Spot the Fake Louis Vuitton Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM! An Replica Knockoff vs. Replica Buying Guide



With the likes of Chiara Ferragni carrying the Louis Vuitton Soft Lockit, it’s no surprise that this particular Louis Vuitton is very popular currently as a replica bag as well! I am personally a huge fan of Chiara Ferragni and love her blog The Blonde Salad where her awesome style is showcased. Unlike Ms. Ferragni who has first and free dibs on most luxury handbags (her prominence in the fashion blogger world cannot be denied!) most ladies (and gentlemen) like myself do not have such access, so sometimes a replica bag will do for me (and many others). The replica LV Soft Lockit I purchased was of very high quality and can be described as a superfake designer bag or a counter quality replica handbag. If you examine the photographs you will see that this is one bag that is virtually identical to the original of the same make by the Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton factories. The original price of the bag is over $4,000 USD on the official Louis Vuitton boutique’s ecommerce website but I purchased the handbag for only $389 USD which is a steal if you think about it! Sometimes when I see the extremely high prices on some models like the Soft Lockit I have a feeling Louis Vuitton is really overcharging, but that may just be a matter of opinion. Anyways take a look at the pictures below and let me know in the comments whether you’d go Replica Knockoff or replica for this Louis Vuitton handbag!

LOUIS VUITTON Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM fashionphile

This is the original listing of the purse I have used for comparison in this review/article.

LOUIS VUITTON Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM fake vs real comparison

The handbag on the right is my replica Louis Vuitton handbag while the handbag on the left is an Replica Knockoff Soft Lockit up for resale on the consignment website Fashionphile. Could you spot the fake right away or did you pause for a moment?

LOUIS VUITTON Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM fake vs real logo front of bag1

The logo of the replica handbag is pictured on the left while the logo stamp of the Replica Knockoff is pictured on the right. The logos of both purses are well done but I have to say that if I were to judge based off this photo solely the stamp on the replica (left picture) actually looks sharper and more well done than that of the Replica Knockoff purse pictured on the right.

fake vs real LOUIS VUITTON Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM tag inside bag

The interior tag of both handbags. Which one do you think is the tag on the fake bag? The one on the left? No that is actually the Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton handbag’s tag. The tag pictured on the right is that of the replica bag, and as you can see it has one more detail on the stamp which is the location the handbag was produce in which is France in this case.

fake vs real LOUIS VUITTON Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM inside the bag

The interiors of the two handbags are both suede although the picture on the left which shows the Replica Knockoff handbag’s interior shows a more used suede hence why it is almost slightly pilling. My replica handbag is fairly new in comparison so the suede does not show any wear at all. The interior is smooth to the touch and actually my preferred interior type for a handbag I usually hate the cotton lining most Louis Vuitton models have and think the suede is more of a lux feel generally.

fake vs real LOUIS VUITTON Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM bottom of bagThe bottom of the handbags are virtually identical and there is no honestly no visible difference between the Replica Knockoff or replica handbag in this case. The four silver pegs at the bottom of the bag are awesome as they really do help prevent the handbag from getting dirty at all. If you own a designer handbag it is very likely that a pet peeve of yours will be the bottom getting dirty!

fake vs real LOUIS VUITTON Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM side shot bag

Lastly the back of both handbags are pictured! The back of each bag is virtually identical as well as there is nothing to differentiate between the two.

One thing I would like to note is that when you are shopping for the Soft Lockit as a replica, if you choose to do so, make sure you buy one that is a good quality replica. Most websites sell AAA handbags which are either half leather half plastic or fully plastic and it does not do any justice to the original Louis Vuitton model. The handbag I purchased is one of the most accurate Louis Vuitton replicas I have purchased yet and since it is a recent model I guess we can assume that the manufacturers are getting more and more sophisticated everyday!

Sound off in the comments below and let me know what you think of the comparison and the style of the Soft Lockit as I personally think it comes off as a love it or hate it kind of bag!

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!

What happened to Designer Discreet? (2021 Update New Site)


Hi guys I just wanted to do a quick post on a favorite replica site of many individuals I know as well as mine! Designer Discreet’s old domain does not work any longer but when I emailed their customer service and asked what happened to them I got a response from a representative named Cyrus who said that their site is simply changing their domain and their old website was hacked by a scam company who was impersonating them! Their new website link is: ( thanks to the blog reader that pointed this update out!). They are accepting orders through their email temporarily until the website has been redesigned and transitions! Apparently it will be much more user friendly so I am personally very excited to shop on their new website. Also I was warned that there are a lot of websites impersonating Designer Discreet so be careful when you are googling for them online as you don’t want to be scammed by some fake seller trying to make a buck or two off unwitting shoppers! I hope this answers a question I keep seeing pop up!

