I’m sure my Louis Vuitton obsession isn’t news to anyone! My collection was already bursting at the seams, yet no matter how full it is there was always room for just one more Louis Vuitton bag.
So when I found this perfect replica Louis Vuitton Pochette Metis at an unbeatable price recently, there was absolutely nothing stopping me. Now that that little shopping spree has come and gone, let me tell you all about this new addition!
Without a doubt, when it comes to choosing between an original and a replica, price is the driving factor. So when I saw this knockoff LV bag at only 15% of the cost of an Replica Knockoff one $408 with shipping included (got the bag from DD) compared to the official LV’s whopping $2,570 it was a no-brainer!
For those who think it’s worth it to spend $2500 to get the real thing, let’s keep something in mind: this Pochette Metis bag isn’t a standard leather bag. It’s canvas; yes, it’s LV Monogram coated canvas, though impressive and recognizable, it doesn’t change the fact of what it is.
When you think about spending $2500 on a luxury handbag, that’s an investment and I would personally prefer a real leather option instead. So if you see it that way, buying an Replica Knockoff bag seems just not that worth it.
(Don’t get me wrong, I have no problem with canvas bags. In fact, Louis Vuitton Monogram Canvas is one of my faves. It’s tough enough to last through anything and surprisingly easy to keep clean.)
Now knowing the price is a good deal, let’s take a close look at the bag itself:
- The bag was packed nicely and well-protected.
- Also came with a box, stuffing, dustbags, ribbon, and cards. Pretty much everything.
The Front
- The fake LV Pochette Metis Bag matches the real bag’s measurements exactly.
- The texture and hue of the canvas are also on par with the Replica Knockoff one.
- The metal lock is of good quality and easy to attach and detach.
- The print of the monogram is very accurate from both the front and inside.
- The overall stitching of the replica Louis Vuitton purse is done nicely.
The Back
- Monogram print lines up with zipper on the back just like Replica Knockoff does, overall alignment is PERFECT.
- The back zipper also moves smoothly.
The Side
- The hardware seems to be the right color of gold, not super duper yellow.
- The engraving is perfect and identical to the original.
- The suede interior is on par with authentic.
- There’s a small tab on the side, unlike other knockoff LV bags often missing.
- Stamping is the perfect depth in my opinion.
- Logo and lettering are neat and clear.
There are plenty of places offering Louis Vuitton replicas with lower standards, but it’s easy to spot them with the telltale overly red glaze on their handles.
- The glaze of my fake LV handbag is a deep red, just like the Replica Knockoff one.
I would say this replica Louis Vuitton M40780 has met my standards on both quality and accuracy. Moreover, I did a thorough search before purchasing mine, therefore I’ve found nothing negative to report so far.
A friendly reminder though I know some of you are not a fan of medium-sized bags, so you better double-check whether the capacity fits with what you’re looking for in terms of daily needs.
So that’s it for today, what do you think of my Louis Vuitton replica?
Do you find this review useful? Please share your thoughts and leave your comments down below.
If you’re interested in replica bags and want to know more, click here to see my other reviews of different designer bags.
Be aware, friends there’s fake DD out there.
A few readers have already contacted me about it and I also saw some comments about it. Some people are getting scammed by lookalikes. You’ve got to be careful and make sure you know the difference:
- The original website name of real DD was: designerdiscreet.ru
- Then the fake DD came out: designersdiscreet.ru (added an “s” in the middle, which is quite hard to spot)
- So real DD added the “-bags” to their website, making it easier to see the difference.
I will put real DD’s link here again: https://designerdiscreet-bags.ru/.
Learn More About Replica Louis Vuitton: Spotting Fake Louis Vuitton Bag Finding Best LV Replica
Don’t Forget to Check My Other LV Replicas Reviews:
Gals, has anybody received a really good LV epi rep? I really want an alma in black epi… I’ve had a lower tier one, the hardware discoloured so it’s had to be binned. The epi leather looked ok, but didn’t feel a patch like the auth epi I have. It doesn’t have to be 1:1 but ideally something high tier? Appreciate any recommendations or advice anybody may have! TIA
Hi! I’m looking for the LV cherry speedy 25 or 30 budget around $250 -300 thank u!!
Hi all, Looking for an LV bag for my wife. Is Brother Sam (fashionrepsfam . ru) a good source? Looking mainly at the LV Easy Pouch On Strap bag. Thanks!!!
