Why did I make this list?
Since I started Replica Handbag Shop , reader after reader has shared with me their experiences of being scammed. These awful sellers sell replicas that are either subpar or, worse yet, non-existent, leaving us buyers with nothing but disappointment and anger.
This not only harms the shoppers financially but also gives a bad reputation to other honest replica sellers. That’s why I have started collecting some names and publishing them here.
I hope this opens up a great dialogue between shoppers and sellers and allows us to help warn shoppers to stay away from certain sites and sellers that have proven to be nothing but trouble!
What Sellers will be added to the list?
If a seller or website gets enough negative reviews I will add it to the scam list.
- Don’t deliver on time(without reasons or advance notice) or at all
- With poor customer service or who don’t respond to complaints
- Ask for personal information or payments upfront
- Use pics that don’t belong to them or sell items that don’t match the photos they display
- Promise for high-quality products and charge a lot but end up selling items of low quality
List of Sellers/websites to avoid
I have received MANY negative reviews about sites called “ebag” “ebbaag” or any similar sounding name. They are a scam.
Save your money and yourself a headache and do not shop here. The negativity about this group of scammers is overwhelming enough to warrant a big warning! ——————————————————————————————————————–
A lot of people have sent their money in and then received no response from this company. It is a big SCAM. ——————————————————————————————————————– Winnie Jim
I have received messages from blog readers being scammed by them. Any time you see the name Winnie associated with replica shopping it is most likely a scam – don’t buy! ——————————————————————————————————————– Eva Knox
PurseValley has a bad reputation because of lots of negative reviews. The person behind it, Eva Knox (also known as Sophia Nolan), also had a blog called Spotbags. She and her “followers” wrote reviews on this blog to promote PurseValley.
PurseValley was shut down in July 2017 after being busted by US and Chinese authorities, with Alibaba’s assistance. Fake sites emerged afterward, even though they were not run by Knox and her associates. It’s still wise to steer clear of these sites like pursevalley.ru and pursevalleyvip.cn for safety.
——————————————————————————————————————– Jennifer
Jennifer is a bait-and-switch seller. She uses pictures of Replica Knockoff products to trick people into buying low-quality items. Many people have said that when they finally got the bag they ordered, it was the wrong size, and it didn’t look as good as it did in the pre-shipment video. And she often ignored customers’s messages. She even changed her Instagram username at least five times when she realized she had been exposed. Former Instagram names jenys_boutique, luxurypoints, by_lynnie, j.luxury, hermes_xo, luxurygemsss, and likely more ——————————————————————————————————————– Annie Lin
Annie Lin is a seller of replica jewelry who took money from a lot of customers. People have said that after getting PSPs, Annie stopped communicating and ignored all the messages that followed. Many buyers have lost a lot of money dealing with her. It’s not just that you might get a lower-quality product; in many cases, you won’t get anything at all. ——————————————————————————————————————– Feyre
Feyre had told buyers that she was located in Turkey and claimed that because it was close to Europe, all the leather used to make the bags came from France or Italy. However, the packages were actually sent from Vietnam. After a long wait, when the buyer received the package, it was clear at a glance that it was low-quality. ——————————————————————————————————————– Kinga
Based on the emails I have received from readers, there were two cases where customers didn’t get their orders. In one situation, Kinga blocked a customer on WeChat when she asked for help because her package might have been lost or seized. In another order, she didn’t give the tracking number or any evidence that she shipped the bag. Other than that, she never responded to any messages sent through WeChat and WhatsApp once received the money. ——————————————————————————————————————– Instagram replica sellers to avoid:
——————————————————————————————————————– The following websites/sellers have all been submitted by readers, and I have already posted: BEAUBAGSLOVE: INSTAGRAM SCAM WARNING: DON’T BUY FROM BEAUBAGSLOVE aaapurse.ru: aaapurse.ru Replica Neverfull Review – Fake vs Real Comparison Poshmark: Poshmark Scam – They Sent An “Authenticated” Fake Gucci Bag Copycat France: Copycat France Review: Replica Dior Saddle Bag Babareplica: Babareplica Review: Replica LV Petit Noé Bag
Red flags to look out for when shopping
- Suspiciously low prices
- Lack of contact information
- No return or refund policy
- Poorly written product descriptions or listings
- Poorly designed or outdated website
What to do if you’ve been scammed?
There is still hope if this is your situation:
- Product quality is far below your expectations
- Received the wrong items
- Product didn’t deliver on time
Talk to the sellers to find out what happened and try to negotiate with the seller to see if it’s possible to get part of the refund.
If the seller stops responding, to be honest, there is not that much you can do to get the money back, but I encourage you to comment below about any sites that have ripped you off while shopping for a replica of any kind whether it be a handbag, shoes, or even a watch.
Moreover, you can also email me at thepursequeenreviews@gmail.com with pictures and details and I will post it on the blog for all to read!
Has anyone heard of jessy jade? The YouTube seller? Videos seem great but no return policy?
