Why did I make this list?
Since I started Replica Handbag Shop , reader after reader has shared with me their experiences of being scammed. These awful sellers sell replicas that are either subpar or, worse yet, non-existent, leaving us buyers with nothing but disappointment and anger.
This not only harms the shoppers financially but also gives a bad reputation to other honest replica sellers. That’s why I have started collecting some names and publishing them here.
I hope this opens up a great dialogue between shoppers and sellers and allows us to help warn shoppers to stay away from certain sites and sellers that have proven to be nothing but trouble!
What Sellers will be added to the list?
If a seller or website gets enough negative reviews I will add it to the scam list.
- Don’t deliver on time(without reasons or advance notice) or at all
- With poor customer service or who don’t respond to complaints
- Ask for personal information or payments upfront
- Use pics that don’t belong to them or sell items that don’t match the photos they display
- Promise for high-quality products and charge a lot but end up selling items of low quality
List of Sellers/websites to avoid
I have received MANY negative reviews about sites called “ebag” “ebbaag” or any similar sounding name. They are a scam.
Save your money and yourself a headache and do not shop here. The negativity about this group of scammers is overwhelming enough to warrant a big warning! ——————————————————————————————————————–
A lot of people have sent their money in and then received no response from this company. It is a big SCAM. ——————————————————————————————————————– Winnie Jim
I have received messages from blog readers being scammed by them. Any time you see the name Winnie associated with replica shopping it is most likely a scam – don’t buy! ——————————————————————————————————————– Eva Knox
PurseValley has a bad reputation because of lots of negative reviews. The person behind it, Eva Knox (also known as Sophia Nolan), also had a blog called Spotbags. She and her “followers” wrote reviews on this blog to promote PurseValley.
PurseValley was shut down in July 2017 after being busted by US and Chinese authorities, with Alibaba’s assistance. Fake sites emerged afterward, even though they were not run by Knox and her associates. It’s still wise to steer clear of these sites like pursevalley.ru and pursevalleyvip.cn for safety.
——————————————————————————————————————– Jennifer
Jennifer is a bait-and-switch seller. She uses pictures of Replica Knockoff products to trick people into buying low-quality items. Many people have said that when they finally got the bag they ordered, it was the wrong size, and it didn’t look as good as it did in the pre-shipment video. And she often ignored customers’s messages. She even changed her Instagram username at least five times when she realized she had been exposed. Former Instagram names jenys_boutique, luxurypoints, by_lynnie, j.luxury, hermes_xo, luxurygemsss, and likely more ——————————————————————————————————————– Annie Lin
Annie Lin is a seller of replica jewelry who took money from a lot of customers. People have said that after getting PSPs, Annie stopped communicating and ignored all the messages that followed. Many buyers have lost a lot of money dealing with her. It’s not just that you might get a lower-quality product; in many cases, you won’t get anything at all. ——————————————————————————————————————– Feyre
Feyre had told buyers that she was located in Turkey and claimed that because it was close to Europe, all the leather used to make the bags came from France or Italy. However, the packages were actually sent from Vietnam. After a long wait, when the buyer received the package, it was clear at a glance that it was low-quality. ——————————————————————————————————————– Kinga
Based on the emails I have received from readers, there were two cases where customers didn’t get their orders. In one situation, Kinga blocked a customer on WeChat when she asked for help because her package might have been lost or seized. In another order, she didn’t give the tracking number or any evidence that she shipped the bag. Other than that, she never responded to any messages sent through WeChat and WhatsApp once received the money. ——————————————————————————————————————– Instagram replica sellers to avoid:
——————————————————————————————————————– The following websites/sellers have all been submitted by readers, and I have already posted: BEAUBAGSLOVE: INSTAGRAM SCAM WARNING: DON’T BUY FROM BEAUBAGSLOVE aaapurse.ru: aaapurse.ru Replica Neverfull Review – Fake vs Real Comparison Poshmark: Poshmark Scam – They Sent An “Authenticated” Fake Gucci Bag Copycat France: Copycat France Review: Replica Dior Saddle Bag Babareplica: Babareplica Review: Replica LV Petit Noé Bag
Red flags to look out for when shopping
- Suspiciously low prices
- Lack of contact information
- No return or refund policy
- Poorly written product descriptions or listings
- Poorly designed or outdated website
What to do if you’ve been scammed?
There is still hope if this is your situation:
- Product quality is far below your expectations
- Received the wrong items
- Product didn’t deliver on time
Talk to the sellers to find out what happened and try to negotiate with the seller to see if it’s possible to get part of the refund.
If the seller stops responding, to be honest, there is not that much you can do to get the money back, but I encourage you to comment below about any sites that have ripped you off while shopping for a replica of any kind whether it be a handbag, shoes, or even a watch.
Moreover, you can also email me at thepursequeenreviews@gmail.com with pictures and details and I will post it on the blog for all to read!
I need to vent. I wanted the Saint Laurent leather espadrilles but no way was I paying £500/£600 for them. I was obsessed…couldn’t sleep dreaming about them. Finally found a seller that can get them for me and now I am even more heart broken.
Other sellers are offering me the same quality. I am heartbroken because I’ll never get to own the shoes 😭
Hey, never say never. These reps get better all the time. Disappointing but most folk wouldn’t even consider they weren’t the real deal. For example ysl isn’t my thing so I have no clue what the logo should look like. But give me a goyard and it’s a different story…
Hello everyone. I ordered two bags and paid on Sept 16th, I haven’t heard from the seller since. Is that kind of normal? 🤔
Have you heard any thing yet?
