Louis Vuitton Noe BB Replica Review

louis vuitton replica noe side

My lovely Louis Vuitton Noe BB replica

Hey guys in this post I will be reviewing my replica Louis Vuitton Noe BB handbag. I purchased the purse in Damier Azur for my summer vacation last year when I visited both Europe and Turkey and thought it would be the perfect go to bag when I was visiting the various tourist destinations because of its small size. Anyways unfortunately I damaged the bottom of my bag by spilling my skin toner bottle on the inside which leaked to the bottom of the bag and damaged the cowhide trimmings.The funniest story I actually ever heard about a damaged bag (although many might argue it is cringeworthy) was from a blog reader that told me  that her dog chewed up her Louis Vuitton which was actually Replica Knockoff that must have been a definite ouch in the wallet and heart! However I think that once the bag patinas out it will look half decent again as once the color is darker on the trimmings it will be hard to notice the damage at all! The bag was a really good replica I would say as the canvas quality and leather cowhide trimmings were both of the original quality.

How could I tell this? You can feel a good weight to the canvas on Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton bags, and many replicas do not have this heaviness but instead are super light and flimsy. This is the difference between a good and bad replica. Another sign of a good replica is that the bag kind of keeps it’s form on its own and does not simply down right away once you place the handbag down. Most replicas do not keep their form, so you have to know what to shop for online or in person (which is obviously easier) to look for a good knockoff. Anyways aside from the stain the quality of the bag is actually pretty good!

One thing which I noticed on this bag that most Louis Vuitton replica handbags lack is the accuracy of the trimmings. A lot of Louis Vuitton replica bags have a red lacquer which is more of a bright red used to finish off the edges. Louis Vuitton used to use this finish back in the day so it is not deadly to buy a replica bag with this kind of trimming, but it is always nicer to have the latest method of production used on your bag. What Louis Vuitton does now is use more of a matte brown seal on the sides of the cowhide trimmings for the handles and you can see in the pictures below that the Noe I am reviewing does indeed have the dull brown trimmings as opposed to the red.

Overall aside from the damage I inflicted upon the handbag myself, I would rate the bag a 9/10 on the replica scale as it has all the key details down, and the stitching is well done without the bright yellow look of many Louis Vuitton replica threads. A tip for anyone with a damaged Louis Vuitton bag similar to mine is to use olive oil on the trimmings and then place the bag out in the sun to help the patina process speed up a bit. I will try this trick myself and post updated photos once the look of the bag improves a bit! Let me know what you think of the bag in the comments below and whether you have personally ruined any of your Louis Vuitton or designer handbags (real or fake).


Can you spot the damage at the bottom? I am praying the patina will even out the color and make it noticeable.


The bottom shot of the bag where you can pretty clearly see the damage. Have you ever damaged any of your designer purses? If so comment below and let me know what you did to try and fix it!


A closer shot of the buckle of the bag.


The little knot that the Noe is known for!


Unfortunately the stamp of the bag was not spared from all the damage!


Another closeup of the hardware and stitching.


I wanted to get a closeup of the hardware and the writing on it!


I am surprised that the toner did not do more damage to the inside of the bag!


Overall I am very impressed with this replica of the Noe!

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at thepursequeenreviews@gmail.com! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!


Celine Replica Bags: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly!



When it comes to buying CELINE replica bags you have to be very careful since they are extremely popular at the moment! You could easily fall for what I call replica ugly which is as low as you can go when it comes to buying a fake bag, let alone a fake CELINE. Replica ugly basically refers to the deep waters of fake that nobody wants to be swimming in especially when these bags don’t sell for cheap online (yes even for a fake!). This article will explore the three different qualities and I will review my personal CELINE replica bags showing you how I fell for a mediocre replica and eventually how I ended up finding the best quality of CELINE in the black nano I purchased which I am still in love with till this day! First of all I’d like to note that the CELINE nano is my favorite CELINE model after the trio because it is so petite and functional, and I am personally in a stage in my life where less is more and I think my purse choices are beginning to reflect this personal philosophy.