Be cautious of brand1milano.com. They promise top-quality replicas at unbelievable prices, but it’s all a trap. I made the mistake of ordering from them, and what I received was a poorly made knockoff that didn’t resemble the original brand at all. Their customer service was non-existent, and they vanished as soon as they received my payment. Stay far away from this fraudulent website!
Has anybody tried this site? I just placed an order but haven’t paid yet! … please help xxc
I ordered a bag weeks ago, and it’s like it vanished into thin air. The seller keeps feeding me some vague excuses about delays and logistics problems. Has anyone else dealt with these shipping nightmares? How do you handle sellers who can’t seem to get their act together when it comes to shipping?
I feel your pain! I once ordered from luxurybagsreplica.com, and they kept pushing back the shipping date with no clear explanation. It was beyond frustrating. My advice is to keep bugging the seller for updates and demand some real answers. If they continue to give you the runaround, it might be time to demand a refund or find a more reliable seller. Don’t let them string you along forever!
I’ve been through a similar ordeal with omybag.cc. The tracking info they provided was as useless as a broken GPS. My package seemed to have taken a detour around the world before getting lost altogether.
When you find yourself in this situation, make sure to document every communication with the seller, including screenshots. Consider reaching out to your payment provider and file a complaint if needed. We shouldn’t tolerate unreliable sellers and their shipping chaos!
I had a terrible experience with bagreplicas.de. The website seemed reputable, and they had a wide selection of bags, but their customer service was abysmal. I ordered a bag and paid promptly, but I never received any updates or a tracking number. My emails went unanswered, and my money was wasted. Don’t fall into their trap and avoid this unreliable seller at all costs!
hi has anyone ordered from tina (aliexpress)? i found an awsome replica of lv neverfull but should i trust her?
I ordered a couple of replica Celine bags from brand1milano.com on 1/06/23 and I’ve yet to get my tracking info as promised. I’m starting to get worried. …does any one here know is it normal?
Is copybags.net a safe place to purchase? I am wanting to buy the Gucci patch backpack from their website here
Can’t find any reviews, want to make sure it’s okay. Thanks!
has anyone ordered from bragmybags.to ? seller is very responsive but still a bit nervous to go through with anything!
Has anyone used bragmybags.to ? I am also looking for opinion about this website. I use to use fendidiorbags and have just noticed they are no longer being used. Looking for somewhere genuine for dior replicas
I believe they are reputavle. I have heard good things About them, BUT DO YOUR DUE DELIGENCE !!!
I wanted to buy something from bragmybags.to and no one even responded to me and you dare to recommend that kind of site as reputable? Shame on you…
Any one ordered from modabysa she has great collection! I was in france a month ago and from the pictures her items looked legitimate but im very hesitant i need someone who know her
Has anyone used Mufasa.store?
anyone heard of Hidupsbag? I saw that on youtube.
It is a scam. I purchased over $1000 of handbags and received nothing. They were great to respond to my emails initially however after receiving payment, they stopped responding and I am yet to receive anything. Waste of so much money which I will now be taking up with my bank manager and reporting the company as fraudulent!
Yes they can be trusted!!! I’ve made 3 purchases from them with no problems!!!
Has anyone tried searching for designer replica handbags on the website globalsources? There’s this company selling Kelly bags, and their photos look pretty good, but the catch is they require a minimum order of 5 bags. Although the price isn’t expensive. What do you think? Should I bypass the dealer and buy directly from the factory?
Looking for opinion about sheluxury.ru and replicabagmall.com. The websites look good enough for me but are they legit? PLEASE let me know.
Don’t know about replicabagmall.com. But I have purchased from sheluxury.ru before, and the quality of the bags was mediocre, and the shipping was extremely slow. There weren’t any major issues, but I don’t think I’ll be buying from them again.
anyone shop from louisvuittonreplicabags.net before? thoughts?
It’s a total scam. They claim to accept PayPal, but once you select “PayPal” as your preferred payment method, instead of being redirected to PayPal, you receive an automated message saying that you’ll receive the PayPal invoice via email within a few hours. But guess what? That invoice never shows up. And to make matters worse, they don’t even bother responding to your emails. Luckily, I checked out as a guest, so I didn’t create an account and give them a username and password that could potentially be used on other websites. Trust me, it’s not worth your time.
YES! I had the exact same experience! Glad I left
This has been a truly frustrating experience, and I strongly recommend staying away from this website.
I placed an order four weeks ago, and according to the website, the items were supposed to be shipped within 2-3 working days, with tracking provided and delivery within 2 weeks. However, I haven’t received any tracking number until now. Nevertheless, my order was marked as shipped one week after payment, but without a tracking number. I thought maybe it would take a few days to update, so I waited a while. But there was still no update. Over the past three weeks, I’ve sent them several emails requesting tracking information, but I haven’t received any responses.
