I often get inquiries from readers asking where to buy replica designer shoes and what my experience has been. Honestly, even though I’ve been buying replica bags for more than a decade, I haven’t really dabbled in the replica shoe game.
The only time I did, I got a pair of fake Gucci shoes, and it surprisingly went really well, which also boosted my confidence in fake designer shoes. So, I thought why not give it another shot? And here we are with this review of my second purchase — the Fendi First Black leather high-heeled sandals. (I’m sorry it took me a while to find the time to write this review.)
I grabbed these shoes from DD. I’ve been a loyal DD shopper for bags, and their ever-growing collection makes my shopping experiences all the more rich. I stuck with DD for two main reasons: first, I’ve been consistently happy with their bags, so it felt natural to trust them with shoes as well; and second, my schedule’s been getting tighter and I didn’t want to spend unnecessary time researching other sources for shoes.
My choice of these sandals was purely based on Lily’s advice I mentioned I was in the market for a pair of versatile sandals, and she was adamant these were the ones. She seemed confident she could nab my heart again. As a long-time customer of DD, I feel like Lily is more of a friend, so I didn’t hesitate.
How to Style
And indeed, the facts prove that I made the right choice! These Fendi First sandals are stunning and meet my requirement they go with everything! Whether I’m going out with my friends, attending a wedding party, traveling, or whatever… I can’t go wrong with them.
The Fendi First sandals are available in various colors, all pretty adaptable. Naturally, I went for the black ones. I’ve got a bunch of black or dark-colored bags, so it’s way easier to mix and match my outfits.
Anyway, let’s dive into the details of how these stylish sandals can be the perfect fit for various occasions.
1. For the Business Savvy Woman
These high-heeled sandals, matched with a tailored suit and silk blouse, just scream confidence and charm at work. The fancy leather work adds a little something extra, turning an everyday office outfit into something really special.
2. A Romantic Dinner Date
Add a cool clutch, maybe some understated diamond earrings, or a bracelet that catches the light. The awesome thing about these sandals is that they go with pretty much anything romantic, letting you head out feeling confident and looking fabulous.
3. Casual Weekend Gatherings
Weekends are for relaxing, but that doesn’t mean your style has to take a backseat. Mix these Fendi sandals with a simple black/white top and a pair of casual jeans for a lively and eye-catching look. They’re perfect for gatherings where you want to stand out without looking overly formal.
4. Special Occasions like Weddings
On special occasions like weddings, these high-heeled sandals complement extravagant evening dresses or long gowns, adding a hint of nobility and elegance.
I believe these should give you plenty of outfit inspiration. In addition, these shoes make you look like you’re semi-floating in the air, but honestly, they feel a lot more comfortable than they look!
Review of My Fake Designer Shoes
The Fendi First Sandals are obviously gorgeous, and getting them is a no-brainer. But what about these fake Fendi shoes that I got? Are they good enough in quality and look to fool everyone? Let’s take a closer look at these replica designer shoes.
The shoes come in that classic Fendi yellow box, packaged nicely. Honestly, the box isn’t a big deal to me since I don’t really use them, the shoes inside are what matter most. Still, I wanted to give you all the details, so I’m mentioning the box here.
The overall shape is pretty spot-on compared to the real deal. The leather toe box looks just right, and the leather feels nice and smooth without any sharp edges. Stitching is also done pretty well.
The Fendi logo on these shoes matches the Replica Knockoff one, and the leather strip that holds your arch doesn’t sag like some poorly made knockoff. So in terms of accuracy, these two points really make these fake Fendi shoes pass the test.
The gold heels are shaped just right and have the correct angles compared to the real ones. The gold color isn’t too yellow, and the structure is solid.
I’ve sported them on a few occasions, from dining out with my husband to casual weekend get-togethers, and even during all-day shopping sprees at the mall.
These sandals are DECEPTIVELY comfortable! It’s like they trick you into thinking you’re walking on air or tiptoeing, but they’re actually super comfy to walk in. Definitely earning some bonus points for comfort!
Final Thoughts
For anyone who is nervous about buying replica designer shoes, because you can’t try them on, I totally feel you! I was on the fence for ages before I finally just went for it and got my first pair and then my second pair.
I know people buy replicas because they are affordable. And the good thing about replica shoes is You get a ton of styles to choose from, including those hot-off-the-press trends; The right replica shoes can deliver both looks and comfort.
However, let’s not forget the tricky part. Not all replicas are created equal. Some are just not up to scratch when it comes to durability, comfort, or even looking like the original. You gotta be smart about spotting these duds, or you might end up with shoes that don’t last or feel like cardboard on your feet. That’s why I always stick to high-tier replicas.
For my second pair of replica designer shoes, I’m totally blown away. Lily helped me find just the right size. It makes me question why anyone would even go for the real deal, especially with trendy ones that lose value the minute you wear them.
I’m thinking of starting a collection of all the shoes I’ve been dreaming of. These Fendi First sandals? A solid 10/10 from me!
Amazing shoes and really helpful review! Thanks for sharing! I’ve bought the Dior kitten heel sandals from the same place and they are so spot on I almost feel sorry to wear them.
What are people’s thoughts on rep shoes and their quality? I feel like accuracy is less important to me since people shouldn’t be staring at your feet, but I don’t want to buy reps for them to fall apart after a few wears because the quality isn’t good!
Unless they are a super popular pair (e.g. Orans, Chanel Flats), I don’t care much about accuracy for shoes. No one is QCing them.
II’ve bought a pair of rep uggs last winter, they’ve held up decent. I own Replica Knockoff uggs as well, the rep looks a bit more beaten up, buuuut I baby my real uggs way more than my Fuggs😅
Omg fuggs 😂 that’s too funny lol. I get that though, I definitely baby any auths way more than reps lol
I had never considered the heels until your review. But if they’re actually comfortable I think I’m sold!
🔥🔥🔥 I’m now in a “Fendi obsessed” mindset
Great article!!! Where do I get top notch fake designer shoes that are big and beautiful but not runners? I take US 11 which would be a 43 European. Thanks, Ruth
Hi Ruth,
I got my shoes from DD. You can ask them if they have sizes that fit you.
I was never a Fendi fan, but these shoes are fire! Love it!
Girl, you are on 🔥🔥🔥This review is so thorough and inspiring! I need to get out of my sweatpants and find somewhere fun to parade my shoes and bags. Thank you for the detailed review 💗
Accurate F or not, they are stunning! I would never ever think they are not an Replica Knockoff if I saw you out and about. They look beautiful.
The scream that I scrome. Those Fendi First sandals are repfluencing me… HARD!