You guys can also check out my latest reviews I have posted which are the Burberry replica handbag and the Celine replica handbag. I got them both from Designer Discreet and they are amazing replica bags! I can’t wait to post reviews of my other bags from my replica and Replica Knockoff collection to share with you guys shortly! Feel free to share your favorite websites for replica bags in the comments below!

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at ! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!

Burberry Replica Handbag/Tote Review (hint: it’s beautiful!)


So I very recently purchased a Burberry replica handbag or tote which I am in love with. Burberry is one brand which I personally at least cannot justify buying a real purse from. Especially after I watched this documentary on Youtube in which it showed Burberry deciding to move their production from the UK (where they originated from they are a British brand for those of you who don’t know) to South Asia. As a business decision this makes a lot of sense as the owners of the company can now make their bags for dirt cheap and enjoy maximum markups. However for the heritage of the brand and in terms of the luxury radar it was a big mistake. Why would anyone in their right mind pay full price for a Burberry purse when you can buy a knockoff made in the same country, and most likely in the same factory for a much lower price? At least companies like Louis Vuitton, Chanel etc. assemble their handbags in Europe to give it that feeling of lux (even though many of their parts come from China as well!). I feel like when I look at the label of a purse and it says “made in China” when I pay over a thousand dollars for it, I have been ripped off in a sense. I personally support true artisanal craft especially when it comes to leather and purses, for which I am weak at the knees, but Burberry has definitely dropped the ball when it comes to the whole luxury factor surrounding their brand. I still can’t get over the part in the video where all the British Burberry craftsmen were worried about remaining unemployed for the rest of their lives after the factory was due to close.

Anyways, due to those reasons and more I will personally NEVER be able to justify purchasing an Replica Knockoff Burberry handbag, or anything else for that matter! I personally purchased a gorgeous tote with the renowned Haymarket print (for which Burberry actually lost a trademark suit for meaning anyone can use that checkered print they are renowned for another negative for their luxury image) and am very impressed by the replica bag I have purchased! The bag is more than gorgeous and if you peruse the pictures below you will definitely see why. The canvas weight of the bag is nice and heavy like the Replica Knockoff pieces (I actually do have 1 Replica Knockoff vintage Burberry crossbody that was my mom’s and she handed it down to me, so I compared the weight of the two). The finishing are also real leather indicating that the bag is truly a counter quality or superfake model as opposed to the lower quality of fakes which use plastic to finish off the trimmings to reduce costs. Take a look and let me know what you think in the comments below!

burberry dustbag logo closeup burberry dustbag burberry handbag and pouch real vs fake Replica Knockoff 
vs replica burberry handbag hardware real vs fake Replica Knockoff 
vs replica burberry hardware gold burberry haymarket tote hanging on closet burberry pattern logo porsum burberry pouch came with handbag burberry pouch burberry tote haymarket replica Replica Knockoff 
fake real closeup burberry tote replica review

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!


Celine Trio Replica Crossbody in Black Review


I purchased the ever gorgeous Celine Trio replica crossbody bag in black! I think this bag is the perfect crossbody since not only is it split into three separate pouches but the style is to die for literally! I personally love how Celine is modern minimalism embodied in a brand! I love love all of their bags and think that the Celine Trio is possibly my most favorite piece from their whole line currently (aside from the hobo I am also dying for!). If there was one brand I could currently own every bag from I would definitely say Celine would be the winner since I am in love with the lifestyle portrayed by the brand and the purses in themselves!