I understand that international shipping takes time and there can be some delays, but the problem lies in their lack of communication. If it’s just a simple delay, they should at least inform me. I have no problem waiting as long as they’re transparent, but if they take my money and disappear, then it’s a scam.
WOW, thank you guys for letting me know! I am definitely NOT going to this site again
Hey guys, wondering if anyone has bought anything from hotreplica.us? The website looks nice but feeling suspicious about all these good reviews.
Hi, did you order from them? If so what was their service and bags like? Would you recommend? Thank you Annette
Hi! I bought one bag form them last year, the bag is made of the real leather, I really love it!
I think people claiming they had great experiences with XYZ, should provide some kind of proof of such purchases, as it’s too easy for an employee of the company to post positive reviews to trick other victims. It’s China ladies, a communist country where people are VERY desperate for money.
Scammers will try every trick in the book to make themselves seem legit and promote their company. People from Western countries are used to dealing with legitimate retailers, they are not like that. They don’t care about repeat business, they don’t work on that model bcos they have to re register companies due to law enforcement shutting them down. When it comes to doing business online with foreign companies there is no protection, and therefore NO SUCH THING AS doing due DILIGENCE. How do you check their legitimacy? NOT from anonymous comments made by God knows who. These people are more likely to be dishonest and scamming you, than being honest owners.
Selling counterfeit bags is a crime, would you expect honesty from CRIMINALS? because that’s what you are doing. Think about it. The only time you are safe if when purchasing with a credit card or PayPal, because you can dispute the charges if your expensive bag doesn’t turn up after 4 weeks. Dhgate and Aliexpress are almost as bad. You have to wait for 28 days before you can even start a dispute, and they make it so confusing and difficult to claim a refund, they reject your claim on the first attempt and you have to really fight them to get anything back. And you have to bear the charges for return shipping. Better to save up and buy pre loved, or make your own bag.
Thank you to those ladies who warned others about scam sellers, or recieving poor quality.
What about Etsy? Has anyone bought any replica bags from this website?
The customer service here is absolutely awful. The sellers on this website won’t accept returns, unless the item is damaged. The problem is, the handbag I bought was described inaccurately, and the quality is really lousy.
I reached out to Etsy about this issue, but I haven’t heard back from them yet. To be fair, the seller did respond to me. But you’ve got to watch out for Etsy, they treat customers unfairly and their service is just plain lousy.
Forget their customer service! Why can’t you called your own bank or PayPal and put a stop or Reverse payment on them?! Do you expect a First class treatment for buying Fake and don’t know how to protect yourself before doing so?
STAY AWAY from perfectbagsreplica.com
I did all the proper research on this website, and I’m pretty sure I’ve been scammed. I sent them $436, and now all I’m getting are excuses as to why my order hasn’t been shipped. They were responsive and responsible in their replies before they received my payment, but now I’m not hearing anything at all! It’s so frustrating! I work hard for my money, and I feel like I just threw it away! I will not be ordering from this company again!
Really? I’ve also bought a few replica handbags from that website. The delivery speed was fairly on time.
I ordered from Purse Hero, the “Artsy” Louis Vuitton handbag. When I finally received the handbag it was damaged. The round gold ring that is attached to the handle was delivered BROKEN! Within minutes of receiving the defective handbag on 5/17/2023, I Immediately contacted the vendors via email at clonephonesdallas@gmail.com.
As of today’s date, 5/21/2023, I have Not received… Not even 1 response from Purse Hero advising how they intend on rectifying this issue by refunding my monies or shipping out a replacement bag for the defective handbag that was shipped to me. This is really poor customer service. More importantly, it shows just how much Purse Hero does Not value its customers, and its merchandise. Purse Hero was paid upfront for this merchandise and shipped to the customer a Louis Vuitton Artsy Handbag that is defective. Regardless of this handbag being a “replica,” it should not be defective and of “Poor Workmanship and Quality. Attached are pictures of the Louis Vuitton Artsy “Replica” that was shipped to me. Please let everyone know about this SCAM!
What about luxurydeals.ru?? Is it scam or legit?
READ the previous answer below for anything ended up with .RU use your common sense!
I tried that website and purchased a Chanel bag a month ago. Till now I haven’t received anything yet! They keep telling you it will arrive and even provide a tracking number. It’s all a scam. If you want to lose your money, go to that website. Even the fraud department is helpless because it’s originated in a different country.
LuxuryDeals.ru is a reliable and legit shopping website. To the reviews saying this is a scam, it is definitely not. The payment is done via Wise because replica goods would be flagged as counterfeit with standard payment methods. This website has been identified by REACT for selling replicas so he website score is not high, but my friends all like this website.
That’s A LIE! We got a shill here. How many BOGUS seller Refused to use Paypal and requested Wise / WU / MoneyGram a.k.a CASH? They’re ALL using the same excuse copy n paste from another scammer’s excuse. The Real seller Will find a way to use Paypal by putting a legit business on the front and putting these items on the backend