Ok so it is time for me to officially share my FAVORITE and most stunning replica Louis Vuitton bag purchase this month. As you all may already know I previously shared that I kinda went all out on LV bags this month and I have saved the best for last in terms of reviews what is it? It is the Louis Vuitton Babylone PM in Mahina leather. I have always been a fan of the Mahina leather but last time I tried to purchase a Selene replica (totally love that model too) but the leather was way too overly plastic-y and the bag was totally off, and left me feeling like a compete faker carrying it. So surely enough that bag hardly saw any light of day and I dropped it off to a thrift store about 2 years ago, and that was the end of that.
Ever since then I have always thought that Mahina leather was something replica sellers would never perfect and I would simply be stuck dropping money on an Replica Knockoff one from a Louis Vuitton boutique. The Babylone PM costs a pretty penny at the LV store coming in at $4,100.00 USD. Back when I was totally into buying authentics I would usually do a bag two times a year one for my birthday and one for Christmas. With prices like this you can totally understand why! Anyways when I first saw the Babylone PM on Counterlux I was like OMG I have to have it. But then memories of the Selene crept back to me and I realized maybe this bag is simply too good to be true even though the pictures on the site showcased the depth of the leather pretty well. After emailing back and forth with the site’s customer service I decided to take the plunge and order this model (unfortunately DD did not have this one in their catalog which is where I got my other LV bags this month from). Why do I love the Mahina leather series so much? Well I think it is so sophisticated, dare I say even more so than the canvas series because the LV logo is not as prominent and so much more subtle!
The bag took about two weeks to arrive to my apartment, and once I opened up the parcel I was in total disbelief and beyond happy in how good replicas have become! I mean if you could see and feel the leather of this bag in person you would be in awe as well. I have taken some photos of the bag and done my best to try and showcase the quality below! As far as replica Louis Vuitton bags, and replica bags in general go this bag is a 10/10 when you take into consideration everything including the hardware, leather etc. These are the kind of replica bags that get returned to the boutiques and dupe sales associates! Take a look at my pics (although note my camera went weird causing different looking shades in some pics) and let me know what you think in the comments
This is where my camera went a bit weird and makes the bag look a different shade, but you get a good picture of the leather suppleness
Please direct me to an email address for Counterlux. I need the babylone in my life right now but its not on the site and I cannot find contact info for them 🙁
Thanks for good info review.Saya sekeluarga ambil yg haq sahaja.lain2 tiada.Dulu kini dan selamanya.
I can’t find the babylone bag on counter lux website neither can I find a contact number please please advise help
I can’t find the babylone on counterlux’s site… help please…
Pretty sure you have to email them directly.
I find if I can’t find a handbag I’m after on a website then I always contact them directly to see if they can source it for me. I’m sure others are interested in how much the bag is so if you could please let us know that would be much appreciated 🙂
Hi Queen Purse,
I’m a big fan of your blog, thanks for all the tips, I need you to help me finding a Diorama wallet in the blue color. I found this site but looks like the quality is terrible and a scam : http://repbagreviews.com/dior-2015-diorama-wallet-collection/
any other website can you recommend me? Thanks in advance
http://counterlux.co/ is the site.
That link is not working. The handbag is Gorgeous and I wanted to purchase one…Can anyone help??? Where do I go to get this bag? Thanks a bunch!
Where can I purchase this Louis Vuitton Babylone Pm Mahina Leather bag….please please adive
why is DD not working? 🙁 their website will not load for me!
It’s working for me!
Hey Purse Queen! I was wondering if you have ever purchased/reviewed a replica YSL bag? I have been eyeing the YSL Sac De Jour for a while and the one in yellow would be so fun for summer! I see that its on DD and wanted to get your feedback, thanks!!!
I was just looking again and the Damier Ebene Neverfull GM with the red interior is just beautiful. Could that be an all-year around bag or more fall/winter? I’ve not compared it to the original, but from what I see thus far, it’s a very well done bag.
The Damier Ebene Neverfull GM is gorgeous, a friend of mine has it. I’ve been eyeing the Replica Knockoff one on TheRealReal.com for a few now and decided to go with a replica, and I’m praying it will be very similar to the authentic. I think it could totally be a all year round bag!
You won’t be sorry buying a neverfull replica. The popular bags such as neverfull and speedy are so very easy to replicate and LV have been scammed with so many replica’s being returned as authentics…that’s how excellent the quality is!
I have a damiere ebene neverfull gm and the bag is huge and so practical…can even use it as a diaper bag, it never goes out of style 🙂
Ok last question maybe what is your favorite, most usable LV wallet? Which style? I saw a ‘convertible’ one, but I’m not sure it’s in production any longer since I saw it on a pre-owned site. I definitely liked the versatility of that style though.
As for the Neverfull Mimosa do those only come in MM vs GM? I love both the yellow and the deeper maroon color too… Decisions, decisions.
AHHH! Wonderful answers!! I know Rebecca was interested in getting your response too!
I’m sold! I’m definitely all about the Mimosa Neverfull. I believe that one is from DD right?
I typically not a ‘follower’ as I can tell you aren’t you like what you like; some of it may be a bit trendy, but overall, you are looking for classic styles that won’t go out of style…
I’ll also look into the Babylone.
