Is it Wrong to Buy Replica Bags?


In the wise words of Shakespeare the question when it comes to buying replica handbags can be phrased as, “to buy or not to buy?” Is it wrong? Are there any ethical dimensions that you should consider you may be violating before you purchase?

I know a lot of people are like if you don’t have the money for the real one then don’t buy it, but here is my issue, which I am guessing many other ladies out there have as well. I have the money for the real handbags, and sure own plenty of them (which reminds me I need to work on that closet  renovation I’ve been waiting forever to do yet have yet to find time to actually do). Anyways I simply prefer to have a collection of both Replica Knockoff handbags and replica bags if you will … sometimes I really love a bag and just really want a real one and can’t resist so I’ll splurge (like the recent vintage Kelly I found it was to die for in person at the consignment store so I ended up giving in to my temptation and going authentic, and I feel completely okay about that even though it did cost me a big chunk of change), however after also seeing many replica bags while experimenting shopping for them I realized there really is no difference between the two except for the fact that you can boast about it being Replica Knockoff … so now I buy mostly fakes.

I think I have spent more than enough money on Replica Knockoff handbags to have benefitted all my favorite designer brands for a lifetime so in terms of feeling bad for the large companies, I hate to say that I don’t feel bad. As I said I’ve forked over more than my fair share of cash to these companies and I can say that I don’t regret it I am one of those people that never regret a purchase, I mean life is short after all. Another objection that I often hear about buying anything replica is that it supports child labor, slavery, the drug trade, terrorist groups and basically and other negative organization out there. I’m going to have to say that not only do I not buy into this but unfortunately if you are wary about purchasing goods that contribute negative industries in society then as a shopper or consumer you have to basically stop shopping at all. Whether you are buying real or fake bags, shoes, cutlery, furniture, electronics etc. you have to realize that due to the way the current production system works (where made in China is the norm) you will be harming someone since most things are made in slave labour conditions under the table. Additionally most replica bags are made in factories where Replica Knockoff products are made, except they do this during the after hours off the clock. Basically I wrote this post to give everyone an idea as to what I personally think about buying fakes, and am curious what you all think as well! Please comment below to give perspective on the issue!

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!


Replica Balenciaga vs. Replica Knockoff Handbag Buying Guide


This post will be dedicated to mentioning all the things you should look for in a replica Balenciaga handbag before purchasing it in order to ensure it truly is as good as the real thing.

balenciaga replicaSo beautiful… how I love Balenciaga! What do you think of this replica?

The Zippers:
Although this may seem like such a small feature of a handbag it is actually one which you must really pay attention to in order to make sure the replica is reflective of a real balenciaga handbag. Balenciaga uses zippers created by Lampo. Usually fake handbags come with zippers engraved with the capitalized word Lampo these are clearly fake. Good Balenciaga replicas should have Lampo zippers which have the word Lampo written in a slanted or italics font. In addition to this the “L” from Lampo must extend to the end of the word. A trademark symbol should also appear beside the world Lampo. Usually when my friends show off their replica Balenciaga’s to me I take a look at the zippers first. If the replica artists have paid attention to the zippers it is a sign that they have an eye for detail and will follow through with other finer or subtle details on the rest of the handbag.

lampo zipper
The Leather:
Leather oh leather. This is the most visible part of your handbag so clearly it is a big point to consider when purchasing a replica. Replica Knockoff Balenciaga uses either goatskin or lambskin leather depending on which collection a specific handbag is from. The leather is very soft and feels quite smooth and carefree in your hands. It is almost silky in a sense. Replica Knockoff Balenciaga leather also has a shine which is not overpowering (as many of the fakes are) but at the same time noticeable. Its leather is distressed but not over the top cracked out. The tassels attached to the handbag should be equally as soft. The leather of a Balenciaga plays a big part in creating its elegance which is why it is important to pay attention to this when you are shopping around for a replica.

A lot of replicas unforutnately are overly cracked out and overly shiny. This completely takes away from the beauty of the Balenciaga and trust me girlfriend will be noticeable from a mile away to a true fashionista. I think that replicas don’t offend companies like Balenciaga when done properly but when it is horrible its completely misrepresents their product.

So check with any site you are thinking of buying from to make sure the materials they use are the same as the Replica Knockoff and if they aren’t DO NOT BUY. Your bag will look tacky and spotted as a fake from a mile away.

The difference is clear and upsetting. The fake does not hold the beauty of the real handbag.

Another more minute yet equally important feature of a Balenciaga.If the end of the straps are folded over this is an immediate sign that the Balenciaga is fake. Fake Balenciaga handbags usually have a more squared off bale.

