Why did I make this list?
Since I started Replica Handbag Shop , reader after reader has shared with me their experiences of being scammed. These awful sellers sell replicas that are either subpar or, worse yet, non-existent, leaving us buyers with nothing but disappointment and anger.
This not only harms the shoppers financially but also gives a bad reputation to other honest replica sellers. That’s why I have started collecting some names and publishing them here.
I hope this opens up a great dialogue between shoppers and sellers and allows us to help warn shoppers to stay away from certain sites and sellers that have proven to be nothing but trouble!
What Sellers will be added to the list?
If a seller or website gets enough negative reviews I will add it to the scam list.
- Don’t deliver on time(without reasons or advance notice) or at all
- With poor customer service or who don’t respond to complaints
- Ask for personal information or payments upfront
- Use pics that don’t belong to them or sell items that don’t match the photos they display
- Promise for high-quality products and charge a lot but end up selling items of low quality
List of Sellers/websites to avoid
I have received MANY negative reviews about sites called “ebag” “ebbaag” or any similar sounding name. They are a scam.
Save your money and yourself a headache and do not shop here. The negativity about this group of scammers is overwhelming enough to warrant a big warning! ——————————————————————————————————————–
A lot of people have sent their money in and then received no response from this company. It is a big SCAM. ——————————————————————————————————————– Winnie Jim
I have received messages from blog readers being scammed by them. Any time you see the name Winnie associated with replica shopping it is most likely a scam – don’t buy! ——————————————————————————————————————– Eva Knox
PurseValley has a bad reputation because of lots of negative reviews. The person behind it, Eva Knox (also known as Sophia Nolan), also had a blog called Spotbags. She and her “followers” wrote reviews on this blog to promote PurseValley.
PurseValley was shut down in July 2017 after being busted by US and Chinese authorities, with Alibaba’s assistance. Fake sites emerged afterward, even though they were not run by Knox and her associates. It’s still wise to steer clear of these sites like pursevalley.ru and pursevalleyvip.cn for safety.
——————————————————————————————————————– Jennifer
Jennifer is a bait-and-switch seller. She uses pictures of Replica Knockoff products to trick people into buying low-quality items. Many people have said that when they finally got the bag they ordered, it was the wrong size, and it didn’t look as good as it did in the pre-shipment video. And she often ignored customers’s messages. She even changed her Instagram username at least five times when she realized she had been exposed. Former Instagram names jenys_boutique, luxurypoints, by_lynnie, j.luxury, hermes_xo, luxurygemsss, and likely more ——————————————————————————————————————– Annie Lin
Annie Lin is a seller of replica jewelry who took money from a lot of customers. People have said that after getting PSPs, Annie stopped communicating and ignored all the messages that followed. Many buyers have lost a lot of money dealing with her. It’s not just that you might get a lower-quality product; in many cases, you won’t get anything at all. ——————————————————————————————————————– Feyre
Feyre had told buyers that she was located in Turkey and claimed that because it was close to Europe, all the leather used to make the bags came from France or Italy. However, the packages were actually sent from Vietnam. After a long wait, when the buyer received the package, it was clear at a glance that it was low-quality. ——————————————————————————————————————– Kinga
Based on the emails I have received from readers, there were two cases where customers didn’t get their orders. In one situation, Kinga blocked a customer on WeChat when she asked for help because her package might have been lost or seized. In another order, she didn’t give the tracking number or any evidence that she shipped the bag. Other than that, she never responded to any messages sent through WeChat and WhatsApp once received the money. ——————————————————————————————————————– Instagram replica sellers to avoid:
——————————————————————————————————————– The following websites/sellers have all been submitted by readers, and I have already posted: BEAUBAGSLOVE: INSTAGRAM SCAM WARNING: DON’T BUY FROM BEAUBAGSLOVE aaapurse.ru: aaapurse.ru Replica Neverfull Review – Fake vs Real Comparison Poshmark: Poshmark Scam – They Sent An “Authenticated” Fake Gucci Bag Copycat France: Copycat France Review: Replica Dior Saddle Bag Babareplica: Babareplica Review: Replica LV Petit Noé Bag
Red flags to look out for when shopping
- Suspiciously low prices
- Lack of contact information
- No return or refund policy
- Poorly written product descriptions or listings
- Poorly designed or outdated website
What to do if you’ve been scammed?
There is still hope if this is your situation:
- Product quality is far below your expectations
- Received the wrong items
- Product didn’t deliver on time
Talk to the sellers to find out what happened and try to negotiate with the seller to see if it’s possible to get part of the refund.
If the seller stops responding, to be honest, there is not that much you can do to get the money back, but I encourage you to comment below about any sites that have ripped you off while shopping for a replica of any kind whether it be a handbag, shoes, or even a watch.
