Hi everyone,
I’ve received this email regarding another Instagram scam for replica bags and am posting it to give everyone a headsup to avoid this seller if they run into them on the social media platform. Apparently they have already scammed a lot of people out of their money which is disgusting, so please read below and remember to be very vigilant when you spot a seller on social media because those places are hot spots for scammers! This is the content of the original email:
Hi Purse Queen,
Please post this on the blog to warm other from being scammed out of a lot of money. I have gathered several people that have. Been scammed by this seller on IG the goes by
Email fashionprincess688@gmail.com or vintagemood87@gmail.comAlso IG sites@queen_storebags, @cindy_storebags and most recently @Istambulpremiumbags. The name has changed several time this week.Please post the attached on your blog to warn people so they can avoid from being taken by this scammer. I have several people that have been scammed out of a lot of money. She also has YouTube videos claiming to have the best replica from Turkey. Everyone that she stolen from has commented on those videos and she has deleted all comments.. Also shortly after she received my money on Jan 24 she has blocked me from Instagram and is not responding to any messages. I have reached out to other followers and they the same has happened to them.. Please help and post these on your blog
Wow that’s so sad. People need to be careful shopping 🙁