:1 in the replica world does not exist!
Even the best of the best replica won’t be 100% like the original. There’s always gonna be some differences, so everyone needs to set their expectations accordingly.
If it were truly 1:1, 100% accurate to the Replica Knockoff (exact same materials, workmanship, smell, stitches, hardware, general aura of luxury and money), then it would be authentic.
The closest you are going to get in the replica world is, in my opinion, 90%, and at about 10% of the cost, that’s a great trade-off for most people.
But if you cannot live with that 10% variance, and are going to obsess over hardware or leather that’s a shade off, then the brutal truth: replicas might not be for you.
If you are unhappy with the potential of a small wrinkle or wonky stitch on a bag you can’t return, stick to buying Replica Knockoff where you can return the item. (And let’s all remember authentics are also not perfect, but no one is checking them carefully.)
4. Extra Things to Think About
🔶Brand awareness and social settings
If you’re in a social circle that’s highly aware of luxury brands, choosing high-quality replicas might make you feel more confident because they closely mimic the details of the real thing.
🔶Psychological satisfaction
High-quality replicas can make you feel almost as good as owning the real thing. Just remember they aren’t genuine, and accepting that can make your shopping experience better.
Tips for Buying the Best Replica Bags
🔹Consider your budget:
High-quality replica handbags are pricier but better in quality. Mid-tier replicas are a good compromise, while low-tier ones are not recommended due to poor quality.
🔹Consider how often and where you’ll use it:
For everyday use, go for high-tier. For occasional use, mid-tier ones can work.
🔹Stick to popular styles:
Replicas of classic styles are usually more accurate in quality.
🔹Avoid unpopular or new styles:
Replicas of styles that aren’t in demand or are very new usually less accurate.
🔹Choose neutral colors:
Neutral colors are easier to match and are often replicated well. Bright or unusual colors are more likely to have color differences.
🔹Do your research:
Before buying, dig into the brand and the specific style you’re interested in. Know what the Replica Knockoff bag should look like—things like logos, stitching, hardware, and the materials used. This will help you spot high-quality replicas.
🔹Find reliable sellers:
Go with sellers who have solid reputations. Check user reviews and feedback to make sure they provide high-quality products and good customer service. I’ve put together a list of recommended replica sellers you can check out.
🔹Start small:
Test the seller’s quality by buying replica wallets or other small items first.
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What are superfake handbags?
Superfake handbags are high-quality fakes that are made to look and feel pretty much like real designer bags. Here’s what sets them apart:
🔸High-quality materials:
These replicas use materials that are super close to what you’d find on the originals.
This includes top-notch leather, hardware, zippers, and lining. These materials look and feel just like the real deal.
🔸Fine craftsmanship:
They are made with great attention to detail. Everything from the stitching to the logo is carefully done to match the original as closely as possible.
Some even use the same production techniques and tools as genuine products.
🔸Precise replication:
From the design and size to the shape and special features, everything is copied so accurately that these bags look almost identical to the originals.
Even the little things inside like labels, serial numbers, and brand logos are meticulously copied.
🔸Realistic packaging:
Superfake handbags often come with packaging that looks just like what you’d get with a genuine bag, including dust bags, authenticity cards, warranty cards, and even the box.
These packaging details make the overall presentation feel much closer to the genuine product.
2. What are some popular and well-made replica designer bags?
When searching for the perfect designer bags replica, choosing the right style is crucial. These replicas need to look true to the original and maintain high standards in quality and detail.
Here’s a list of specific replica bag reviews I’ve done that you can refer to:
Additionally, you can check out
Top 15 Most Replicated Luxury Bags
Discover the 15 Hottest YSL Bags Replica
These articles give you detailed lists of the most popular and frequently copied luxury bags,
providing more insights and information to help you choose.
The reviews I mentioned are just a small sample of my many analyses.
🌟My blog has comprehensive reviews of all sorts of brands and styles. Whether you’re looking for detailed reviews of specific models or want to know the most popular options out there, my blog has the info and guidance you need.
For more detailed reviews and resources, click here.
3. Are replica bags illegal?
Buying replicas for personal use isn’t illegal, but selling them is and can get you in trouble.
I know some readers want info on suppliers because they’re thinking about selling these products. However, I wouldn’t recommend it.
Selling replicas can put you at legal risk and hurt your reputation, which just isn’t worth it.
4. Why the demand for designer replicas is increasing?
Even with all the warnings about fake products online and brands fighting knock-offs, the replica market is still on the rise, and more people are using fake bags.
Interestingly, there are two groups you might not expect that are pushing this trend forward.
🔸Wealthy People
People with good economic conditions are also buying fake bags.
Many of them own genuine products and are fully capable of buying more, but they still choose to buy high-quality replicas.
This shows that replicas are no longer just a symbol of social class, and many wealthy consumers appreciate the high quality and satisfaction of replicas.
🔸Young People
Facing the powerful marketing influence of luxury brands, many young people with limited financial means choose to buy replica products.
Surveys show that an increasing number of young people are not only unashamed of wearing cheap imitations of high-end brands, but actually take pride in it.
