/ REPLICA SCAM LIST (must read!)

REPLICA SCAM LIST (must read!)

Why did I make this list?

Since I started Replica Handbag Shop , reader after reader has shared with me their experiences of being scammed. These awful sellers sell replicas that are either subpar or, worse yet, non-existent, leaving us buyers with nothing but disappointment and anger.

This not only harms the shoppers financially but also gives a bad reputation to other honest replica sellers. That’s why I have started collecting some names and publishing them here.

I hope this opens up a great dialogue between shoppers and sellers and allows us to help warn shoppers to stay away from certain sites and sellers that have proven to be nothing but trouble!



What Sellers will be added to the list?

If a seller or website gets enough negative reviews I will add it to the scam list.

  • Don’t deliver on time(without reasons or advance notice) or at all
  • With poor customer service or who don’t respond to complaints
  • Ask for personal information or payments upfront
  • Use pics that don’t belong to them or sell items that don’t match the photos they display
  • Promise for high-quality products and charge a lot but end up selling items of low quality



List of Sellers/websites to avoid


I have received MANY negative reviews about sites called “ebag” “ebbaag” or any similar sounding name. They are a scam.

  1. They do not send anything because they have nothing to sell.
  2. The products pictured on their sites are stolen photos.
  3. Many have alleged they steal their identity and run phishing scams.

Save your money and yourself a headache and do not shop here. The negativity about this group of scammers is overwhelming enough to warrant a big warning!


A lot of people have sent their money in and then received no response from this company. It is a big SCAM.


Winnie Jim

  • Website:
  • Email: fashionreplicassale@gmail.com

I have received messages from blog readers being scammed by them. Any time you see the name Winnie associated with replica shopping it is most likely a scam – don’t buy!


Eva Knox

  • Website:

PurseValley has a bad reputation because of lots of negative reviews. The person behind it, Eva Knox (also known as Sophia Nolan), also had a blog called Spotbags. She and her “followers” wrote reviews on this blog to promote PurseValley.

  1. PurseValley never sent PSPs
  2. Charged way too much
  3. Often lied about the quality of their items
  4. Never follow their exchange and return policies
  5. In the worst cases, they even stole money from their customers

PurseValley was shut down in July 2017 after being busted by US and Chinese authorities, with Alibaba’s assistance. Fake sites emerged afterward, even though they were not run by Knox and her associates. It’s still wise to steer clear of these sites like pursevalley.ru and pursevalleyvip.cn for safety.



  • Instagram:
    • maison_legrande
    • lacrene_boutique
  • WhatsApp:
    • +1 440 435 8296
    • +1 438 300 2895
    • +1 406 282 3435
    • +1 667 262 0237
    • +1 415 429 5459
    • +1 417 815 1449
    • +1 249 200 0271

Jennifer is a bait-and-switch seller. She uses pictures of Replica Knockoff products to trick people into buying low-quality items.

Many people have said that when they finally got the bag they ordered, it was the wrong size, and it didn’t look as good as it did in the pre-shipment video. And she often ignored customers’s messages.

She even changed her Instagram username at least five times when she realized she had been exposed.

Former Instagram names jenys_boutique, luxurypoints, by_lynnie, j.luxury, hermes_xo, luxurygemsss, and likely more


Annie Lin

  • WeChat
    • Lucy-love-duo
    • LYC13148866

Annie Lin is a seller of replica jewelry who took money from a lot of customers.

People have said that after getting PSPs, Annie stopped communicating and ignored all the messages that followed. Many buyers have lost a lot of money dealing with her. It’s not just that you might get a lower-quality product; in many cases, you won’t get anything at all.



  • Email:
    • Feyrehqbags@hotmail.com
    • Feyrehreppqbags@gmail.com

Feyre had told buyers that she was located in Turkey and claimed that because it was close to Europe, all the leather used to make the bags came from France or Italy. However, the packages were actually sent from Vietnam. After a long wait, when the buyer received the package, it was clear at a glance that it was low-quality.