I’ve just found out that my cute Loro Piana bag was delivered last week. Stolen from my front porch. 😢 first time this happened. Such a bad experience.
This happens to me constantly. I can’t buy anymore until I move. I’m sorry for this loss of the bag!!
Hey y’all.. anyone ever have a package not track at all for.. 23 days? 🫠seller not responsive… arg.. I hope it’s just shipping delays 🤷🏻♀️
I have it happen all the time with things sent from China; they will often look like nothing’s happening until suddenly they are in the U.S. I can occasionally get more information with 17Track but this past year it seems to be standard operating procedure to see no movement at all until my packages are through customs or sometimes even out for delivery.
Yeah I’ve this happened with DHGate stuff but usually with a TS like my usual go to that I’ve used past few months it’s been 7 business days and it tracks or at least the seller responds to me.
I hope it goes through but this TS I’m using first time is not even responding to my message so I hope is not a red flag.
Hey folks, I think Alan (DHG seller) may be transitioning from ignoring me to scamming me as he’s now saying a package is posted, gave me a tracking number that corresponds to no package being en route, and is back to ignoring me. Has anyone successfully gotten a refund from Alan? We’re still talking about 3 pairs of sunglasses I ordered back in May at this stage. Will take all advice!
Talk to DHgate customer service and get your money back. They will work that out for you.
So, I’ve been preserving from Saks online a lot lately and I have to say I am so disappointed in the material quality of the clothes I’ve been purchasing. I just got a $500 dress and my heart dropped once I opened the package, it was so thin and wrinkled. Labeled as “Italian Fabric” aka polyester and cotton.
I got my first rep, Prada re edition Saffiano. The strap broke within 2 weeks of use. I’m really disappointed honestly. Seeing everyone’s experiences I was so excited but I can’t do reps if this is the quality 🙁
Which seller and website?
Is it something a cobbler could fix easily? I had a strap come unsewn on a bag and it was a 2 min fix at my cobbler.
Oh no! That’s not always the case at all. I always ask for highest quality. I’ve had great experience with my sellers.
I got this weird text from a weird email address. Is this a scam or does it have anything to do with my rep shopping? I don’t think i have any packages coming that I know of from China
Scam. Delete and don’t respond.
Omg i got this exact message! But I haven’t ordered anything recently so it’s safe to say it’s a scam!
Anyone got recommendations for polene cyme sellers? I looove the canvas version but everyone ive asked seems to only have the leather one 🙁
Has anyone else gotten a bag that smells bad? Just got my Chanel 22 the other day and it came smelling like a more subdued version of an animal enclosure inside of a zoo 😭 it’s awful. Sure I’ve gotten other bags with a chemical/factory smells but this is unlike anything I’ve smelled lol. But besides the scent it’s perfect. Been airing it outside since, and just sprayed with water vinegar while it airs out, so hopefully that will do the trick.
Yes! Just received a lady Dior that smells like doodoo on the inside lol
Yesss 😭 it very much so smells like doodoo!! Lol I’m very concerned where the bags were stored because it should not smell like this
If anyone is looking for a good LP19 rep, Bibi is not it. The handle is inaccurate. I had another Bibi fail with a BV Mini Pouch Intrecciato Crossbody. The strap (which was wrapped in packaging in PSPs, rookie mistake not to ask to see it) was frayed with stitches and long threads coming out throughout the strap.
Hi! I experienced a similar issue with the strap. 😭 Apart from that, have you had an opportunity to make a comparison between the rep version to the auth?
Adding to the list @_morfoshoes on instagram. I saw good reviews (now thinking they are prob fake reviews), purchased a bag and they’ve now said they can’t send it + won’t give me a refund. They even photo shopped a fake Venmo payment page to try to make me think they were sending me a refund. Total total scam avoid at all costs.
oh no!!! ugh what a bummer, so sorry. thanks for letting us know!
Is it too yellow? It feels like mac and cheese in person 🧀
Hm. Too yellow.
Use it for a beach bag. That’s what I do when I don’t like something I purchased 🤣
Hi! I have an ultra matte black lady Dior I’ve been using for regular use for 1.5yr and it’s starting to get some shiny bits. What do y’all do to get the matte back? Thanks!
I think that Xpurse is probably a scam site. I placed an order and the website won’t load now, it just says “bad gateway”
I purchased through PayPal. What are the odds that I will be able to get my money back?
Hi Nila,
I’m so sorry to hear. I was looking into XPurse as well.
Did you ever receive your order. Hope you did and everything worked out. Thank you in advance for your feedback.
Hi Nila,
Also curious about this. I was about to place an order on Xpurse.
Thank you for your response.
So excited that my dhg budget Niki medium in Deep Marine (navy blue) arrived today! BUT the seller sent me a grey one🤦♀️ Fortunately acquiring a grey bag was also on my to-do list, but not gonna lie I’m disappointed she sent the wrong color 😔
noticed this after taking my puzzle out today, the leather/ glue seems to come off from paper/board backing creating some bubble.😩😩😩
Hey girls! I purchased 2 pairs if sunglasses from Alan 1 week ago. I’ve been trying to contact him in order to know when he’s going to ship the Sunnies, but he went radio silent. I did a search on him (I know, should do it before purchasing), and saw lots of complaints. Now I’m scared! 😥/ Could you, please, share your experiences with this seller?
Kinda new here and with all the different sellers can anyone vouch for who has the best vca gold guilloche bracelet in solid 18k?
guys i’m obsessed with polene but no one ever sells their polene bags😩😩