Hi guys, I’ve missed my replica world, sorry about that I haven’t updated my new collections of replica bag for such a long time, thanks for my followers’ emails, but sorry I cannot reply them one by one.
I have been so busy, because I am a mom now, oh my god!!!
The stupid COVID didn’t stop me from shopping! I still enjoy receiving the packages.
Surprise, are you ready?!
This time, I bought Louis Vuitton Pochette metis, Onthego Monogram GM and Chanel classic flap bag in medium size. There are too many beautiful replica bags, but now I have to control my budget more carefully since I have a baby: ( Finally I still chose the most classic and popular ones. What do you think? I will share my reviews on every bag very soon, stay tuned, love you!
Please can you share where you made purchases from???
Hi.I ordered form http://designerdiscreet-bags.ru/ and PCC
I went to the site you recommended for the Chanel Flap Bag but how does the site work?? How do I contact them? Find specific items, etc? It’s quite confusing! Thank you!!
Hi, please do let us know where you purchased them, as they look great.
thanks !!
Congrats on becoming a new mum…
Congratulations on the arrival of your baby!
What a nice collection! We are waiting your feed back!
Can you share where you perched
them ?
Did you get a response to your question?
Congratulations on the new baby!!!!!!!!
And welcome back to replica world we’ve missed you . Can’t wait to hear a review and hopefully get an update on some replica Sellers we can purchase from .
Thanks love!I’m back, I’ll try more and update :)