  • WeChat: netrimvb
  • WhatsApp: +86 151 1735 4001

Based on the emails I have received from readers, there were two cases where customers didn’t get their orders. In one situation, Kinga blocked a customer on WeChat when she asked for help because her package might have been lost or seized.

In another order, she didn’t give the tracking number or any evidence that she shipped the bag.

Other than that, she never responded to any messages sent through WeChat and WhatsApp once received the money.


Instagram replica sellers to avoid:

  • bstdesignergguw83
  • sunshie707jewlery
  • Nuyyu8827d


The following websites/sellers have all been submitted by readers, and I have already posted:


aaapurse.ru: aaapurse.ru Replica Neverfull Review – Fake vs Real Comparison

Poshmark: Poshmark Scam – They Sent An “Authenticated” Fake Gucci Bag

Copycat France: Copycat France Review: Replica Dior Saddle Bag

Babareplica: Babareplica Review: Replica LV Petit Noé Bag




Red flags to look out for when shopping

  • Suspiciously low prices
  • Lack of contact information
  • No return or refund policy
  • Poorly written product descriptions or listings
  • Poorly designed or outdated website



What to do if you’ve been scammed?

There is still hope if this is your situation:

  1. Product quality is far below your expectations
  2. Received the wrong items
  3. Product didn’t deliver on time

Talk to the sellers to find out what happened and try to negotiate with the seller to see if it’s possible to get part of the refund.

If the seller stops responding, to be honest, there is not that much you can do to get the money back, but I encourage you to comment below about any sites that have ripped you off while shopping for a replica of any kind whether it be a handbag, shoes, or even a watch.

Moreover, you can also email me at thepursequeenreviews@gmail.com  with pictures and details and I will post it on the blog for all to read!





  1. Smith
    November 2, 2023 / 11:02 am

    Have anyone here ever got ghosted by your go-to sellers? I have one seller that I’ve been using for almost 3 years. I admit I can be pretty fussy with PSP because I want to make sure I know what I’ll be getting but I never decline any bag so far but somehow now the seller doesn’t respond to any of my messages. At first I thought maybe they just missed my messages but after 4 chats…. I conclude that they don’t want any business with me anymore. I’m a bit sad but it’s not like I’m running out of sellers to choose. I guess I need to vent a bit 😂

    • Betsy
      November 5, 2023 / 9:14 pm

      probably they are busy or on vacation.

  2. Juliet
    November 1, 2023 / 2:29 pm

    I got my first order of Vgold…and I’m really disappointed bc they’re so brassy!! Should have read up on it a little more.

    I wanted to “unbrass” them so I did what every academic does headed straight to TikTok. Someone recommended using toothpaste which kind of worked for one of them but the other seems like a lost cause.

    • Xyla
      November 4, 2023 / 7:05 pm

      You can try oven cleaner to lighten the hardware

      • JULIET
        November 6, 2023 / 12:54 pm

        Good idea! I’ll give it a try!

  3. Anona L
    November 1, 2023 / 8:05 am

    Any tiny hoop earrings recommendations? I usually wear non branded ones but if there are rep versions I’d love some! I want them to be about 1cm diameter or even less because I play contact sports, sleep with them and too lazy to change regularly. Also need to be complete hoop, not the studs of bar and the closure. Thank you 💖

    • hapy
      November 2, 2023 / 1:28 pm

      I wear the diamond coco crush huggie hoops almost daily. Very subtle.

  4. Luca
    October 31, 2023 / 10:29 pm

    What would you do when a sellers says “Sorry dear, the factory told us the wrong price.” and want me to pay more after I paid a few days ago. Which is a lie in fact, because many other sellers have them for the same price she gave me first place.

    I reached out to her because her prices are good, prompt, album and selections are great but I don’t actually trust her. She even said to me “Dear, I’m not joking. What I’m saying is the truth. ¥374 is not the price, it’s the product number. We made a mistake when posting the pictures. If you have any doubts about the price, you can also consult other sellers for comparison. I am an honest seller, and our prices are consistent, treating all customers the same.”

