If you’re considering buying a Gucci bag lately but don’t know which one to pick, GG Marmont can never be the wrong choice. The double G logo is super iconic, and the bags have a vintage vibe that won’t go out of style anytime soon.
I‘ve always thought about adding a light-color bag to my designer handbag collection because most of my bags are dark colors like black or brown, and I have had my eyes on the GG Marmont for a while. So I got myself a replica Gucci Marmont small shoulder bag in white not long ago.
I got the bag from kittyrepstar@gmail.com. (Learn more info about the seller here) The package arrived two weeks after I placed the order.
Why I Bought A Fake Gucci Bag?
The main reason I bought this Gucci knockoff purse is that I wanted to try it out before deciding whether I should get an Replica Knockoff one.
As I mentioned above, most of my bags are dark colors, especially black the safest and (in my opinion) the most classic color. I am sure white is also a safe choice for most outfit styles, but since I don’t usually pay much attention to looking after my bags when going out (especially when I am with my kid).
Given that, I’m not sure how long a pretty white handbag can stay with me before getting “ruined”. So I figured it’s better to test it out with a lower cost before really shelling out $2,550 (official price) for this Replica Knockoff Gucci Marmont.
Now that my Gucci replica has arrived, I think I should make a review before using it so I can check back later to compare the original look when it arrived. (Hopefully, it will still be a “white” bag LOL)
My Review of the Gucci Marmont Replica
Quality Leather
The bag arrived nicely wrapped in a dust bag. The overall look is perfect no scratches or loose stitches. The clasp of the knockoff Gucci shoulder bag is easy to close/open.
As for the leather, it has a slight smell, I’m not sure how to describe it but it’s not those awful chemical smell. Overall, I don’t have much problem with the quality.
The placement and the shape of the heart look pretty accurate to me. No obvious stitching flaw.
The side and the bottom also look perfect. The bottom of the side is wider than the top as it should be.
The sliding chain feels substantial and heavy, also moves smoothly through the grommets.
To my surprise, the GG hardware appears as matte as in the original. I know some poorer-quality replica bags often have more shiny and yellower GG logo hardware, which is a big red flag.
Now let’s take a closer look at the stitches. The stitching on the strap is a little bit sloppy but it won’t be noticeable to most people, so I am okay with it.
The stitching elsewhere is done properly, especially the stitched heart on the back.
Hardware on the interior side of the flap appears the way it should be correct placement and color.
The zipper works smoothly on the inner pocket.
The lining is nice and soft, and the color is accurate like the real Gucci bag.
The interior pocket has the stamped logo, copyright, “made in italy” tagline, and serial number, which don’t have noticeable differences from the Replica Knockoff one.
I did the comparison from photos on the Gucci official website and some unboxing videos on youtube. And I would give it a 9.8/10 in terms of accuracy. From the overall look to the small detail, I cannot see a significant difference between the real and the fake. I deducted 0.2 because I would never give a 10/10 for replicas (it’s just one of my old habits), I always believe no matter how accurate a replica designer bag is, it can’t be 100% like the real one.
Overall, I am pretty happy with my knockoff Gucci bag because it does look cute and basically identical to the original one at 1/10 of the cost. I am also glad that I don’t need to keep worrying about protecting the bag for its cream-white color look as I am prepared mentally even if something does get marked on it.
For a casual night out with my husband and my daughter at a local restaurant, I don’t think anyone would be able to call out that this bag is fake. For how much I paid, this replica Gucci shoulder bag meets my expectations.
Learn More About Replica Gucci: 2024 How to Buy Gucci Replica Online Comprehensive Review for the Best Choices
Don’t Forget to Check My Other Gucci Replicas Reviews:
- Ophidia GG Medium Tote
- Men’s Savoy Medium Duffle Bag
- Horsebit 1955 Shoulder Bag
- Gucci Sunglasses GG1071S
- Gucci Ace Studded Leather Sneakers
Hi Angie,
Is there a particular reason why you didn’t order this bag from Lily DD? I am thinking of buying Gucci Marmont small, and was thinking of ordering it from Lily DD.
Hi Mimi,
The reason I didn’t buy that bag from DD was ’cause Lily mentioned they were out of stock at the time. Both sellers are pretty solid, so just go with whichever one you prefer. Happy shopping!
Hi! I emailed Kitty but haven’t heard back. Does it take some time for her to respond?
Does Kitty have a website?
Where did you get this??
How do you find out where she gets her bags?
Hi Susan,
I got the bag from Kitty, this is her email kittyrepstar@gmail.com
Thanks for the info..like this bag.