Anyways lets get back on point. The ugly replica as you can see is pictured first and when you compare it to the third picture a.k.a the good CELINE replica you will shocked and astonished to hear that some people pay for that ugly replica and even consider wearing it. The bag is COMPLETELY off. Everything from the zipper placement, to the dimensions, to the handles, to the logo are done extremely poorly. It can hardly be considered a bare bones replica bag and I think you can guess just as well as I can why that is. I will have to say that when you hear people dissing fakes, it is the ugly replicas that they are most likely referencing as these bags are a shame to the original design and to bag making in general. I think that if you are going to buy a replica you should purchase one that at least respects the original design or don’t even buy it at all as it will quite frankly turn out to be a waste of your money. Ok so I had to do some googling to come across the ugly replica and it is not part of my personal collection but I think right off the bat anyone with any knowledge of CELINE will be able to point out the flaws. First the loose handles completely defy the original CELINE design which is so structured. Secondly the logo has been maximized and looks terrible. The zipper on the bag has been placed too high and makes the bag lose the original CELINE symmetry which adds to the beauty of the bag in my opinion.

The second bag pictured was indeed one I purchased on my own and although it is not an ugly replica it is just a mediocre one and shows that even if you think you know designer bags, you have to be careful with their replica equivalents as there are so many details you need to pay attention to. The second bag is a lot better than the first but the quality of the leather (which is something you have to see in person) is generally poor overall as it has a half plastic feel to it, making me personally doubt whether it is real leather at all. Additionally the dimensions of the handbag are off by a bit (it is supposed to be a nano) and if you can see it has more of a rectangular shape to it than a square shape. This bag is what most replica sites sell and they are good enough to dupe most people into thinking they are Replica Knockoff CELINEs an expert would be still able to spot the bag as a fake. I have posted detailed photos below for you to take a look at to see all the details, and what the manufacturers missed in making it.


Front view of the bag. This bag is probably around 80% similar to the original CELINE.


The bottom of the handbag has pegs which a CELINE nano is not supposed to have since it is the tiniest model!


The bag is of the bag is ok, but you can see the shiny sheen on the leather here which makes the bag look really fake.


At least they got the stamp on the replica bag right!


As you can see there is an overall unfinished look the the purse!


The interior stamp is very off compared to the original CELINE design. The good CELINE nano replica I reviewed had an accurate interior stamp.


Although I do not care too much about the interior of a replica bag I want the quality of the materials to be good. this bag had a plastic lining on the inside which was not very good compared to the genuine leather lining of the good nano replica pictured before.


The hardware was a bit clunky and large compared to the good CELINE replica and the Replica Knockoff version of the nano as well, although at least they go the stamp on it!


Finally the third bag pictured is the good replica and honestly compared to an Replica Knockoff CELINE replica it is very hard to tell the difference between the two. Everything from the leather to the interior are on key and right off the bat you can see that the square shape of the CELINE nano is accurately represented in this replica bag. If you want to see a detailed comparison between the third bag and an original CELINE in my original review of the purse you can click here.

Overall the moral of the story is that you have to be careful when shopping for not only CELINE replica purses, but generally all replica purses online as it is easy to end up wasting your money on a poor excuse for a bag! There are good CELINE replicas out there, you just need to make sure you know how to spot one and spend your money right the first time!

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at thepursequeenreviews@gmail.com! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)! 

Is it Illegal to Buy a Replica Bag?



Hey guys so this is a question that I often hear asked by people who are thinking about buying a replica bag and I just wanted to write a quick post on it to clarify it for those who do not know. It is 100% legal to purchase a replica handbag. What is illegal is selling it since the seller is knowingly infringing patents and trademarks of the Replica Knockoff brands. So to clarify as long as you are not planning on setting up a replica shop (which I’m sure 99% of shoppers aren’t myself included imagine all the risk!) you are fine to shop for replica handbags.