The Handles:
Finally one last key part of a Balenciaga I would like to discuss with my fellow shopping peers. The handles of an Replica Knockoff Balenciaga should not have a finished or coated look. The Balenciaga should have handles which are weaved, or braided with leather. Balenciaga themselves call it “sueded leather”, which has a raw appearance to it and looks more like rope or a shoelace. This is a detail fakes often miss unfortunately.

balenciaga replica handle authentic

You should really pay attention to all these details if you want to find a replica handbag which truly reflects the edgy yet chic personality of a Balenciaga handbag. 

Also I will be posting guides for Celine replica buying, Louis Vuitton replica buying etc. in the near future! We should aim as shoppers to buy what I call “Replica Knockoff replica designer handbags” which means they have every part of an Replica Knockoff bag with the price tag being the only key difference if you know what I mean.

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!


Website Review: Pursevalley and Poshmoda Shopping Experiences

UPDATED: This is an old post which is being updated to reflect new information! The post was first published in 2012. I just wanted to let everyone know that it has been confirmed that Poshmoda and Pursevalley are connected so if you are wary of one you should be wary of the other! Feel free to share your experiences (good and bad) below shopping through either seller/website. 

Purse Valley Eva Knox Scam

Hey guys!

So I was going to make a purchase from (they are the same site operated under different names in order to trick people) since they are advertised all over the place however after receiving some emails from several blog readers I decided not to even spend a penny as these sites seem to clearly sell poorly made replicas, and have even scammed people it turns out in many cases. Here is what I have heard:

Hi Angie, I posted this on another site but I thought I’d email you too to let you know. I had ordered 4 purses from First, delivery was late. Secondly, the quality is inferior. Third, they didn’t have one of the purses I ordered so they cancelled without informing me. Fourth, I tried to call, email, and use live chat to get authorization to return the purses (they only allow 10 days for returns AND the package has to be mailed to China!) and they will not return my calls or emails. To make it all worse, I ordered 4 purses so I would get a 30% discount but because they cancelled part of my order and only sent 3 purses, I didn’t receive a discount.
The quality of the purses is inferior. I have real Chanel purses and these are not even close. You can buy nicer, cheaper faux purses in L.A. for a fraction of the cost.
I started calling on Jan. 3, 2011, and have called 4 times, emailed 4 times, and tried their “live chat” 4 times. I left my number in each case, and I have yet to receive any correspondence from them. I used a debit card to pay so I am very concerned.
I hope you can put this on your blog to help prevent this from happening to others.

Another email I received said:

Do not waste your time. is full of dishonest people say money back guarantee but refuse a refund then cannot get a response from customer service I am out of $640 plus $80 shipping charges for returning their products. I am disgusted and am very careful before I purchase online now because of this experience.

Finally a few other shoppers have mentioned:

Wish I had seen all the negative reviews about pursevalley before I made a $600 purchase. First of all, their shipping is horrible. I ordered stuff for an event coming soon and it’s taking forever to ship. I try to contact customer sevice and they are either very rude (one hung up on me!) or dont reply to the couple emails I sent. they wasted no time at all getting my money. (Should have not send it through western union cos I cant get refunds now). I was decieved by Eva Knox from spot bags because of all her false reviews, no one who does not work for a company will have such high praises in all her posts. I ordered an lv evora from another well known replica company and the service was great and I recieved my bag in no time, Quality was flawless. I still havent recieved my order from purse valley and I have no idea how that will turn out as most of the real reviews I see are negative. I wrote a complaint on the facebook page and they removed it immediately, hence the mostly positive reviews. I’m very sure if they were honest, the negative reviews would bypass the positive by far. Will never purchase from this company again and I hope you tell others not to either.

“I recently ordered a bag from and it was a really bad quality bag. When I complained, they asked me to send it back which costed me £30 and promising a new bag. The bag arrived but it was broken as soon as I opened it and it was a poor replica of the MM artsy. It did not look anything like the actual bag. Now, they wont give me the money back and want me to spend another £30 to send this broken bag back! I am disappointed and they ripped me off. I would never recommend purse valley or club couture for replica bags!! horrible horrible quality bags!!

I would really like to thank you girls for emailing me before I created a potential headache for myself, and hope that these experiences will help others! This site operates under a lot of aliases so you really need to be careful when you are shopping online to avoid one of their traps! If anyone else has a horrible/amazing experience feel free to email me (with pictures preferably) at I hope this post will serve as a warning to anyone out there who is shopping for a knockoff.

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!