Thanks again!
Thank you so much Purse Queen for your site! Your posts, comments, knowledge about all things designer/couture handbags is just wonderful!
I have a couple quick questions
1. Between counterlux and designer discreet which one would you recommend the most for LV replica bags?
2. I’d love your thoughts or recommendations for what would be the best use of $ for what I’m looking for: I’m looking to purchase a tote that I can use for travel. I typically don’t go with true seasonal colors because that can limit what I buy throughout the year… However, I’m considering the Azur Neverfull GM this time around….
I’m also looking to get a smaller ‘everyday’ bag if possible. I have Replica Knockoff LV backpack and Metis items. I’d love to get a matching wallet, but also need a smaller everyday bag. What are a few of your favorites that you’d recommend? I do love this new one you just purchased. I also don’t have any black or cream or tan colored bags that could be either fall/winter or summer/spring bags so if you have a few recommendations and feel that changing things up at least 2 seasons at a time would be good then by all means share your thoughts.
I do have a few coach bags that are more ‘fun’ colorful and summery, but they sit most of the time in storage…
Last question what is your stance on sharing if your bag is a replica or not? This would be my first replica purchase. I’d love to hear what people do when others compliment your replica bags. I’m not a fake person by any means. I don’ try to keep up with anyone but myself; but in this case I’m looking at pre-owned Replica Knockoff LVs but after coming across your site the replica option looks like a great idea.
I’d love to hear feedback on this topic. I don’t want anyone around me feel that I’m scamming or hiding something in any way I save and purchase Replica Knockoff high-end designer bags as a ‘reward’ when I close a big deal and set aside a little commission $$ for these types of items. That being said I don’t do it often because it’s just as important to put that $$ into savings, for my family needs, etc.
I know it’s a long ‘comment’ but I’m sure I’m not the only one out there with these questions!
Looking forward to your responses. Have a great day!
Hi Purse Queen I’d love your thoughts on my questions above!
Excited to hear your thoughts!
Have a great day
Great questions! I’m in the same boat, i have a few Replica Knockoff LV bags and looking to purchase my first replica. I have emailed back and forth with designer discreet and will probably make a purchase very soon. I’m kinda in love with the LV Soft Lockit MM bag! And I was also looking for a travel bag, possibly the Neverful GM in Damier Ebene (I have the Replica Knockoff Totally Damier Azuur and love it). Look forward to hearing Purse Queen’s answers on these questions. Good luck with your replica purchase!
Hey hun! Honestly I would say they are both pretty good on the most part. The only thing with Counterlux is that they are more selective with what they sell cause they say they only sell the best made replicas while DD has more of a variety in terms of brands but if you chat with them they tell you what is the best made vs. a little less better. The only other thing is Counterlux is a bit more pricey but they include gift wrapping in the pricing while that is separate with DD. Overall I don’t think you can really go wrong with either that’s why I’m personally very flexible shopping in between the two.
Secondly did you see the review I did on the Mimosa Neverfull? I would highly highly suggest that bag as honestly it seems to be done even better than my normal Neverfull which is also a counter quality. I think the latest productions are just so much better-ly done in terms of minute details! They have the darker shades in the Mimosa as well as the brighter ones so I think it could definitely pass as a year round since the colors are really varied.
For the smaller “everyday” bag I would 500% recommend the Babylone. It is honestly one of the most perfectly done replicas I have seen yet and the leather is SO supple. It’s definitely worth the money, and it has a strap so it is super functional for everyday use. The bag comes in a lot of neutral tones that would make it great for everyday wear I got the pink cause I was trying to be “fun”.
When it comes to wearing the “fake” if it is a close friend or w/e I am pretty open with them and tell them its a dupe but if a stranger compliments it I don’t really get into the whole replica spiel cause its usually a quick compliment and neither I nor they have the time nor necessity to hear about the fakeness or authenticity of the bag. Also like you I have plenty of Replica Knockoff LV’s so I think I have contributed more than my fair share to the LVMH corp. and I still buy Replica Knockoff sometimes if a) I really need it and b) there isn’t a viable replica option. I think it’s really a matter of potato/potatoe … a lot of these companies are manufacturing the raw bag materials in China or other Asian countries so I could really care less about them especially with their consistently lowering standards for producing the bags in the first place. Like you my family needs would definitely come first over making LVMH hit their new billion dollar sales target…. Hope this long answer helps you out girl! Let us know how it goes if you decide to buy 🙂
http://counterlux.co/ is the site ladies.
I cannot enter the site. It says forbidden You don´t have permission to access on this server. Do you know why?
Agreed, beautiful bag! What is the website?! Thanks
That bag is gorgeous! Can you please share Counter Luxury website? Thank you
This is so beautiful, i love pink!!! Where did you purchase it from? Thx for the review!
Love love love it! I’ve wanted one too! What other colors does it come in and which site did u get it at!!!
Gorgeous bag Angie….I think I am in love! Where did you get this pretty girl from?! And was it your first time ordering from the company, if so how did you hear about them?
Thank you!
Can you please tell me where you bought your Lv Noe from?
Ps: this bag is beyond believe! It is tooooo good!
Thank you