Moreover, you can also email me at thepursequeenreviews@gmail.com with pictures and details and I will post it on the blog for all to read!
Has this happened to anyone before? I bought some stuff at AE, a bag and a couple of costume jewelry. Both got combined shipping. The bag arrived fine but the costume jewelry was some iPhone cases. The seller (which is well rated and has tons of real appearing reviews) says it should have arrived (which the tracking says it did) 😭 —was it switched by someone ?
Need help ladies!! How do you treat your colored bag? Black leather didn’t stressed me out with treatment. I just got a Loewe hammock in tan color but she feels a bit dry to me and I want do put some treatment or protector for discoloration!
Bick for lighter bags and protect with carbon pro spray. Leather honey is great too. I have cread it can darken very light leather tho.
I asked for pricing on a quilted red boy bag… apparently it’s only available with the chevron right now, it’s a bit more expensive than I really want to pay… should I wait see what comes out, or just suck it up buy now while I can at least get the color I want?? I definitely need (lol… really want) a red boy bag in my life. I saw some dhg ones on here, but only the medium size (I want small) + I really don’t want to risk random quality. I’d way rather pay more for a more known quality
Had anyone used shebag as a seller? I’ve searched in here but can’t find anything unless I’ve spelt it wrong?
What’s your go-to going out bag? I need a bag that I don’t have to baby but still looks fabulous af while I’m out 💁🏻♀️
Don’t buy from someone named Miya! Both my Cartier bracelets have broken in ways I didn’t think possible, the lock mechanisms broken on both!! Unfixable!! So much money down the drain and she refuses to refund or even partially refund/ accept any accountability. The first one broke as I was putting it on for the first time believe it or not! AVOID MIYA!
Does anyone follow @itsisabelbedoya? I came across one of her reels talking about “dupes” but it’s basically reps.
I’m just mind blown by a) how much these “dupes” are b) how she is/was a PR for other makeup brands, and she just blatantly showed reps without thinking about the legality of reps. 🤔
I finally received my B30 today after being held at customs for 2 weeks. When I got the box today, it had the dreaded yellow tape saying customs had opened the box. I can’t believe it made it through 😅
I placed an order for something I was super excited about on ae, the order / shipment now shows as canceled. Will I see a refund automatically? The seller hasn’t replied yet (has only been ~12hrs).
Interestingly, I saw someone else wearing a similar top after i ordered (sorry to this woman, but it looked cheesy / not chic…), it kind of decreased my excitement, plus it was literally for the winter lmao, so I have plenty of time to find something else I like 😅 just hoping to avoid any “dispute” drama etc. 🤞🤞
What was the outcome of your canceled shipment? I just had my shipment canceled by an ae shop that I have purchased from successfully before. Not sure if the refund happens automatically or if I have to request it.
They wrote back saying they had to check with the logistics company, it was refunded automatically a little bit later (I want to say it was 7 days total before I got notice it would be refunded, another 3 days before I saw the money come back? I didn’t have to do anything formal to get it taken care of
Thank you so much for your response! I will make a note to check the status in a week or so!
Np!! Hope it resolves quickly for you
Question for those who have sold Replica Knockoff items on the Real Real—am I reading their commissions page correctly? They take a 65% commission on bags they sell between $750-5k?!
I have an Replica Knockoff Gucci bag that I don’t use, now that I’ve discovered this community! There must be a better way to recoup that $$
Maybe a local ig or fb reseller might have less commission?
I sell my bags on poshmark. They take a 20% fee but you basically do everything yourself like taking photos and packaging it.
All resale sites have raised their cut!! I’d compare them! Mercari, eBay, Tradesy and see which one works best for you. Or try to sell it privately!! What kind of bag is it??? Lol
Not sure if this is a place for this discussion but has anyone been facing delays getting their PSPs? I ordered a saddle from someone named Laddy on whatsapp and it’s been a week and she still hasn’t sent the PSPs yet…
Just got my new Polene Beri bag in today! I chose to go the rep route because the Polene website had too many poor reviews of undelivered / damaged items 😭 I trust rep sellers so much more
What’s the rep route? I’ve been looking for a decent cow leather basic channel and just can’t pay 6-700 for one so I know the quality will not be as good but nobody will be rummaging through my bag, just need to to be passable to the eye “in passing” and no idea where to find one
I think I may have gotten scammed :/ what do you ladies this of this sit?
A few days ago on ins. a poster (whose history I combed and seemed legit) posted their goods. It was a gorgeous raffia ysl I’ve never seen before and they said they got it from a seller they’ve used for years named Hong/linda and gave their info which started with a +86 (china number) so I stupidly decided to take a chance and use her. She takes PayPal f&f and when I sent the funds it got converted to British ps which should have been my first red flag. And then I sent the funds and it was to the most white sounding name ever. I’ll update on whether I actually get the bag or not. Thankfully it was only a bit less than $200 so not super expensive but feeling pretty dumb already right now ..