I purchased the bag in black (which you should know is my favorite color by now) since as I always say it is very hard for the replica manufacturers to screw the color black up on any bag, and as always I would rather be safe than sorry! The quality of the bag is definitely a counter quality after inspecting it in person. The leather grains are very defined and the bag is quite smooth and rich in feeling to the touch. The leather has a slight sheen and is not matte like many of the Celine luggage series handbags, but I don’t mind personally even though I do usually have a preference for matte leather over shiny leather. The box the bag was in became a bit dented up and marked up through international transit (imagine the journey from China to the US!) but the bag was well protected inside with a dustbag and is gorgeous! I would definitely recommend buying a replica Celine Trio over an Replica Knockoff version as the bag is a crossbody (come on people you don’t need to spend thousands on a crossbody!) and it is honestly really well done. I have seen the Trio in the Replica Knockoff Celine boutique as well where I was tempted to take the plunge and purchase it full price, but am very glad I waited it out to see what the fake would be like! This Celine is definitely a superfake, and one of my new favorite bags! I must note however that I personally would wear this style of bag more so in the fall and winter, but I already have numerous outfit ideas and can’t wait to make it work for the summer time. Take a look at the photos below and leave a comment to let everyone know what you think!

celine trio replica packaging protection celine trio seperated pouches black leather Replica Knockoff 
replica 2 celine trio seperated pouches black leather Replica Knockoff 
replica celine trio snap closure gold black leather Replica Knockoff 
replica celine-aerial-shot-trio-black-leather-authentic-replica celine-box-replica-authentic-china celine-handbag-dustbag-protection celine-trio-black-authentic-vs-fake-real-vs-replica celine-trio-black-replica-authentic-logo-closeup-gold-2 celine-trio-black-replica-authentic-on-dustbag-new-2 celine-trio-black-replica-authentic-on-dustbag-new celine-trio-screws-handle-black-leather celine-trio-zipper-black-authentic-vs-replica closeup celine trio leather black Replica Knockoff 
vs replica celine trio black leather Replica Knockoff 
replica zipper gold celine trio black leather grainceline trio balls on handle black leather Replica Knockoff 
replica new fake


If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!


Buying Replica Handbags Online? Here are Some Key Tips!


I was a newbie when it came to buying replica handbags online a while ago just like many others so I have compiled a list of what I think are the most important tips when it comes to buying anything replica (or not) online whether it be a handbag, shoes, watches etc. I would have personally found these tips very useful when I was new at buying replicas so I have posted them since I am often asked what tips are important! Read through and feel free to comment what you believe is more important when it comes to shopping for replicas online, or share any recent shopping experiences!

Tip #1: Don’t Fall in Love Too Quickly!

When you are shopping for replicas remember not to fall in love too quickly and make a purchase right away. Unfortunately since replica handbags are a more shady industry than stepping into a Louis Vuitton boutique for example and buying a bag in person, you need to always vet any store before you finalize a purchase with them! How can you vet them? Just do a quick online Google search to see if you can find any reviews!

Tip #2: Don’t Believe Just Any Review You Read!

When you do search reviews online make sure you also vet the blogger! Unfortunately there are individuals like Eva Knox who runs Pursevalley who owns the blog through which she promotes the site so there is some deception out there and you have to be careful when shopping to make up for sneaky individuals!

Tip #3: Look at the Quality Description on the Bag! 

When you are browsing a particular site make sure you look at the description of the products you are looking at to see what the level of quality of the handbags are. If you read my previous post called “The Art of Buying a Replica Handbag” you will find out that not all replica handbags are truly equal and you can definitely find some bags that are better while some that are worse! If you avoid qualities like AAA, and instead look to purchase the counter quality handbags you will save yourself a big headache and a lot of dollars, if you are after superfake handbags that is (a.k.a as good as the real deal)!

Tip #4: Communicate with the Seller!

See if the seller is responsive before you go ahead and place an order with them. If they are not responsive then you should avoid them as they could very well be scamming you. The more you vet the seller beforehand the less worry you will have afterwards!

Tip #5: Make Sure the Product Will Look Just Like the Photos!

Perhaps the most important tip is to make sure that the handbag will indeed look as advertised on the seller’s website. Many times sellers will put up one photo of a counter quality bag for example and then send you an AAA model. In order to avoid this you can send a message to the seller to make sure that they will indeed send a bag that looks like the photos advertised. Also reputable sellers usually indicate this on their website!

Tip #6: No Website? No Purchase. 

Always make sure that the seller you are interested in has a website through which you can link them and contact them if necessary. There are many cases in which people buy off a place like Instagram and then never see the light of their handbag or money again! Avoid shopping on social media generally as with a simple click an account name can be changed, or worse even completely deleted and you may lose complete trace of your order and money!

If there are any tips you do not see mentioned above but feel are important when buying replica handbags online feel free to comment below to share! 

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website

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