The Givenchy Antigona bag was actually born long ago in 2010, and it quickly became an absolute icon. Even in the following years, it was still seen on the arms of so many A-listers.
I can’t remember how much the bag was (when I wanted the bag three or four years ago) for the official price but it’s affordable and makes sense for a leather bag in this size.
However, I didn’t get an Replica Knockoff one because during my research I found out that the resale value of the Antigona bags was a bit disappointing and I do like to resell my bags and rotate a little bit more from time to time. Anyway, between buying a pre-loved and a replica, I ended up with a fake Givenchy.
The Antigona is known for its trapezoid shape and structured body. I think the true beauty of the Givenchy Antigona is fully based on the simplicity of this bag.
The bag comes in three different sizes: mini, small, and medium (I think they have added a new size micro now?) My Givenchy replica is in the size small, in my opinion, the small is a perfect size for an everyday handbag. It’s not overly big but at the same time it fits in everything that you would need for day-to-day work.
It also has many different types of leather but the smooth box calf leather was my favorite because the sheen on the leather emphasizes the structure and elegance of this bag.
Obviously, you can see that it is in the black. Personally, I think this bag looks most elegant in black and it’s much easier to pair with other colors.
Quality/ Wear Tear
As I said above I actually got my replica Givenchy bag maybe three or four years ago (from DD) (Check my other replica bags sellers) and you can see in the pics it looks still pretty intact. One reason is that I didn’t use the bag that much (I will explain why at the end). Another reason has to be its incredible quality.
I was caught in the rain a few times with this bag, but I haven’t had any issues with it, you can’t find any water stains or anything like that on it. The leather is just so durable and lasting.
After all these years, the structure of this knockoff Givenchy handbag is still strong and holds the bag very well.
I know there are replica bags that cut corners on the sewing which causes the shape to droop over time, it’s clear that I don’t have that issue with mine.
The hardware is also shiny and in good condition.
The handles are slightly askew. I take full responsibility for it, I know it’s because I didn’t store it properly.
The bag also comes with a shoulder strap, but it’s not adjustable so it can be a con for some.
I do like the fact that it’s easy to pick up the bag because the handles stay stationary and they don’t end up falling off to the sides. But at the same time, these handles do get in your way when you are going to retrieve your items.
At the bottom of the bag, there are two leather pieces that act as the feet of the bag so it raises the rest of the bag off the floor to protect the bottom.
My Givenchy Antigona replica handbag does have some denting in the leather but it’s not that noticeable.
Details Accuracy
The strap connects through a unique notch that looks exactly like the real Antigona bag.
You can easily unlink the straps from each other by matching up the little gap. Each end of the strap has an interlocking piece that fully rotates 360 so that the straps never get twisted.
The stitching itself is beautifully done considering how thick the leather is, especially the stitched pieces underneath where the handle is held.
The zipper is as robust and thick as it is supposed to be and very easy to open and close.
On the metal part here you also see the logo “Givenchy” spelled out accurately as well as two triangular-shaped hardware pieces that are screwed in completely.
The Givenchy logo of my fake Givenchy Small Antigona bag is also pretty on par with the Replica Knockoff one neat and clear.
As for the interior, it’s a little bit hard to see because it’s a black cloth interior so I can’t show you guys. Even if I try to open it with one hand, it looks completely dark. But you have a total of two slit pockets on one side and a zippered pocket on the other side. But the slit pockets are not as practical as I thought, so I just basically dump all the stuff into the large compartment, which could be chaos when you look for small items. I believe many of you have the same experience. HAHAHA.
Since the lining itself is not fully stitched into the bag and you can pull it out, so it’s quite easy to clean the inside of the bag.
Final Thoughts
If you’re kind of worried you can’t fit too much in this small size, trust me, you can fit an insane amount of items in here.
In terms of quality and accuracy, my replica Givenchy shoulder bag totally nails it.
As much as I like this bag it definitely has its cons. For me is how heavy this bag can get the same issue with the Replica Knockoff bag.
You can feel the weight without any items then when you start adding your items inside, it can make for a very heavy handbag, so much so that when you’re carrying it on the crook of your arm, you can see the rings (or the indentation) that these beautiful handles will leave on your skin.
That’s the reason why I stopped using it after about one year since I got the bag. Other than that, it is basically a dream bag for work daily, which you don’t have to stress about water splashing on it. I gotta say it’s definitely a solid handbag.
Also, the Antigona bag has another version in grained leather, which compared to the box leather, is more resistant to scratches. Now that I think of I kinda regret that I didn’t get that one, but I guess I just couldn’t resist the sheen from the box leather.
Hi Angie, You saved me; about to place an order of Givenchy Mystic ( a similar to this bag) but concern about the weight. Ha, your review “very heavy handbag, so much so that when you’re carrying it on the crook of your arm, you can see the rings (or the indentation) that these beautiful handles will leave on your skin.” Through your description, I can see the indentation on my arm. hahah. Love your honest reviews. Thank you so much for your good work and saving us girls money from buying things we later not use.
Lately I have been wearing more of my luxury bags, even for casual errands. Leaving many MK, coach, doonie, etc bags untouched. Curious where to sell them? Have you sold your what I call entry level designer bags?
Interested in answers to this as well. I have a few dozen entry level designer bags and I probably want to sell half to fund reps. I was thinking poshmark.
This is not related. But can anyone advise on if it is possible to insure reps? Like going to the local jeweller and getting the materials appraised and quoted for the raw materials? And insured to the rep value?
I have an original Antigona, and honestly, I can barely tell the difference from your pictures! Impressed with that replica quality.
Had a similar experience with the weight issue. It’s unfortunate because the bag is otherwise perfect. Your review is spot-on, thanks for sharing!
Heard about the weight issue from a friend. That’s a bummer since it’s such a beautiful bag
I’ve got the grained leather version, and it’s truly scratch-resistant. Maybe you should consider it next time? Love the look of both, though!
I got a replica myself, but the stitching wasn’t quite right. Do you mind sharing your seller’s info? I’d love a better quality piece.
Hi, the seller of this bag is DD.