Another point often made by people who criticize those who buy replica bags are that apparently we are contributing to “terrorism”, “organized crime”, “slave labour” etc. I must say that these claims are enough to deter a naive individual, but if you know a thing or two about the world we live in you will realize that both replica and Replica Knockoff items whether they be purses, shoes, or clothing have these negative effects. I remember recently reading an article about the company Zara (who knocks off many designer fashion looks and sells them for less, however does so under their own label) who employs individuals in factories where there are a lot of chemicals which lead a lot of the works towards developing some type of a respiratory condition that leads to early illness and death. The company will not even buy $0.06 face masks (yes that is right six cents) to prevent the inhalation of whatever it is causing the chemicals. I think that if we want to get into the ethics of what we buy there is a long list of items we need to cross of our lists in order to become conscientious shoppers and it is quite a long list. I think that the key issue with replica is the counterfeiting of trademarks and nothing more or less.

What is more important and something you need to worry about more is where you will shop to make sure you a) do not fall for a scam (as we know there are plenty of those on the online world), and b) you buy a good replica, and not just any old replica! If you would like you can feel free to browse the blog which is full of reviews submitted by various readers and myself which try to help everyone in the online world navigate the murky waters of replica! Leave a comment below to let everyone know what your favorite brand is and whether you prefer Replica Knockoff purses or their replica counterparts!

Replica Louis Vuitton Bags: Is it Hard to Buy them Online?



Louis Vuitton is arguably the most copied bag in the world meaning there are many replica Louis Vuitton bags out there! This makes it even more challenging however when you are thinking of buying a knockoff as it means you have your work cut out for you in terms of finding a good replica Louis Vuitton. In this article I will compare and review a replica Louis Vuitton Damier Azur Totally to an Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton Damier Azur going over key tips to guide when you are shopping online! Take a look at the photo above! Can you spot the fake right off the bat or did it take you a few moments to compare the two? It can be really tough for buyers to decipher between real and fake nowadays due to the improving standards of replica bag manufacturers. If the first thing you looked at were the handles of the bag and noticed a color difference, do not let yourself be fully thrown off! The handles on the bag pictured on the left side have been patina’d which means they have oxidized due to exposure.

Louis Vuitton handbags are made with cowhide trimmings which naturally patina over time, giving the handles a darker look. When you buy a brand new Louis Vuitton (real or fake) it should look like the bag on the right where the handles are very light and untampered with. If you buy a used bag you can expect the handbag to have a patina’d handle(s), and if it doesn’t that is a warning sign that is a) fake, and b) a really bad fake. Anyways back to the initial question: could you tell which bag was the knockoff? If you guessed the bag on the left with the darker handles you are wrong, and if you guessed the bag on the right with the lighter handles you are right! Let’s take a look into the differences between the two bags. One note I would like to make is that the handbag pictured on the right is one of the best Louis Vuitton replicas available out there, and so if you are looking for one this would be as close to the real deal as you can get without buying an Replica Knockoff handbag.


The bottom of both handbags are equivalent and there is no difference at all that would cause one to second guess the authenticity of the bag. The only difference is that the bag on the left which is used has lost some of its shape and become a bit more “loose” unlike the handbag on the right which has yet to be used. This loose-ness is not a factor in authenticity in this case however!


A side view of both handbags once again showing no noticeable difference between the two handbags. The handles of the used Replica Knockoff bag are a bit more stretched out and worn out compared to the replica handbag on the right.


Once again the biggest difference I would say Louis Vuitton replica handbags have from their Replica Knockoff counterparts is the stitching quality. If you take a look on the bag on the left it is just a bit more well done than that of the one on the right which is not sewn in as deep. Other than that the tags are generally comparable.


The interior of both of the handbags are shown here. The light was a bit dark when I was trying to photograph the replica LV so sorry about that folks. You still get a general idea though and the interiors are fairly comparable. The interiors of replica handbags are one thing which I don’t usually sweat about as long as it is a quality interior and good enough to hold my stuff. However if something is off here or there it does not really matter in comparison to the total design so I would suggest you don’t sweat about it either!

