Happy 2019 lovely blog readers!
I have A LOT of reviews in store for y’all in the month of January as I had a mega haul that I received for Christmas, and also things I treated myself to for the new year! When I first began this blog it was because there were literally zero resources for replica handbag shoppers, and I decided to try to create a site where people could send in reviews so we could filter the bad from the good. However now as I’ve become a seasoned replica handbag shopper I take delight in sharing how accurate good replica bags can be, and love that there are others who consider this blog a valuable resource! Above I have posted a sneak peak of the latest goodies I have purchased which were Celine and Louis Vuitton replica wallets. These are the specific models I will be reviewing:
- Large Black Céline Zipped Wallet in Pebbled Calfksin Leather
- Zippy Louis Vuitton Wallet in Mahina Leather
- Victorine Louis Vuitton Wallet in Damier Ebene
- Smart Louis Vuitton Wallet in Epi Leather in Bleu Marine
- Multiple Louis Vuitton Wallet in Black Epi Leather
Aside from these wallets I will have reviews upcoming on some Gucci, Celine, Stella McCartney, and Louis Vuitton bags! So get excited! Also: feel free to follow me on my new instagram account I just set up (yes I’m a tech dinosaur) by clicking here!
Hello!! I used Luxurytastic for a few purchases but they have recently been shut down! Do you have any other recommendations on where to buy a very good replica of LV handbags?! I’ve been struggling for a few weeks now on a legit new place?! 🙏
Hi Rachel,
You can view recommendations from myself and others here.
Hey ! O am planning to prder at DD but I have read a few review its a scam , what can you say about that since you have ordered to them.
Hi Joyce,
You can view recommendations from myself and others on this page here.
Thank you i will review it then ! Hopefully my first purchase will be success too
I am trying a new seller , will reciecve my Celine and other bags in 5 days
Can you recommend a good website to order a good quality Céline replica?
Hi Lorianne, I have a review upcoming on a BEAUTIFUL Celine Box bag I recently purchased from a new seller that I will share. Keep your eyes peeled and it’ll be up in the next few weeks! 🙂
Hi I am looking for fendi bag . Any reviews from DD
Hi Lola,
I have yet to buy any Fendi replicas. They are on my wishlist. I am planning to purchase a Fendi in my next replica haul this spring. I will post a review ASAP once I do so stay tuned!
I will wait for your feedback . Two bags are on my wishlist for this summer dior saddle bag and fendi
Hi Can you recommend the most secure and safest way to pay the seller. Do you recommend setting up an account with Western Union.
Hi Karen,
As I’ve mentioned in many blog posts buying replicas usually involve taking a gamble when it comes to the payment methods. You just need to be sure that the seller you are buying from is reputable and trustworthy if they are you should not lose your money. I have never set up an account with WU. I simply go into their branches (e.g. at a grocery store) and send my payment in person in cash since it gets rejected everytime I have tried online! Hope this helps.
Thank you for creating this website !!! I trust your reviews to make my purchases!! I like that your a super detailed and honest !! Happy 2019!!!
Hi Tempie! Thanks for your comment & if you’d ever like to share any reviews of what you’ve bought, I’d love to see!
Hi Can you tell me how you have paid for your purchases? Have you set up an account with western union. I am looking for the safest and most secure way to pay.
Thank you