/ Replica Bags / Simple and Chic: 5 Bags for the Minimalist Gal

Simple and Chic: 5 Bags for the Minimalist Gal

The designer fashion world is filled with many crazy styles and textures. However some people like to keep it simple focusing their attention on a simple design and leather quality when it comes to a bag. Minimalist bags are all about beautiful materials and are more likely to have carefully attended finishes. These bags are designed with the motto ‘less is more’ in mind.  Consequently, minimalist bags never go out of style, since they don’t follow the “it” trend that can quickly get old. Because of this they also tend to often be labelled as classics. We have curated a list of the most beautiful minimalist designer bags out right now below.

1. Burberry ElmstoneBurberry Elmstone
2. Gucci Nymphea Top Handle Bag
gucci-nymphea-top-handle-bag3. MCM Ella Boston Bag
4. Mulberry Clifton Shoulder Bag
5. The Row Hunting II Bag
Let us know what your favorite is out of these 5 below in the comments.
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