Why did I make this list?
Since I started Replica Handbag Shop , reader after reader has shared with me their experiences of being scammed. These awful sellers sell replicas that are either subpar or, worse yet, non-existent, leaving us buyers with nothing but disappointment and anger.
This not only harms the shoppers financially but also gives a bad reputation to other honest replica sellers. That’s why I have started collecting some names and publishing them here.
I hope this opens up a great dialogue between shoppers and sellers and allows us to help warn shoppers to stay away from certain sites and sellers that have proven to be nothing but trouble!
What Sellers will be added to the list?
If a seller or website gets enough negative reviews I will add it to the scam list.
- Don’t deliver on time(without reasons or advance notice) or at all
- With poor customer service or who don’t respond to complaints
- Ask for personal information or payments upfront
- Use pics that don’t belong to them or sell items that don’t match the photos they display
- Promise for high-quality products and charge a lot but end up selling items of low quality
List of Sellers/websites to avoid
I have received MANY negative reviews about sites called “ebag” “ebbaag” or any similar sounding name. They are a scam.
Save your money and yourself a headache and do not shop here. The negativity about this group of scammers is overwhelming enough to warrant a big warning! ——————————————————————————————————————–
A lot of people have sent their money in and then received no response from this company. It is a big SCAM. ——————————————————————————————————————– Winnie Jim
I have received messages from blog readers being scammed by them. Any time you see the name Winnie associated with replica shopping it is most likely a scam – don’t buy! ——————————————————————————————————————– Eva Knox
PurseValley has a bad reputation because of lots of negative reviews. The person behind it, Eva Knox (also known as Sophia Nolan), also had a blog called Spotbags. She and her “followers” wrote reviews on this blog to promote PurseValley.
PurseValley was shut down in July 2017 after being busted by US and Chinese authorities, with Alibaba’s assistance. Fake sites emerged afterward, even though they were not run by Knox and her associates. It’s still wise to steer clear of these sites like pursevalley.ru and pursevalleyvip.cn for safety.
——————————————————————————————————————– Jennifer
Jennifer is a bait-and-switch seller. She uses pictures of Replica Knockoff products to trick people into buying low-quality items. Many people have said that when they finally got the bag they ordered, it was the wrong size, and it didn’t look as good as it did in the pre-shipment video. And she often ignored customers’s messages. She even changed her Instagram username at least five times when she realized she had been exposed. Former Instagram names jenys_boutique, luxurypoints, by_lynnie, j.luxury, hermes_xo, luxurygemsss, and likely more ——————————————————————————————————————– Annie Lin
Annie Lin is a seller of replica jewelry who took money from a lot of customers. People have said that after getting PSPs, Annie stopped communicating and ignored all the messages that followed. Many buyers have lost a lot of money dealing with her. It’s not just that you might get a lower-quality product; in many cases, you won’t get anything at all. ——————————————————————————————————————– Feyre
Feyre had told buyers that she was located in Turkey and claimed that because it was close to Europe, all the leather used to make the bags came from France or Italy. However, the packages were actually sent from Vietnam. After a long wait, when the buyer received the package, it was clear at a glance that it was low-quality. ——————————————————————————————————————– Kinga
Based on the emails I have received from readers, there were two cases where customers didn’t get their orders. In one situation, Kinga blocked a customer on WeChat when she asked for help because her package might have been lost or seized. In another order, she didn’t give the tracking number or any evidence that she shipped the bag. Other than that, she never responded to any messages sent through WeChat and WhatsApp once received the money. ——————————————————————————————————————– Instagram replica sellers to avoid:
——————————————————————————————————————– The following websites/sellers have all been submitted by readers, and I have already posted: BEAUBAGSLOVE: INSTAGRAM SCAM WARNING: DON’T BUY FROM BEAUBAGSLOVE aaapurse.ru: aaapurse.ru Replica Neverfull Review – Fake vs Real Comparison Poshmark: Poshmark Scam – They Sent An “Authenticated” Fake Gucci Bag Copycat France: Copycat France Review: Replica Dior Saddle Bag Babareplica: Babareplica Review: Replica LV Petit Noé Bag
Red flags to look out for when shopping
- Suspiciously low prices
- Lack of contact information
- No return or refund policy
- Poorly written product descriptions or listings
- Poorly designed or outdated website
What to do if you’ve been scammed?
There is still hope if this is your situation:
- Product quality is far below your expectations
- Received the wrong items
- Product didn’t deliver on time
Talk to the sellers to find out what happened and try to negotiate with the seller to see if it’s possible to get part of the refund.
If the seller stops responding, to be honest, there is not that much you can do to get the money back, but I encourage you to comment below about any sites that have ripped you off while shopping for a replica of any kind whether it be a handbag, shoes, or even a watch.
Moreover, you can also email me at thepursequeenreviews@gmail.com with pictures and details and I will post it on the blog for all to read!
Where can I find rep Dior fashion necklaces?
Anyone knows sellers selling Khaite?
Has anyone ever order a Dior Bobby from GujF only to find a dent in the bag where the buckle closes? GF is stating this is normal. I feel that the bag wasn’t packaged correctly. GF refuses to do an exchange. Am I being too critical here?
Luxe-ual frustration- a state of being where you want to buy a new bag but can’t find anything you like. 😤 I’ve been wanting a beige/nude coloured shoulder bag for so long. Fell in love with the Loewe Luna, only to be told it was out of stock after I’d paid, and cannot seem to find anything to fill the void. The search continues…
Ooh how annoying. What about the Celine Ava bag? Have in mini too.