Louis Vuitton Totally GM Review (Replica Handbag)


I have already done a comparison between the replica Louis Vuitton Totally GM handbag I recently purchased, and an Replica Knockoff handbag of the same model for you guys to get an idea of how the two compared since it is often hard to really understand without a clear visual. If you are interested you can click here to read that article! In order to accompany that comparison I thought I would upload some more detailed pictures for those interested to get a good look at the handbag. It is overall a good replica although if I could change anything about it would be the interior cotton lining which I feel could have been done just a bit better! I have a Totally MM in Monogram Canvas I previously purchased which has a better interior lining so I am not sure if I just got unlucky this time? Anyways it is not really a big deal since the bag is overall well done, and the interior is always the last of my worries when I shop for a replica as long as it is decent!

One tip I will give anyone who wants to buy a good replica Louis Vuitton is that you should pay most attention to canvas quality of the handbag as that is the key defining distinction between a good replica and a bad one especially in the case of Louis Vuitton since their coated canvas bags are the most popular. Many years ago I purchased a Damier Azur Neverfull that had a very weak canvas material that kept falling over when I put the bag down, but the Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton’s have a stiffer canvas that do not act that way so please keep this in mind when you are shopping! The bag came with all the bells and whistles of a good replica including the authenticity card, pamphlets, dustbag, box etc. (even though I don’t really usually care about those accessories personally, but I can see why they would be nice to have especially if you were giving the bag as a gift to someone). Take a look at the photos below if you want to get a good detailed look at the replica version of this particular Louis Vuitton handbag and let me know what you think in the comments is it a good fake or would you go Replica Knockoff for this handbag?

louis-vuitton-authenticity-card louis-vuitton-pamphlet-handbag louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-2 louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-4 louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-5 louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-6 louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-cards louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-handle louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-inside-2 louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-inside-bag louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-print-canvas louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-print louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-strap louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-tag-label louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-under louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur-zipper louis-vuitton-replica-totally-gm-damier-azur

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!


Celine Phantom Replica Review



Hey guys I just wanted to share a review of a gorgeous Celine Phantom I had purchased several months ago. I completely forgot to post the review of the bag until I wore it out a few days ago. Anyone who has read this blog even a bit will know that I am currently addicted to CELINE bags, and as we all know not everyone wants (or in many cases can) pop out a couple of thousand for the authentics in every style. I personally have two Replica Knockoff Celine bags (one is my belt tote and the other is a tri colored nano which I completely fell in love with I will post my entire CELINE collection soon!). Anyways I have noticed that there are indeed some very good CELINE replica bags out there which is why I am honestly pretty deterred personally at this point from buying any more Replica Knockoff pieces as the knockoffs do justice to the original design. As I mention all the time it really comes down to knowing how to shop for replica handbags, whether they be CELINE or any other designer out there!

Here are the photos of my Phantom which is actually a replica of the croc embossed version in red. The leather of the bag is quite stiff but it is definitely Replica Knockoff and I like how the croc embossed bag keeps its shape a bit better compared to the other Phantoms made from calfskin since I think that the form of the bags are what make CELINE’s personality. Take a look at the photos below and let me know what you think would you go Replica Knockoff or fake for the Celine replica bag shown below?


One very very important thing to remember if you are shopping for a replica Celine Phantom bag in particular is that you MUST take a look at the bottom of the bag. If you do not get a shot of the bottom of the handbag please do NOT buy the bag! You have to make sure that the bag does not have a stitch through the middle. Although there are some older editions of the croc Phantom which did come with a stitch, CELINE has discontinued this production method and a stitch through the middle is considered a tell tale sign of a fake bag! This is the #1 sign that handbag authenticators and any keen CELINE fan would use to judge the authenticity of bag, and so if you want to invest in a good replica then make sure that the centre is not stitched!  celine croc phantom

A closeup of the bag for you to get an idea of the stitching which is very well done on this particular replica handbag. celine-phantom-replica-bag-review-2 celine-phantom-replica-bag-review-3

A close up of the hardware on the bottom of the bag! CELINE Phantoms come with little pegs on the bottom of the bag. This is another thing to look out for when thinking of purchasing a replica Celine as many knockoffs also miss this detail!celine-phantom-replica-bag-review celine-phantom-zipper

Make sure that the inside zipper of the Phantom is stamped with “Made in Italy” right below the zipper line and nowhere else! celine-replica-bags-zipper A closeup of the braided zipper on the Phantom which is just one detail of the bag that I love!replica celine phantom zipper  replica-celine-bag-zipper replica-celine-bag

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!


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