/ Replica Bags / Replica Louis Vuitton / Louis Vuitton Totally GM Review (Replica Handbag)

Louis Vuitton Totally GM Review (Replica Handbag)

I have already done a comparison between the replica Louis Vuitton Totally GM handbag I recently purchased, and an Replica Knockoff handbag of the same model for you guys to get an idea of how the two compared since it is often hard to really understand without a clear visual. If you are interested you can click here to read that article! In order to accompany that comparison I thought I would upload some more detailed pictures for those interested to get a good look at the handbag. It is overall a good replica although if I could change anything about it would be the interior cotton lining which I feel could have been done just a bit better! I have a Totally MM in Monogram Canvas I previously purchased which has a better interior lining so I am not sure if I just got unlucky this time? Anyways it is not really a big deal since the bag is overall well done, and the interior is always the last of my worries when I shop for a replica as long as it is decent!

One tip I will give anyone who wants to buy a good replica Louis Vuitton is that you should pay most attention to canvas quality of the handbag as that is the key defining distinction between a good replica and a bad one especially in the case of Louis Vuitton since their coated canvas bags are the most popular. Many years ago I purchased a Damier Azur Neverfull that had a very weak canvas material that kept falling over when I put the bag down, but the Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton’s have a stiffer canvas that do not act that way so please keep this in mind when you are shopping! The bag came with all the bells and whistles of a good replica including the authenticity card, pamphlets, dustbag, box etc. (even though I don’t really usually care about those accessories personally, but I can see why they would be nice to have especially if you were giving the bag as a gift to someone). Take a look at the photos below if you want to get a good detailed look at the replica version of this particular Louis Vuitton handbag and let me know what you think in the comments is it a good fake or would you go Replica Knockoff for this handbag?

louis-vuitton-authenticity-card louis-vuitton-pamphlet-handbag louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-2 louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-4 louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-5 louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-6 louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-cards louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-handle louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-inside-2 louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-inside-bag louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-print-canvas louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-print louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-strap louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-tag-label louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-under louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-zipper louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at thepursequeenreviews@gmail.com! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!


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  1. July 28, 2021 / 2:56 pm

    Clearly, looks fake! Just from these photos I can easily pinpoint it, so imagine it in real life. Yes, it is noticeable.

  2. Tracy
    April 1, 2017 / 5:37 pm

    I know this is an OLD post, however does anyone know where she purchased this Totally MM?? I tried emailing, but NO reply either…thanks!

  3. Pink
    January 27, 2016 / 2:32 am

    I’m looking for the gm artsy …can you please help me locate one !

  4. Gabrielle Pisano
    October 6, 2015 / 12:06 am

    Did you buy this from designer discreet also? Btw I just stumbled across your blog today and I love it! Ive been researching sites for months to buy a few replica bags, but everytime I think I found the crown jewel, I find scam alerts and bad reviews. I currently have had over 20 Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton bags and no replicas yet. I am looking to purchase the new Delightful MM in Damier Azur (fuscia lining) and the Artsy MM in Damier Azur. Any suggestions? Since I am very well knowledged in identifying authentics and that’s all own, I am defintely looking for mirror quality. Thanks in advance for your suggestions!

  5. Anonymous
    June 1, 2015 / 4:08 pm

    Love the bag! Looks great.

  6. Lola
    May 25, 2015 / 4:15 am

    Hey can you give me designer discreets contact. I can’t seem to get ahold of them and really want to order some stuff. Thanks!


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