The Neverfull bag from Louis Vuitton has undergone a bit of a cosmetic makeover within the last year and the change is in my opinion for the better. What are the key changes in the bag? Well this is how most of us are used to the Neverfull looking:
The old bag featured a big pocket inside the bag and fleurs within the lining. The font was more cursive as well. What’s changed? Well there are 2 key changes. One the interior lining of the bag does not feature any fleurs (a.k.a flowers) anymore and instead the lining is simply solid straight lines featuring a more blocky-font vs. the previously cursive one. Additionally there is a detachable pouch with the bag and no interior pocket any longer!
I love this change as I have an old Neverfull myself and found the pocket by itself slightly annoying to use, and think the pouch would be much much more functional as you can easily pull it out and then hook it bag into the bag. In my world at least anything that makes life easier = better. A kind blog reader named Elle has sent in a review of a replica of the new Neverfull in monogram canvas she received from Designer Discreet! This is what Elle had to share:
Hi Angie,
Thanks so much for your blog! I’ve learned so much! Here are pictures of my LV Neo Neverfull MM that arrived yesterday. I purchased through DD. I am happy with the experience, although slow, they delivered what they promised. The bag is beautiful in my opinion and I am happy. The only fault, is the seam on the leather band around the cinch straps is sewn facing to the left. I believe it should be facing the right. Let me know your thoughts please! Thanks!
Here are the photos she added in the email (which look fantastic I have added the new Neverfull to my personal wishlist as soon as I saw the photos!):
I just purchased a Neverfull MM from DD in damier ebene. I am a little disappointed because the rose ballerine interior is definitely different than the Replica Knockoff bag.
On a good note, I also ordered the babylone bag at the same time and the quality is fantastic!! I paid for my order on June 4th and received my bags today, June 13th. I had sent an email 3 days ago asking for a shipping update and then again yesterday so I was getting a little worried but then they just showed up today!! Wasn’t expecting them that quickly at all.
Besides Luxurytastic, what are you three top websites for purchasing Louis Vuitton replicas? Looking to spend between 200 and 300.
Hi Lisa,
Luxurytastic is not a good choice. Have you taken a look at the recommended sellers page for recommendations from myself & other blog readers?
May I know where you got the Artsy replica? Quality look really good thank youu. Hope you’ll respond…
The quality of this replica is amazing. Please tell me the site where I can buy this handbag.Thank you!!!
Will someone tell me the best replica sight for a Louis Vuitton never full?
Yes can someone let me know of a good replica Louis vetton web site thank you
Please tell me the site where I can buy this handbag.Thank you!!!
Does anyone know a good website for purse that you have purchased from
Hi! I am so glad I found your blog, I am new to buying replicas, and have always dished out the money to buy real LV items, however I am willing to buy a replica if its a mirror image. I am wondering two things. 1- all of my real LV wallets and bags are monogrammed, so in your opinion, if you walked into a LV retail store and asked them to monogram one of your tier 1 bags, would they without hesitation do it? and 2- i know that with age the strapes of the classic monogram bags turn more of a honey brown, will your replicas age the same? thanks for any tips you could give!
Hi Angie!
Since CounterLux is gone, do you know of a good place for a Celine Trio replica? Thank you so much!
Hey Angie, do you know any good lv replica wallets? Where did you get your damier azur ?
I wonder if you could help me. Does CounterLux have any websites atm? The old address didn’t worked 🙁 thank you!
This was my first purchase from DD. I’ve only purchased two other replica bags in the past and they were not the quality of this bag. The zipper on the speedy broke after two months so I tossed it. The petite bucket I have held up nicely. I can’t recall where I purchased those two bags. To be honest, I’d rather spend a little more to get this quality. I’m currently away at a conference and took this bag. I have been getting so many compliments on it! I saw pics of LadyLawson bag and it’s beautiful!
Hi Angie,
Just wanted to know in your experience, are DD always quick in their services? I have tried contacting DD and sent them 3 emails. At first I thought they were just busy so I gave them time but it’s been 2 weeks and I have not seen any response from them. Quite wary now to purchase from them I know before purchasing I should ask them first feel comfortable before placing a purchase.
Just keep emailing them. It’s taken me 2 weeks to get a reply from them in the past. Often our emails go into their junk mail folder…just keep harassing them as their quality is worth the wait.
Hello Elle,
Have you purchased any other bags from this site?
Do they have other bags in addition to Louis Vuitton?
Can you recommend any other replica site’s other than Purse Valley?
Hi Barin,
I just placed an order for 5 additional bags with DD. They gave me a discount for buying so many bags at once and they’re offering a free gift. Once I receive them all I will let you know how they all look. My first bag was beautiful.
would you mind to email me the site? I can’t get either to work. Thank you
Hi, may i ask how much you spent for your LV never full. Its beautiful. You’re def. a stickler for details.I just want one in good condition that a normal person couldnt tell by me carrying it. That goes for all replica bags. I just dont have 200 dollars to spend for a fake, sadly
Hi Jennifer,
I paid 311.00 for this bag with shipping. I don’t really have a lot of experience buying replicas. I did a lot of research and to me it was worth spending the extra money to get a good replica. Yea, I’m kinda a stickler with the details! 🙂
Hi I love your purse so much. I was wondering where you purchased from? I wish I could give money to Louis Vuitton to support their fashion and production but it’s just too expensive! I’ll settle for replicas til I can afford a real one and this one looks FAB.
how is the bag holding up? I just ordered the same bag and can’t wait to see it!!
Hi! I’ve been looking for a never full bag with quality as wonderful as the one you posted. May I ask what website you visited to purchase it?