/ Replica Bags / Replica Valentino Roman Stud Small Handle Bag Review

Replica Valentino Roman Stud Small Handle Bag Review

Hey, guys! I can’t tell you how excited I am right now, because today I am finally going to review a replica designer bag of VALENTINO GARAVANI!

To be honest, I haven’t bought anything from them before and I am not that familiar with the brand Valentino (don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the brand is not popular). But I have always wanted to give it a try (both replica and Replica Knockoff are fine), but somehow it just kept delaying.  

Until a few months ago, there were a few comments asking about Valentino bags replica, which reminds me of my little old promise to myself. Besides, how can I let my readers down? So I decided I would get a fake Valentino bag first. Therefore the quest started.

I was hooked the moment I saw this pic. 

Gilda Ambrosio absolutely succeeded in making me fall in love with this bag. I mean, just look at how effortlessly stylish she looks with it, matching her black dress and the Roman Stud heels.

The bag has a really chic vibe to it, with the perfect amount of edginess from the studs and chain strap. And the small size makes it the ideal choice for a night out or daytime shopping. Anyway, this Valentino Roman Stud bag is definitely going into my collection!

Quality 10/10

First things first, this replica Valentino handle bag is very high quality and especially considering the price I paid for it ($453, got it from DD). I can’t stop smiling just by looking at it. 


The leather is smooth but not in a buttery way, it’s more like spongy and soft. Absolutely no trace of fufu smell. Didn’t see any loose threads, missing studs, or chipped hardware. 

The twist closure is centered and is turning with enough resistance, and very convenient and comfortable to open/close up.

I don’t know how a bag can be described as both cute and cool at the same time, but this small Valentino handle bag certainly inspired me. 

The Roman Studs and hardware of my Valentino fake handbag are golden, but it’s not particularly shiny or bright. It’s actually aged brassy gold like the Replica Knockoff one.

At the bottom, there are four little round feet. I really like it when the bag has feet so they can protect the bag (especially since the bag is made of leather) and make it much easier for the bag to stand. 

The stitching at the bottom of my Valentino Roman Stud knockoff bag is also on point.

There are two main compartments a turn lock compartment and a magnetic button compartment. The magnetic closure is also very comfortable to open/close, not too strong or too weak just the way I prefer it. 

Inside each compartment is a leather lining, which has a smooth and nice feel as well. And the magnetic side compartment has a non-zipped pocket. I usually just put my card holder in it.

The bag came with two detachable straps a sliding chain metal strap and a leather strap. I prefer to use the leather strap or both like Gilda Ambrosio did.

The chain is sturdy, solid, and has a good weight. The leather strap is pretty thick and looks durable as well. (The chain in this pic looks a bit brighter and yellower than in reality.)

The hooks of the straps have a 360 rotation which allows you to wear the bag crossbody or on your shoulder comfortably. You don’t need much effort to adjust it.

Accuracy 9.5/10

During my research, I came to be aware that Compared to some more popular brands like LV, Gucci, and Chanel, not many replica sellers are interested in producing knockoff Valentino products, which means that there is not enough competition to push them for higher quality replicas. 

I’ve taken a close look at the seller’s pictures, this bag is made of Nappa leather and I don’t think this bag would be hard to replicate. But unlike other brands, there is also much less “Replica Knockoff Reference” on the Internet. So just to be safe, I decided this time I would go around to visit the Valentino boutique. 

I didn’t bring my replica along with me (not that bold LOL) and I was a little nervous as the SA was standing right next to me. So I didn’t stay at the boutique for a long time to check every detail. 

But I was shocked to find that the Nappa leather felt the exact same as my fake Valentino! The look, the shape, the feel, and the hardware are all like the Replica Knockoff Valentino. Although I did notice that from the side, the upper part of the real bag is concave at the stitching, I’m not sure whether it’s something that should pay attention to or not. So I think I would give a 9.5/10 for now.

Overall, after the little trip to the boutique, I am convinced that I have the BEST Valentino Roman Stud replica purse!

Satisfaction 10/10

Definitely a 10/10! I would like to announce that my first Valentino replica bag purchase was a huge success. I am satisfied with everything about the bag, especially after compared with the official price  $3,550. 

I am glad I made it to the Roman Stud party. I would definitely get a pair of those Roman Stud heels to match the bag and rock the streets with my besties!

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  1. Ginevra
    September 10, 2023 / 4:21 pm

    I really dig your review, but I’ve got a question. Does Nappa leather tend to scratch easily?

  2. Shea
    September 7, 2023 / 4:38 pm

    Is this bag temporarily unavailable on the official website? I couldn’t find it.

  3. Posey
    September 4, 2023 / 6:47 pm

    Well, you’ve successfully repfluenced me! Added to the cart, placed the order, now the waiting game begins. 😁🛒🚚

  4. Apollonia
    September 4, 2023 / 8:22 am

    That Roman Stud element is seriously cool. I’m all in!

  5. Marjorie
    September 3, 2023 / 10:36 pm

    I think I may just have been repfluenced…. OMG

  6. Yvonne
    August 31, 2023 / 3:41 pm

    I’m loving Gilda Ambrosio’s entire look. I’ve decided that next summer, I’m going to rock a similar look.

  7. Yvaine
    August 28, 2023 / 11:50 am

    Love the bag. I am about to sell mine and buy the replica one.

  8. Khaleesi
    August 25, 2023 / 2:37 pm

    i finally made another rep purchase (aside from a purchase from the DHG) based on this review!
    finally took the plunge and ordered my first valentino🥺

  9. Serenity
    August 22, 2023 / 10:23 pm

    Nice review, very reassuring. Always wanted a rep Valentino.

  10. Zayn Rivera
    August 21, 2023 / 4:41 pm

    I’m in love with this style and your bag is gorgeous! 🤩🤩🤩

  11. Corbin Campbell
    August 19, 2023 / 8:28 am

    Oh God, that would have given me so much anxiety 💀 so glad that it ended up being accurate for you though!

  12. Blue Flores
    August 18, 2023 / 3:37 pm

    I only knew about Valentino’s Rockstud sandals and flats; turns out their bags are just as stunning!

  13. Leona
    August 15, 2023 / 4:26 pm

    Ooh love this rep! I think the auth studs are a little more gold/shiny? but the color looks fantastic.

  14. Julietxo91
    August 13, 2023 / 6:37 am

    Absolutely love this bag, it’s amazing that you were so committed to go in store to see the og one ahaha. I have been looking at a small Lady Dior myself,I know you have a replica review from DD but I’m not sure if it’s only on my server but all the pictures show up as corrupted or blank. I am considering just getting one from Dior but if I find a really good replica I’ll let everyone know !! Open to recommendations xx


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