Louismirror.ru Review: Louis Vuitton Girolata Mahina Replica Bag

The Louis Vuitton Girolata bag is named after a coastal town on an Island close to France and Italy, and I can definitely see why as the bag embodies the spirit of warm weather and everyone a person can love about summer. I actually purchased the bag during the summer of 2018, and never got around to having the time to review it until now! The bag comes in both Damier Azur, and Mahina leather.

I purchased the bag in the color Galet. The original price of the bag on the official Louis Vuitton website is $3,650 USD. I got it for about 1/8th of that price as a replica. The bag was purchased from LM, which is a new site I stumbled upon that specializes in Louis Vuitton replica bags.

My first Mahina leather replica bag was purchased about 6 years ago from a seller who is thankfully no longer in business. What came in the mail was a plastic-y piece of junk with horrible, inaccurate perforations, and I basically threw the bag in the back of my closet. I eventually ended up donating it to charity. So ya I have been there and done that when it comes to getting burned when purchasing a replica bag.

I basically wrote off any replica bags that purported to be Mahina leather after that until two years ago when I decided to take the plunge and order a Louis Vuitton Babylone replica bag which turned out to be absolutely stunning and blew me away in terms of accuracy (you can read the review here). After I received that bag I knew that replica manufacturers had really stepped up their game when it came to Mahina leather replicas. This past summer I decided to chance it again and get a Girolata which was a newly released LV bag model.

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