/ Replica Bags / Purse 411: Are Chanel Handbags Made With Real Gold Hardware?

Purse 411: Are Chanel Handbags Made With Real Gold Hardware?

Chanel is one of those iconic brands that is on the wishlist of pretty much every handbag lover out there. One oft asked question about the brand is whether Chanel handbags are made with real gold hardware?

Well the answer to this question is both yes and no. Yes because vintage Chanel bags were indeed made with real 24k gold hardware. However around 2008 Chanel stopped making their bags with real 24k gold plated hardware, and instead started to produce their bags with non-real gold toned hardware. This distinction is important to keep in mind when shopping for a Chanel bag, since it is easy to get confused especially if you are a first time Chanel shopper.

If you are shopping for vintage Chanel bags (a.k.a anything made pre-2008) it is important to make sure the hardware is in fact 24k gold plated. One key difference you will easily notice between vintage and newer Chanel bag productions is the hardware on the vintage models has a deeper golden look to it (due to the 24k gold plating), and the color does not wear off as easily as the newer bags produced with gold tone hardware. We believe this makes a vintage Chanel bag a great choice for a first purchase as the sheen of the real 24k gold plated hardware really adds an extra touch of luxury to the bag.

In general however, regardless of whether you purchase a new Chanel bag or a vintage model, you will not regret your investment. Chanel’s prices continue to climb higher year after year, making it hard to regret buying one!

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