Let me know what you think of the Totally replica bag in the comments below. Was a good fake or was it easy for you to spot?

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at thepursequeenreviews@gmail.com! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)! 

Can You Spot Fake Celine Bags? A Guide to Replica Knockoff vs. Replica Celine Nano Bags

celine nano fake vs real Replica Knockoff 
vs replica

Can you spot the replica bag right off the bat? Or does it take a moment or two for you to see it?

CELINE is definitely one of the hottest handbag brands right now, and I cannot say that the obsession has passed by me personally. This handbag review will compare an Replica Knockoff Celine nano bag (in the orange) to the replica Celine nano bag in the black.

celine bag tag nano fake vs real Replica Knockoff 
vs replica

The interior tags of both handbags. Some nanos (even authentic) have the imprinted tag while some have the tag with the colored labelling. The camera was a bit dark when I was photographing the tag of my replica bag so it is a bit difficult to see but the tag is done exactly the same as the Replica Knockoff Celine in terms of font size and the “Made in Italy” writing.

celine bag zipper fake vs real Replica Knockoff 
vs replica nano

The zippers of both handbags are pictured up close here. The Replica Knockoff Celine nano had more of a gold colored zipper while the black Celine nano was more a more brassy gold. As you can see the zippers are identical, and if anything the work on the replica handbag’s zipper looks a bit more clean compared to the edges of the Replica Knockoff orange Celine nano’s zipper edges.

celine nano fake vs real Replica Knockoff 
vs replica back of bag

The back of both handbags are shown here and as you can see there is no difference. Both bags are virtually identical when you take a glance at the back with every detailed stitch showing to be well done on both.

celine nano fake vs real Replica Knockoff 
vs replica bottom of bag

Under each Celine nano handbag is also virtually identical. There is no difference to note here at all when it comes to real vs. fake.

celine nano fake vs real Replica Knockoff 
vs replica handle of bag

The zippers of the Nano bags are also almost identical except for the actual writing of the word CELINE. On the Replica Knockoff orange CELINE nano you can see the word is written upwards, while on the replica bag the words are written downwards. However font wise and in terms of the general look the bags are both the same. I could not find any other CELINE nano handbags to compare the writing with so I am not sure if the replica latch is completely incorrect or based on a different (older) design of the handles.

celine nano fake vs real Replica Knockoff 
vs replica inside of bag

The interior of both of the handbags are pictured here. The Replica Knockoff handbag has a smooth leather interior while the replica Celine bag has a suede interior. Once again I am not sure if the smooth interior is the standard for all Celine luggage nanos so feel free to comment if you have an Replica Knockoff nano with a suede/smooth leather interior.

celine nano fake vs real Replica Knockoff 
vs replica logo of bag on front

The logo stamp on the front of both nanos (Replica Knockoff and replica) are identical. The font and sizes are both equivalent as you can see so there is no giveaway here!

celine nano fashionphile

Above you can see pictured the original ad on Fashionphile for the Replica Knockoff orange Celine nano which I must admit is to die for (I am a CELINE fanatic!). However when you consider the price difference between the used Replica Knockoff ($2,150 for the used bag) and replica bag ($359 USD) it seems that the replica manufacturers really have this design down to the tee! The key difference that I would note is the handles on the replica bag seem a bit bigger but not enough to really notice in person. I hope this guide is helpful for either a replica buyer looking to buy a copy of the Celine nano handbag (so they know how to purchase a top quality bag) as well as anyone looking to buy an Replica Knockoff and wanting to make sure they don’t get duped into paying the Replica Knockoff price tag for a knockoff Celine!  Feel free to comment below and let me know whether you’d go Replica Knockoff or fake for this Celine nano bag!

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at thepursequeenreviews@gmail.com! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)! 

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