Unlike other brands, when you search for “fake Diors” on Google, you’re more likely to find sneakers instead of handbags.
But does this mean there are fewer fake Dior bags out there? Definitely not.
If you’re thinking about picking up a preloved Dior handbag anytime soon, I suggest you learn a bit about how to spot fakes yourself first. It’s always good to be cautious.
When I was gathering information for this guide, I stumbled upon a Forbes article that mentioned The RealReal, as “a large and important player in the online luxury resale business”, actually had an unreliable Fake
That led to this article headline: “The RealReal Sold Me a $3,600 Fake.”
Although the article was written four or five years ago, and I can’t be sure if things have improved since then, from my own experience, I still hear about resale websites selling fakes quite often.
Get back to this post’s topic, here are some effective tips to help you spot Dior reps (replicas).
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