Hi guys I just wanted to do a quick post on a favorite replica site of many individuals I know as well as mine! Designer Discreet’s old domain does not work any longer but when I emailed their customer service and asked what happened to them I got a response from a representative named Cyrus who said that their site is simply changing their domain and their old website was hacked by a scam company who was impersonating them! Their new website link is: designerdiscreet-bags.ru ( thanks to the blog reader that pointed this update out!). They are accepting orders through their email temporarily until the website has been redesigned and transitions! Apparently it will be much more user friendly so I am personally very excited to shop on their new website. Also I was warned that there are a lot of websites impersonating Designer Discreet so be careful when you are googling for them online as you don’t want to be scammed by some fake seller trying to make a buck or two off unwitting shoppers! I hope this answers a question I keep seeing pop up!
You guys can also check out my latest reviews I have posted which are the Burberry replica handbag and the Celine replica handbag. I got them both from Designer Discreet and they are amazing replica bags! I can’t wait to post reviews of my other bags from my replica and Replica Knockoff collection to share with you guys shortly! Feel free to share your favorite websites for replica bags in the comments below!
If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at thepursequeenreviews@gmail.com ! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!