Never heard of them. Most of the websites are either poor quality or flat out scams if I’m being honest.
what’s a good leather conditioner for LV canvas bags that will stay on and non-sticky? I used the old Lexol but it keeps rubbing off lol
Since canvas itself can not absorb conditoner like leather does, I use resolene for my LV canvas bags to protect them from damage and to give them additional shine. I mix it 50:50,
thank you!
Does anyone have an Replica Knockoff LV keychain? I ordered a good rep-everything looks good but the hardware is really light. If you have an authentic, can you tell me if you have heavier hardware (ie where the actual keychain is)? Thank you!
I have a 6 key and the metal seems pretty solid but the hooks are small and light
Ordered this cutie from DD last Thursday and received it yesterday! One week turnaround blew my mind. Bag is really great and Lily is a doll. Can’t wait to take it out and about!
Will the vachetta handle darken in color on the replica bags from DD like real LV?
Does anyone know a good seller who can do customized monograms on LV Speedy Bandoulieres?
Any AE or DHG LV recs for a high schooler/college freshman? They don’t need to be super high quality: the girls just like the logo!
When I picked up my monogram pochette Métis at the boutique I was shocked by how dull the canvas was. My SA showed me 2. They were both dull to the point of being slightly powdery feeling, unlike any of my previous LV. There is a massive amount of variation batch to batch.
Agreed. Ooh curious if you have any rep mono, and if so, which seller has the best canvas in your opinion?
Has anyone recently purchased an LV Dauphine in reverse monogram? I haven’t seen any reviews
YES!! 100% WITH YOU! I absolutely adore my LV reps and use them constantly, but no way in hell they can justify the price tags of those auths considering the mostly canvas materials!!
Um, DO I EVER. I am on a mission to convert everyone to the Church of The Pochette Metis 😂 I got my first one about a month ago now and I have since used it daily and bought two more (a Empreintes, and a backup mono) because I literally live in terror that I will ever have to live without this bag. I could go on forever but I think the biggest advantage of this bag is that you can fit an INSANE amount in it if you want to because of the accordion design. I was hardcore Chanel and Hermes before I got the PM and now I’m in LV heaven. I have also bought a mono bum bag, a NF GM, a NF MM and several SLGs. I love the NFs but don’t use them often because I have so many large bags (mom of three under eight so when I carry a lot I carry a LOT and I like to have options). Hope this helps and please join my new religion 🤣
Did you purchase them all from DD site recommended on this post?
My best friend went to Turkey on holiday and brought back a €28 Pochette Metis for me and oh lord it’s so bad 😂
Unsure what to do with it! But might become my rainy day idgaf rave bag.
Seriously, quit worrying about the rubbery feel and dull look of your rep LV canvas!!! I recently had the opportunity to closely examine my sister’s LV Pochette Metis in monogram canvas, purchased about a year ago from the LV store. Honestly, I would have thought it was fake if I didn’t have proof otherwise! Like I said above, the canvas feels rubbery and it is completely dull, with a definite orange cast (the monogram is more brown than dijon mustard yellow/olive); nothing like the LV canvas of old that we are constantly trying to replicate. I’m sorry I didn’t get a picture of it for you, but as usual, I say wear those reps with pride (and right into the name brand boutique, like I do)!
maybe LV changed the canvas? None of mine have orange cast. Granted mine are older, 2009 and 2014. No rubbery canvas either.
Canvas is definitely different than it used to be! Even cmpared to my bags from around 2015. It also seems to vary item to item 🤷♀️
I’ve owned many auth monogram bags from the 80s, 90s, and 2000s, and all the canvases varied in feel and even color. The color variation was slight but they were there. My auth vintage LV Montsouris backpack from the early 2000s definitely looks more dull than other canvases which have a sheen. I haven’t felt LV monogram these days in the boutique but the quality has definitely decreased.
I don’t have any rep LV pieces, but I do agree with you about older LV canvas. It’s so much richer and vibrant. And THIIIICCCCC. I have a monogram key pouch from the 80s and i feel as if I can use and abuse that thing to high heaven. My key pouch in Damier Graphite that I purchased in Jan of this year is so flimsy and frail feeling that I hate using it. I just want it gone so I can have funds for more reps! 😂
I need engraving opinions… i fell down a rabbit hole… For those who have an Replica Knockoff pochettes Metis, can you post a picture of your lock and the engraving? What is it actually supposed to look like? Thick or thin engraving?