    This is again BS, 374 is not the product number. I know the product number. I sent a few screenshots of other sellers (same) prices. It’s not a lot of money but I just hate her dishonesty.
    I’m not sure where this transaction is going but I don’t think I’ll use her ever again.
    Sorry rant over, but what would you do? Suck it up and pay or fight it?

    • Marietta
      November 1, 2023 / 7:42 am

      If you already feel yucky working with her, ask for a refund and try with someone else!

    • sharq
      November 1, 2023 / 12:56 pm

      I personally would pay the difference to minimise risk of just being blanked and getting nothing. But then never using them again.

      But I’m probably a bit of a pushover.

      • LUCA
        November 2, 2023 / 2:31 pm

        I think that’s what I will end up doing. Because she is not an easy person to deal with and I know she will not refund easily, and I can’t be bothered to fight. So I might just pay but tell her we all know and tell her to write a bad review after she sent my goodies. I don’t want her to delay sending or send me an empty box 😅

        • hewors
          November 3, 2023 / 5:40 am

          Yeah I’d definitely sweet talk her until you get your item.

          Then be fine being honest with the less than great experience pubclicly here.

    • min62
      November 2, 2023 / 3:39 pm

      Send her prices from other sellers. And ask for a refund

  5. hoparv
    October 31, 2023 / 11:42 am

    Repfluenced into a Loewe puzzle bag. Reached out to a seller with multiple reviews where buyers paid via PPFF. But the seller would only accept Wise from me. Ended up passing and going to a different seller. Maybe I’m overreacting but it rubbed me the wrong way.

  6. Jocelyn
    October 29, 2023 / 8:38 pm

    Does anyone know what it means if you order from AllieExpress and you get a delayed due to unsuccessful customs clearance, do they eventually clear it or should I request a refund? Thank you.

    • sumlov
      November 1, 2023 / 10:03 am

      I had that many times and my items arrived without issue

    • Wyatt
      November 2, 2023 / 4:14 pm

      I recently had that happen and it cleared a few days later.

      • JOCELYN
        November 6, 2023 / 10:24 am

        Hey thank you so much for your response.

  7. CB
    October 29, 2023 / 6:43 pm

    Has anyone bought a Celine bag or wallet in the tan color? I haven’t seen any reviews and the factory photo colors look very different from the original.

  8. Faline
    October 29, 2023 / 3:06 pm

    Feeling all the sad feels, my big ass shipment 📦 was seized in customs for the first time ☹️

    • modasa
      October 30, 2023 / 10:52 am

      Damn, I’m so sorry it happened to you 🙁

    • Corinna
      October 31, 2023 / 4:17 pm

      Oh nooo! What was in it? Which country? I hope at least some of it will get replaced!

  9. Anaya
    October 28, 2023 / 10:02 pm

    Hello ladies. I want to buy a Chanel Boy small Black caviar with checked pattern. 25cms from @uysjjcy3reps with shiny gold hardware for my mother. She’s 65 years old I asked Linda (the dealer) and she said it’s in stock. After I paid, in classic seller behaviour she said it’s not in stock! I paid $641 in total. She says she only has vintage gold.

    I wanted your help to see if the vintage gold is considered as premium as the shiny gold? Which one would look better of the two? And, most importantly, do you guys recommend a seller who has shiny or gold in stock? Thank you very much

    • Simran
      October 29, 2023 / 7:15 am

      Personally I am more of a fan of antique gold because shiny gold is definitely too much gold if that makes sense. Also antique gold is what I associate with Le Boy bag. But my advise is that the gold can chip in rep bag so if your mother isn’t hard set on gold, get ruthenium or silver.

      • ANAYA
        October 29, 2023 / 3:41 pm

        Hello thanks very much for your reply. I think I really like the gold look. Just not sure if the antique look is good or considered sophisticated? If you think it’s a good buy I’ll give a green light to Linda even though I feel cheated in a way

        • SIMRAN
          October 29, 2023 / 6:04 pm

          Hm. Hard to say if antique is or is not sophisticated. It’s very subjective. But it sounds like you really like the shiny gold, stick with it and tell Linda you want refund and pay her when it is in stock.

