It has become a crucial topic for every bag lover to discern the authenticity of designer handbags. This blog post will take you to a quick comparison between real and fake Fendi Baguette Bag, providing you with Fake guides and techniques.
- The buckle has smooth, rounded edges that won’t feel sharp to the touch.
- Fake buckle has sharp edges and distinct corners that can be a bit uncomfortable.
- The metal zipper typically features the letters “FF” in a double-sided fashion on the back.
- The surface coating of the zipper has a matte finish.
- You would find Fendi letters stamped on the sides of the slider.
- The edge of the zipper is slightly raised, and the overall design is crisp.
- The “r” in the circle is relatively small and may be hard to discern.
- In fake metal zippers, the font is generally larger and occupies the entire space.
- The “r” inside the circle is larger and easily recognizable.
- The label has neat stitching with logo lines that are not completely filled, leaving some gaps.
- They also feature a scissors icon, although some labels may not have the scissor tips included.
- The label is typically machine-stitched.
- The letters “f” and “e” in the logo often do not match the characteristics of genuine labels.
- The overall font tends to be thicker.
For More on How to Spot A Fake, check this Real vs Fake series |
Do you have any tips on how to clean a Fendi Fendigraphy White leather bag? There is a small black mark after me first time wearing it. This is why I would only get rep bags in white. On another note, I really love this bag
Apparently I’m needy for attention today. I NEED this bag so badly. Actually I wanted this one even more than the fendi first but….has anyone found a rep of this??? Ugh I’m actually about to just pay full price but I really don’t want toooooo wahhhhhhhhh
Hi Angie! Thank you for this review, this bag is one I’ve been looking at purchasing. Two questions for you… One, could you tell us where this replica you are comparing to the real bag is purchased from? Wondering if it’s DD? That’s where I’ve been looking at the replica tag. Two, what does it mean if there is not a metal zipper but the zipper is leather? Is that another way to differentiate that it’s a replica?
Thanks so much!
Hi Heather,
Thanks for checking out the review! 😊 The comparison pictures aren’t from DD; I’ve got a library with images I’ve collected online and from readers over time.
Regarding the zipper on the Baguette bag, typically on the Replica Knockoff one, the zipper pull is a combination of a small leather piece and a metal component. If you’re not seeing a metal zipper but instead an ALL-leather one, it could indeed be a sign that it’s a replica. For more visuals, you might want to check the resale websites.
Just wanted to write and say I went to the Fendi store in Munich today to find a scarf as a bday gift to myself. I knew I wanted a scarf but had no idea which one, what material, etc. The sales person could not have been nicer, looked everything up online for me, pulled out 5/6 scarves for me to feel and never acted put out or annoyed. I decided on one and, when I told him it was my bday gift, he wrapped it up so nicely and gave me the box and told me he wanted me to be able to have an unboxing moment on my birthday. Highly recommend Fendi for in store shopping!!