Overall, whether it’s for economic reasons or an appreciation for quality, the demand for fake bags keeps growing, showing that the market is always changing.
5. Why are replica bags getting more popular?
Replica bags are getting more popular mainly because of these reasons:
They’re a lot cheaper than genuine luxury items. They are more accessible to people.
🔸Better quality:
Thanks to better manufacturing techniques, some high-quality replicas are really close to the real thing in terms of materials and craftsmanship.
🔸Replica Knockoff quality Decline:
Many people feel that even though Replica Knockoff
items are getting more expensive, their quality isn’t improving, making replicas more appealing.
With replicas, you don’t have to worry as much about damaging or losing an expensive bag when you travel or use it every day.
🔸More variety:
Replicas let consumers try more styles and colors at a lower cost, meeting their fashion desires.
🔸Investment priorities:
Instead of spending a lot on Replica Knockoff designer bags, many people would rather invest their money in other valuable experiences like art, travel, and family.
6. How to get rid of replica bag smell?
These methods are gathered from tips shared by bag enthusiasts.
🔸Air it out:
Leave your bag in a well-ventilated spot or let it sit outside in the sun (Be mindful not to leave it too long.). This can help reduce smells. Keeping the bag open and outside can make this process faster.
🔸Freezing method:
Put it in a ziploc bag and put it in the freezer.
🔸Charcoal packets:
Put a bunch of charcoal packets in the bag and on the outside and then put everything in a big knotted plastic bag.
🔸Baking soda:
Put baking soda into the bag and let it sit for a week at a time.
🔸Dryer sheets:
Put dryer sheets inside the bag. Unscented dryer sheets- lots of them. Don’t use scented dryer sheets…. Fufu and bounce don’t mix well.
If one method doesn’t work, you can try switching between a few different methods.
7. Are knock off handbags worth it?
Whether buying a replica bag is “worth it” depends on a few things:
🔸Quality and durability:
High-end replicas can be almost as good as the real thing.
With genuine luxury items getting more expensive, replicas give you similar design and quality for a lot less, making them a budget-friendly choice.
🔸Value comparison:
Luxury brands charge a lot for the name and marketing. If you don’t want to pay extra just for the brand, replicas are a practical option.
🔸Personal values:
If you care about cost-effectiveness and design and don’t mind that it’s not the real deal, a replica might work for you. But if you value the authenticity and guarantee of a brand, you’ll probably prefer the genuine item.
🔸Ethical and legal considerations:
Replicas come with issues like intellectual property infringement and other ethical concerns.
So, whether a replica bag is worth buying depends on your budget, quality expectations, personal values, and thoughts on legal and ethical issues.
If you want something cost-effective and don’t mind if it’s not authentic, a replica could be a good choice. But if you care about brand value and supporting original creators, investing in the real thing is probably better for you.
With this guide, you’ll have a clearer idea of how to pick the right replica bag that suits your needs while steering clear of common pitfalls in the market.
Whether considering your budget, usage occasions, or quality expectations, this guide will help you make more informed purchasing decisions.
🌟Remember, while lots of online platforms and social media offer replicas, finding reliable sellers is key. Hope these tips help you find the perfect replica bag for you!
If you found this guide useful, why not share it with your friends? It could help them make great choices too.
And if you’ve got questions or need a bit more help, just drop a comment below. I’m here to help, and so are many of our readers!
Curious about long-term experiences with the Celine belt bag?
Soo, I have lost a screw from my rep LV pochette metis lock. 😱 What would you do?
You could sew it in place, glue it or take it to a cobbler. Or be very lucky and find a screw that fits yourself. What I would do depends on the price and quality of the bag, but it’s definitely fixable
I’ve had a seller send me screws before … lost a small one on a mini reissue and the seller sent me one .
When looking for niche brands/ items, what is your go-to process?
WHY am I just now learning about 17Track? This website has made my life so much easier! You can copy and paste all of your tracking numbers (without regard to carrier) and it keeps track of all of your packages whereabouts on one page! I just keep a tab open on my phone. Did anyone else not know this existed?
Download AfterShip! Get updates directly on your phone via push Notifications
Mind. Blown.
Does anyone know any sellers with men’s work bags? I’m looking for my husband but not sure where to start
My mum recently saw my Prada Re-edition 2005 and is now looking for a lightweight crossbody bag for travelling, preferably nylon. She says the Prada one is too “young hip” for her 😂 any recommendations please? Thank you 💖
Not the fanciest, but if she wants a lightweight, zipped nylon crossbody for travel, Longchamp has a couple of styles that would work beautifully. I got my mom one pre-Covid for a big trip, and it’s been her travel bag ever since!
Have you shown her the quilted nylon crossbody?? My mum liked that when she accompanied me to buy my nylon re-edition 😂 I’ve seen reps of that in nylon and leather too! I think it looks appropriate for any age and it’s bigger too
My rep GGDB from DD arrived recently and I LOVE them. I’m not a harsh QCer for shoes, but I’m super happy with them, they look amazing. It’s hard to find auth GGDB in store in my area
Has anyone actually bought bags from the sellers she recommended?
