Why did I buy a replica Stella Falabella tote?
I purchased the replica version of a Stella McCartney Falabella Mini Tote because I had previously purchased a replica wallet of the same designer and the quality was superb so I figured I would take a chance on the bag. My intuition was right and the quality turned out to be fantastic. Stella McCartney, as you may or may not know, is a fashion brand owned by Paul McCartney’s (yes the Beatles band member) daughter. Her line focuses on sustainability throughout its manufacturing chain. Additionally, her bags are completely vegan for those who are trying to shop for cruelty free products. I think that Stella McCartney’s vision is respectable and her some of her bags are to die for! One particular model that celebrities have adored and is a staple within the closets of people like Meghan Markle (yes the Duchess) is the Falabella.
What size of the bag did I buy?
The bag comes in so many sizes and is uber cute. I think that the bag has an edgy and sophisticated look all in one. It is very practical for everyday use and adds a bit of sparkle to any outfit, especially with the vibrancy of the chains. I personally chose to purchase the bag in the Mini size which is in between the Normal, and the Tiny size. The bag is made with black faux brushed-leather which looks and feels like real leather; has a snap fastening at the open top; and came with a dust bag.
What would I rate this replica bag?
I would grade this replica bag 9.99/10 and greatly recommend it for others who are on the sidelines about buying a replica bag, or a replica bag for this designer in particular. My quality analysis is based upon the materials used to construct the bag, the construction of the bag which includes small things like threading, stitching, and stamping. Additionally I compare the bag to the original in terms of overall look and feel to determine how well it has been replicated.
Where did I buy this replica bag?
This s a question that is always asked for every review I do. I generally hesitate to share sellers because it makes it seem like I am working with them. I try to emphasize general tips on what to look for in a replica when shopping for a specific bag. However on the other hand some other readers are disappointed because they want a lead to a particular seller. So I will make an exception in this case and state that I got the bag from Kaye Zhang whose information you can see here.
I’m looking to purchase a Gucci Dionysus, ysl kate with tassel and a Chanel replica. Unfortunately for me I let my former hairstylist borrow my Replica Knockoff bags and he refuses to give them back :(. Therefore I am looking for replicas since I can’t afford to buy the real ones again, If you could please help me which seller/s to trust and buy from.
Have you heard of Coeebags? They’re all over YouTube and Instagram. Curious if anyone has heard about them
Where can I buy a good replica Stella wallet?
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