          If she does refund you, I recommend staying away from her

          • ANAYA
            October 29, 2023 / 10:16 pm

            Ok thank you very much. Indeed I looked the shiny gold a lot. I saved for a few months to buy this for my mother and Yeah well that’s cheating… She told me she’ll ask the factory and got back to me..which she did. Only to tell me 10 mins later it’s not available after she secured the money.

  10. pple
    October 28, 2023 / 8:03 pm

    What do you do when a bag arrives in a poor state? I ordered a cream caviar quilted mini top handle chanel and the black dustbag color transferred all around the corners and sides. I saw the psps and they were fine. So I can only assume it is because of the dustbag- the bag was very tightly packaged into a small box. I wrote to the seller. He was surprised. Suggested I cleaned with a damp cloth. Nothing good came out of it, it made it worse. He then said he’d contact the factory to see what can be done. And now it’s radio silence for a couple of days. What could I do in this situation? It is my first rep and I’m heartbroken.

    • Aspen
      November 2, 2023 / 11:24 am

      How bad is the discolouration? If it’s small patches you could try a q tip with hairspray and dab it. It will “lift” the stain but also some of the leather colouring so be careful. I wouldn’t recommend for a large al area though. If you don’t get offered a replacement ( I wouldn’t hold my breath for one ) consider having the bag dyed darker either professionally by a cobbler or have a go yourself If you are brave. At least it wouldn’t be a total waste?

      • PPLE
        November 6, 2023 / 6:56 pm

        There are dark black stains all over the edges of the flaps, it’s visible.. it is in small patches though. Dying a bag sounds like fun 😊 if i don’t get a refund/have to ship this one back, I will try it, so that it’s not a total write off! Thank you!

    • ida
      November 10, 2023 / 5:06 pm

      Gah!!!! That’s terrible and I’m so sorry you’re experiencing this!!! I would suggest googling “saddle soap” a good quality one may help lift some of those stains?? I used the Liddy’s brand to clean my light grey leather sofa and it worked a treat and got rid of some pretty stubborn marks. Go gently!!!

      • PPLE
        November 13, 2023 / 9:59 am

        I am buying it now! Thank you! I will try everything. It’s a beautiful bag, so it’s such a pity

  11. Omaira
    October 27, 2023 / 4:06 pm

    Has anyone ever gotten the wrong tracking? I made an order with a replica seller and he sent me the tracking but it’s going to a completely different address in another state. He claims it’s the right tracking and he spoke to the company but that package is being delivered today to the other address.

    • Zahra R
      October 29, 2023 / 8:17 pm

      This happened to me before. I received a FedEx number that said it was being delivered to an address across the country! When I contacted my seller, he said to wait patiently, the details will be updated. I know some ppl said FedEx recycles their tracking numbers.

      Either way, I got my package a few days after, even though the tracking number said delivered to the address across the country. I checked back a few weeks later, and details never updated, so I’m not sure what happened. I hope your case is like mine and you receive your package soon!

  12. Mirabella
    October 26, 2023 / 5:24 pm

    I made a purchase from Aya on 9/8. On 9/13 she sent me a fedex tracking number that only showed that the label was made. It has since not been updated/no package received. She is insisting that she isn’t scamming me but she also told me to call Border Patrol to track the package?? Has anyone had this happen with Aya before??

    • pchya
      October 28, 2023 / 11:18 am

      I think that number is for domestic tracking and only show up if your shipment made it to your country. Ask for the tracking in China.

  13. Sosie
    October 25, 2023 / 11:37 am

    Can anyone advise what should I do? I green light my purchases with a dealer more than 6 weeks ago but he just went MIA on me. Messaged him 4 times (not during his holiday period) ever since and nothing. What do u even do?

    • fttb
      October 26, 2023 / 4:11 pm

      Sadly, I think the only thing you can do is wait.
      Sorry that you’re experiencing this.