Any reviews of Designer Discreet ? They seem well enough but won’t purchase without a review!
All you bag care experts, specifically suede experts. How would you get this water stain out of brand new Ugg’s? My husband left a wet towel on them 😩. Thanks!
I’ve had good luck with Micellar water. Should you choose to go that route, this is what the guy who cleaned my suede couch told me: best practice for suede is to gently brush out from the stain in large circlesandto cover all of the surface area of the suede with your brushing. Most of the staining with suede comes from the end of the water line, so I’d you get it all similarly wet it will dry more evenly than spot cleaning.
UPDATE: it worked!!! I’m going to redo the treatment so it looks nicer, I spent probably 10 seconds on it as I didn’t want to overdo it and I think if I spend another 10 it will be completely gone. Thank you!!
Can someone educate me here on some of the items that are sold or promoted by people on TikTok for DHGATE etc. These influencers whip out all these bags and accessories from Chanel, YSL, Hermes etc and claim that they are perfect. Are they really good or are they actually a step lower than what we get from the mid to high tier factories? Just curious… what’s the difference?
In my experience, items from DHG are generally low-mid tier. You really have to manage your expectations and also keep an eye out for fake reviews.
Agree. Agree. Agree. I’ve had some abysmal misses with AE and DHG. Sometimes I see reviews on items that I wouldn’t QC the same.
For the low tier, it’s great if you’re looking to try the item if you’re wondering about shape like, how would it feel to have an oval bangle bracelet screwed around my wrist. It’s not so great for a Love bracelet that you want to be a stunning rep.
I guess they could be good. But I doubt it. I don’t put a whole lot of stock into any “influencer” recommendations. They’re being compensated in some way for the review/promotion whether it’s the product, a discount, or money, etc… And as a result they are biased, even if they don’t think they are.
I mean QC is only as good as the people doing it… there’s plenty of stuff on AliExpress I have bought for instance that has tonnes of reviews saying it’s real leather, but it’s very clearly NOT lol. I imagine it will be more of a mixed bag in terms of quality and probably won’t be analysed
I am wondering if someone can recommend a good site that sells Chanel bags?
I’m looking for a very made well replica of the Chanel boy bag. I was really close to ordering one from a seller on Instagram named wrighetkelsey. does any one know anything about them. I’m really new with the concept of replicas so if I could get some advice I would be very grateful
does anyone know which factory does good reps for dior wallets/card holders?
It’s about a year that I’m not making any purchase, but now I’d like to start again. I’d love to buy another prada re-edition, celine belt bag in grey and maybe a Balenciaga hourglass
good morning everyone I need some advice. my friend is graduating in two months! I’m so proud of her and I really want to treat her to a nice tote bag she can use at her new job in dentistry. she would be more comfortable with a contemporary brand or a simple design. any recs? 🥰
The telfar suggestion is top notch, but I’m also adding Marc Jacobs the tote bag for a similar aesthetic and adjustable straps. Dragon diffusion can work if she prefers woven leather. For simple design but not contemporary there’s Loewe cushion tote (or anagram cutout if she’s slightly more adventurous) and the Celine cabas (specifically the drawstring closure one). Mulberry has dressier options.
Thank you so much, that’s exactly what I need
Does anyone know if sellers stock vintage styles? Eg vintage Gucci, fendi, dior? Not sure if this is a thing…
Does anyone have a favorite key holder aside from the ever popular LV one?
Hello!! I have a LV Néonoé replica bag and I just wore it 4 times. I realized that the glazing of the two straps is peeling…I imagine that this might be caused by the movement of opening and closing the bag…does it happen in the auth? Is it usual?? Thanks!!!
So sad! My red néonoé actually had the pieces of leather split there. Like you said, I think it was from opening and closing it. I ended up super glueing it back together
What’s your experience ordering custom made shoes? I have been looking for Maysale MB kitten heels and no one seems to have them 😞. A seller mentioned that they can be custom made but I won’t be able to reject the shoes if they don’t come up as expected.
Horrible lol. Everytime I have had a pair of shoes made in my size (40) they always come out looking wonky and nothing like the photos. 🤷🏻♀️
Just wanted to share the messy stitching on this Lady D-Lite bag on display at Dior specifically the “PARIS” signature. I think the “P” and “A” look especially sad 😭.
I used to obsess over the accuracy of this area on my Dior reps because my auths were extremely neat, but after seeing this, I have had a change of heart.
Don’t sweat the small stuff. Wear your reps in confidence!
Sometimes I think they put reps out on display or either the really subpar auths.
Starting to think the same…with all the smash and grabs that have happened, they are probably starting to use defectives, etc. for display.
Couldn’t agree more on this. When we freak out that the I is less than a mm thinner than what we perceive it should be. There is zero chance a single person in the wild even setting them side by side will notice any difference
Agreed. No need to stress over it!
I need some advice. I was scrolling thru a seller’s album and saw that she has a LV bumbag on sale for $99. In your opinion is this a good price for the bag?