Unlike buying replicas, buying Replica Knockoff bags is more drama-free although they hit the wallet a bit heavier! I like to purchase both Replica Knockoff and replica bags as many handbag enthusiasts do, so it is natural for me to hunt a good deal on either side of the aisle depending on what I am looking for.
Although the actual designer boutiques are the most trustworthy places to shop, there are many online companies that sell second-hand designer bags, many of which are in pristine almost new condition. Such sites are definitely worth checking out if you are looking to purchase an Replica Knockoff designer bag.
These are the most popular sites to purchase second-hand Replica Knockoff designer bags from:
- Fashionphile fashionphile.com
- 1st Dibs 1stdibs.com
- Vestiaire Collective vestiairecollective.com
- Rebag rebag.com
- Farfetch farfetch.com
- StockX stockx.com
- Yoogi’s Closet yoogiscloset.com
- The RealReal therealreal.com
- What Goes Around Comes Around whatgoesaroundnyc.com
Although there are many other Replica Knockoff consignment sites, these are the ones I’ve heard about or seen used the most by people around me (and myself too). And in my opinion, there’s no “best” site. Every site has its ups and downs.
Even though I said earlier that buying real bags usually comes with less drama than replicas, it doesn’t mean getting preloved ones is always smooth sailing. There are still some “risks” involved. For example:
I’ve bought sooooo many things from TheRealReal and while thank god I’ve never had authenticity issues, I have had things not as described or omitted issues like- Versace dress with tiny MOTH HOLES all over the front. I’ve also seen freaking cosmetic bags (the ones you get as a free gift with fragrance or makeup purchase) listed as if it was the luxury brand regular handbag. I think they just receive too many things to have the time needed to do it right.
Here are some tips for you based on my personal shopping experience:
- Do Your Homework:
You’ve got to do your research, know exactly what you’re after, and be able to spot the signs of fakes.
- Detailed Photos:
I personally like to see what I’m buying in person, but if it’s only available online, I examine the pictures super carefully for any flaws and ask for more if I need to.
- Customer Service:
If a seller isn’t quick to respond, I’m ready to walk away from the deal, no matter how much I want the item. There’s always a next one.
- Authentication:
If I’m eyeing a high-dollar piece, I always get it authenticated myself.
- Return Policies:
I make sure to shop only at places where I know I can get a refund if I end up with a fake. (Hasn’t happened yet in over ten years of buying preloved, but it’s definitely a possibility in the future.)
- Shoes:
I stay away from buying used shoes online because shoes usually adjust to the original owner’s feet. The exception is if the previous owner never wore them and they’re being sold as new, still in the original box.