Aw thank you. 🫶🏼 I saw the Ava a few days ago. She’s so similar to Luna but just not for me. I can’t even explain why! Haha
Has anyone returned items via DHG? I got an item where the size is not consistent with what’s in the size chart but shipping it back to China costs over half of the item’s price 🫠 Apparently the buyer has to upfront the shipping cost and the seller refunds it when the item is received.. has anyone been successful with this?
Yes, it took forever but I did get a full refund
Gosh I wish I could return the plastic c19 I bought in the name of science because it’s only worthy of a 6 year olds dress up box and I don’t have little kids anymore. 😂
If the item isn’t consistent with the description maybe you could do a refund w/o return? Because it’s not as described
Will try that, thank you!
After 6 months. Yes 6 MONTHS of waiting I got an Balenciaga City in military green with the incorrect length strap 😭
How do you handle if the bag looks like a different shape in your PSP photos? Do you just accept it can’t be exactly like the auth?
I will ask the seller to confirm what I think I’m seeing. Sometimes it’s just the angle, sometimes it’s really a flaw.
The bag should look like the factory photo.
Oh gotcha! What do you do if there’s a flaw?
Hey guys, I am wondering if anyone has crossbody bag recs. I have a black G soho disco that I’ve used for the past 3 years but she’s not doing it for me anymore. something comparable to her size would be good. I’m living in Japan from the states, so I only have 5 bags with me here and the rest are in storage. thanks!
Fellow soho disco wearer here. Recently got a Kelly 25 and it packs heaps. Small and have changed to a lovely wide strap.
omg idk if i can pull off a kelly. but i bet yours is beautiful!! i’ve never seen anyone in my prefecture of Japan wearing Hermes so might be a bit of a reach 😵
Does anyone know of a seller that will make the H HAC 50cm? Saw a vintage one in NY this weekend for $17k. Any guidance is appreciated!!
I just received the bag and I’m so upset because the bag looks like it has been used! The pink leather has turned brown from dirt and this is what you would expect when you have used a light colour bag for a while.
Is there anything I can do in regards to sending this back and getting my money back?
Does it come off with leather cleaner?
Hmm I haven’t tried that as I’m still in shock and also scared to make it worse
I doubt you can send it back, even if the seller allows it will be expensive and risky to do so. Try getting a clean white eraser and very gently rubbing it over any scuff or transfer.
Has anyone ordered from @desiy4sky lately? I was in the process of moving and preparing for my new baby so I’ve been out of the rep world for a while. I reached out for a pair of shoes and the convo was different. She won’t give me the info to send payment so I feel like something’s off
Wore my rep Chanel dad sandals for the first time this weekend and got gnarly blisters on the inside of both heels! Anyone else have this problem and did they eventually break in with wear?
AE purchase has arrived… The stitches are bad, even my untrained eyes could tell…. kinda disappointed.
I’m on my third fucking pair of having these specific Gucci heels stolen by customs and imma bout ready to give up lmao.
Stop ordering to your address, it’s flagged now. Either order to local FedEx pick up or work.
How does the local FedEX pickup work?
Smart, thank you.
Has anyone else been blocked immediately when reaching out to a seller via WhatsApp? I was just repfluenced into buying a Celine luggage tote from Tony’s after seeing an amazing review, so I reached out to Ella after choosing my color and size from the album, but was blocked as soon as she read the message. I’m not sure what I did wrong!
If you mean Tony luxuries, he doesn’t have an assistant named Ella. Make sure you not reaching out to a scammer. He’s had people try to impersonate him before.
On his facebook page he has an assistant Ella, unless the page is fake?
Looking for Saint Laurent Lee slingback heels. After reading so many bad reviews, I’ve lost hope in shoes. Any suggestions?
So there is an rep vintage instagram rep seller. I reached out to her asking about a vintage classic flap and she requires payment up front and about a 2 month waiting list.. so I want to make sure that others have used her recently before pulling the trigger and what the quality was like
Her name is on instagram is vintage.chanel.boutique
Also curious / following
Whoa I just went to check out her Instagram and her vintage reps are gorgeous. Any luck in finding out more about her yet? she replied me just once to say hi and never replied me again 🙁
Hi Ladies, I need some advice.
I am pretty new to the rep world and have purchased my second rep, a Celine seau sangle intended to be my work bag, which arrived today.
I unboxed the bag and was met with disappointment and sadness. There are a lot of issues with the bag that wasn’t visible in PSP, the hook on the inside is glued shut so the bag doesn’t close, the glazing on the sides is very uneven and very calloutable, same with the six stitches in the front, to name a few.
Not sure where I go from here. I raised the issues with the seller and still waiting for a response.
I’m sure I’m not the first person to be disappointed by a rep, but would be good to hear what you’ve done used the bag anyway? Bought a new one from a different seller?
Would love to hear your experiences 😢
Do you think the seller sent you a different bag compared to the psp?
No, it is definitely the same bag, but the photos are taken from angles so you wouldn’t see the flaws, and in combination with me being a newbie. Lesson learned for sure.
Oh shit! I’m sorry this happened to you. It’s always very important to look at the psp very carefully.
I reached out to the seller and voiced my disappointment over the bag and photos of the bag that I thought had been misrepresented. After some back and forth they agreed that better photos could have been provided and agreed to give me a partial refund. They said they didn’t not mean to conceal anything, not sure what I believe but am ok with the outcome. As for the bag, I guess it will sit in my closet for now.
Omg, my tote from the GyudB did arrived and it’s not the correct color 😭 as in, not the color I ordered or received PSPs for. I’m so bummed!!! The color that came is the color that someone noted inaccuracies in the color way for (Navy) and not the color I wanted at all
I feel so bad that so many of you guys have been getting your orders mixed up. Have you told the seller yet?
I have fallen in love with cartier bags. Anybody have any good leads?
any feedback on affordableluxurybags will be greatly appreciated.