Ugh. Sorry to hear you may have fallen prey, but I guess wait and see…?
Should I be nervous? I ordered 2 pairs of shoes (Tory Burch Miller sandals and Valentino sandals) from Lucky Cat on 2/12, she told me the would be done asap. It’s now 3 weeks and she first asked me last week if I could “exchange one of the pairs of shoes”, then told me she asked a new factory to make them + plus give her three days… it’s been a week now and yesterday when I asked if they were done yet, she told me that she will have them today. It’s just so peculiar bc I have always ordered from her and this has never happened before. Fingers crossed I get them before the vacation I ordered them for😭
I’ve had a similar experience! I tried her out for the first time and she said she had something in stock so I paid, then she asked me to wait a week for PSPs, when I checked in she sent me PSPs of the same bag but clearly lower quality. Then told me the “other batch” I would need to wait a few weeks, so I did and checked in again. She then sent me PSPs finally and I GL. After I had to check in again a week+ later for tracking. Seemed like I always had to check in for an update and she tried to pull a fast one on me with the “different batch” which honestly was so different from the factory photos. All in all took a month to just get the item shipped.
Same! I have to keep reaching out to her and asking. I’m at the point where I just want a refund, but I’m scared to because the ball (my money) is in her court.
Yea this experience really put me off of Lucky Cat, it’s a bummer because she had so many good reviews. I don’t think it’ll hurt to ask? Might expedite your shipment.
Im very naive and gullible, but I’ve noticed that every time y visit aliexpress , my email gets full of spam. I thought it was only with DHgate, and try not to go there. This measure decreased the spam, but AE still does it in a good amount. I go super fast to delete all the spam and empty the spam bin,but it happens all the time. I think it’s good to use a different email. But, don’t doit🙃
My experience with replicas has been a rollercoaster. Some sellers have been amazing, while others have left me high and dry. Always a gamble, but when you win, it feels great!
This one is an SOS. Has anyone experienced streakiness after applying a round of a cadillac leather to your bags? I recently did a round of conditioning on my puzzle and was left with this after a bag sat out to an hour or two with conditioner on.
I’ve conditioned other bags with this same bottle and method with no issue. Wiping the bag down didn’t work. Anyone have any ideas?
If not…I might flex my inner creative and try my hand at painting it
I’m not familiar with that conditioner (I use apple), I’m just going to put this out there as a suggestion what if you apply it again? Perhaps it will re-wet the original application and allow you to fix it / wipe off entirely?
That’s a great idea- going to try this tomorrow!
Fingers and toes crossed for you!
This streakiness appears to be the result of a low quality dye job.
Let this be a reminder to always patch test if you’re not sure of a bags quality!
Selling the auth after buying the rep is SUCH a brilliant plan. But with so many scams out there, it’s a challenge too
Idk if this is linked, but after a couple of times providing my real # for shipping packages I noticed a giant uptick in chinese language spam (whatsapp and text all sorts of ppl pretending they are contacting someone else). Now I give a defunct number. Not sure if this will come bite me in the ass …. so far so good
Yes! I keep getting a message of a picture of a table setting of someone drinking tea like if you were to take a photo at an Replica Knockoff Chinese restaurant. Always the same photo so I blocked the number.
Just for curiosity, what was the most recent real designer item you purchased? Did you feel it was worth it?
I’ll begin I got myself a Mini Evelyne from Hermes, straight from the boutique near my home. It was the first bag my sales associate offered me, so I didn’t hesitate! Honestly, I haven’t been using it much, and I think the clemence leather is pretty much like my replica Picotin, haha. Overall, it was a good experience, but perhaps NWBIG lol.
How about you? Would you recommend going for the Replica Knockoff version of what you bought, or do you think exploring the replica route might be a better idea?
Got myself this stunning Chanel beauty for my birthday last month. It’s the bag of my dreams, and I believe no replicas can match the charm of vintage authenticity, so I knew I had to go for the real deal. It’s got that timeless, chic, and elegant vibe, and the lambskin is incredibly soft. Personally, I prefer the flatter quilt design and the 24k-plated gold hardware. It’s almost as old as I am (from the 3-series, 1994-96), but it’s in fantastic condition.
It’s kind of cool to imagine where the bag has been and the places the previous owner took it. 😄 I haven’t been too impressed with the quality of modern classic flaps from Chanel, so IMO going vintage was a clear choice. I can say without a doubt, it’s absolutely worth every pretty penny!