  14. Vespera
    October 23, 2023 / 6:38 pm

    Has anyone had a package from UPS say “driver released” and had it actually delivered? I have a package from AE that says it’s delivered but nowhere to be found, and most searches show that this most likely means that the driver just decided not to deliver the package and just marked it as delivered anyways. Has this happened to anyone and you’ve actually gotten your package? I’m wondering if I should file a claim with UPS

    • Sutton
      October 25, 2023 / 5:52 pm

      Wait about 2-3 more days. Sometimes things get marked incorrectly or prematurely on tracking. I’ve seen this happen a lot back in my customer service days.

      • VESPERA
        October 25, 2023 / 9:17 pm

        I’ll do my best to be patient 😂 I’m sure it’s not a big deal and I just freaked myself out reading stuff online

  15. Finn
    October 23, 2023 / 2:03 pm

    Anyone have experience getting insurance to ship someone 18k jewelry? I just found out fedex only insures up to 1000.

  16. Sally
    October 22, 2023 / 9:27 pm

    How do you know if something was seized at the border? Tracking number says the label was created but nothing else for about two weeks. Perfect c says they are still working on finding out what happened. Has this ever happened to anyone? Should I give up hope?

  17. Whitley
    October 22, 2023 / 7:03 pm

    Hi can someone please help me. I feel so dumb. I got this gorg love bracelet and it came with a tool and I have tried to open it but can’t?? And I don’t want to scratch it up but is this honestly how y’all have been taking off and putting on this bracelet the whole time???? Or is this some kind of rep joke. Pls. Someone. Help.

    • Rodriguez
      October 23, 2023 / 10:11 pm

      I had the same issue when I first got my love bracelet. One of the screws was stuck or screwed on really tight. The other screw was fine. I used WD-40, I sprayed it on the screw and waited about 5-10 mins. Then I wiped off the excess, make sure to not get it on your skin. I was able to open it after.

  18. Kirsten
    October 20, 2023 / 4:31 pm

    got my dior saddle from Amelia and tbh i’m disappointed. I didn’t expect the smoothest leather but I did expect a better shape. It is completely flat on the top 🥲 no curve whatsoever. I am legit sad, was very excited about this bag 😪. So what can I say, you win some you lose some…

  19. IU
    October 20, 2023 / 8:16 am

    How long do PayPal refunds take from a seller to a US account? It’s been 3 days. I’ve reached out to PayPal with no response. Thanks!

    • Sheila
      October 20, 2023 / 6:23 pm

      You will see it on your PayPal account immediately after they send it. Then takes a couple days to go back into your bank usually.

      • IU
        October 21, 2023 / 1:04 pm

        It’s not showing in my PayPal account 😢. I just now messaged the seller asking for a screenshot so I can discuss with PayPal

        • SHEILA
          October 23, 2023 / 10:16 am

          I’d be curious to hear somebody else chime in, but that doesn’t sound right.

          I had a refund maybe a month ago and it instantly showed on my PayPal.

          I would reach out to the seller and ask when the refund will be sent.

  20. Zissou
    October 19, 2023 / 5:06 pm

    Is it normal for sellers to keep messaging you? The questions I’m getting asked are veering into being personal.

    • cbby
      October 23, 2023 / 12:23 pm

      Time to block

    • Artemis
      October 27, 2023 / 8:02 pm

      Never had this happen with any of the sellers… how personal is it? Is it more like „hope you are doing fine let me know if you need anything else“ or the creepy „tell me what you‘re wearing today“-way? Anyway if it crosses your personal borders just tell them politely that you don‘t want to get personal and prefer to keep the conversation professional. Period.

      • ZISSOU
        November 5, 2023 / 2:49 pm

        Questions like what I’m doing, where I’m traveling. I messaged this seller on accident and they’ve messaged me daily…even if I don’t respond.

        • ARTEMIS
          November 7, 2023 / 6:27 pm

          Huge RED FLAG! Steer clear. I’d find another seller stat!

    • Noor
      November 5, 2023 / 10:55 pm

      I agree not normal. Having worked with trusted sellers I have never had any of them do this


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