Spot the Fake Louis Vuitton Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM! An Replica Knockoff vs. Replica Buying Guide


With the likes of Chiara Ferragni carrying the Louis Vuitton Soft Lockit, it’s no surprise that this particular Louis Vuitton is very popular currently as a replica bag as well! I am personally a huge fan of Chiara Ferragni and love her blog The Blonde Salad where her awesome style is showcased. Unlike Ms. Ferragni who has first and free dibs on most luxury handbags (her prominence in the fashion blogger world cannot be denied!) most ladies (and gentlemen) like myself do not have such access, so sometimes a replica bag will do for me (and many others). The replica LV Soft Lockit I purchased was of very high quality and can be described as a superfake designer bag or a counter quality replica handbag. If you examine the photographs you will see that this is one bag that is virtually identical to the original of the same make by the Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton factories. The original price of the bag is over $4,000 USD on the official Louis Vuitton boutique’s ecommerce website but I purchased the handbag for only $389 USD which is a steal if you think about it! Sometimes when I see the extremely high prices on some models like the Soft Lockit I have a feeling Louis Vuitton is really overcharging, but that may just be a matter of opinion. Anyways take a look at the pictures below and let me know in the comments whether you’d go Replica Knockoff or replica for this Louis Vuitton handbag!

LOUIS VUITTON Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM fashionphile

This is the original listing of the purse I have used for comparison in this review/article.

LOUIS VUITTON Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM fake vs real comparison

The handbag on the right is my replica Louis Vuitton handbag while the handbag on the left is an Replica Knockoff Soft Lockit up for resale on the consignment website Fashionphile. Could you spot the fake right away or did you pause for a moment?

LOUIS VUITTON Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM fake vs real logo front of bag1

The logo of the replica handbag is pictured on the left while the logo stamp of the Replica Knockoff is pictured on the right. The logos of both purses are well done but I have to say that if I were to judge based off this photo solely the stamp on the replica (left picture) actually looks sharper and more well done than that of the Replica Knockoff purse pictured on the right.

fake vs real LOUIS VUITTON Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM tag inside bag

The interior tag of both handbags. Which one do you think is the tag on the fake bag? The one on the left? No that is actually the Replica Knockoff Louis Vuitton handbag’s tag. The tag pictured on the right is that of the replica bag, and as you can see it has one more detail on the stamp which is the location the handbag was produce in which is France in this case.

fake vs real LOUIS VUITTON Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM inside the bag

The interiors of the two handbags are both suede although the picture on the left which shows the Replica Knockoff handbag’s interior shows a more used suede hence why it is almost slightly pilling. My replica handbag is fairly new in comparison so the suede does not show any wear at all. The interior is smooth to the touch and actually my preferred interior type for a handbag I usually hate the cotton lining most Louis Vuitton models have and think the suede is more of a lux feel generally.

fake vs real LOUIS VUITTON Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM bottom of bagThe bottom of the handbags are virtually identical and there is no honestly no visible difference between the Replica Knockoff or replica handbag in this case. The four silver pegs at the bottom of the bag are awesome as they really do help prevent the handbag from getting dirty at all. If you own a designer handbag it is very likely that a pet peeve of yours will be the bottom getting dirty!

fake vs real LOUIS VUITTON Veau Cachemire Soft Lockit MM side shot bag

Lastly the back of both handbags are pictured! The back of each bag is virtually identical as well as there is nothing to differentiate between the two.

One thing I would like to note is that when you are shopping for the Soft Lockit as a replica, if you choose to do so, make sure you buy one that is a good quality replica. Most websites sell AAA handbags which are either half leather half plastic or fully plastic and it does not do any justice to the original Louis Vuitton model. The handbag I purchased is one of the most accurate Louis Vuitton replicas I have purchased yet and since it is a recent model I guess we can assume that the manufacturers are getting more and more sophisticated everyday!

Sound off in the comments below and let me know what you think of the comparison and the style of the Soft Lockit as I personally think it comes off as a love it or hate it kind of bag!

If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to  subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!

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Louis Vuitton Soft Lockit Replica Handbag Review

Hey guys! So I bought the LV Soft Lockit in the darker beige/camel-ish color tone (not sure of the official name) from Anna (her email is: and it turned out beautiful! The leather is very soft and you can definitely tell that the quality is up there in terms of replicas. The interior is actually genuine suede as well, and the stampings are generally on point! The only thing I will say is that the hardware (as with all replicas) is not as substantial as my Replica Knockoff bags but nonetheless this is not something that you can really spot visually, and is more of a weight/feel thing. I have yet to see ANY replica bag that has hardware comparable to the Replica Knockoff except one C****L bag I bought a while ago which was a lucky shot I guess. Anyways I have posted the photos below. Let me know what you guys think of the bag in the comments!

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real 2

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real 3

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real 4 logo

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real back of bag

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real bottom of bag

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real inside of bag hardware

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real inside of bag logo

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real inside of bag pockets

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real leather closeup

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real side of bag

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real


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Purse Review From Designer Discreet!

I ordered a Louis Vuitton Neverfull in Damier Azur from the famous Designer Discreet. I love the tagline of their site, “Shh… They Can’t Tell” because it really is true. I have been carrying around my Neverfull for approximitely a year now, and I have had nothing but compliments.

UPDATE: Their new website link is:

I find it very funny when people get their panties all up in knots because they find out someone is carrying a fake. Seriously who cares? I also have an Replica Knockoff Eva in Damier Ebene, and honestly the differences between the two are extremely minor. I feel like the only negative stigma attached to replicas is that of “not being able to afford the real thing”. To be honest I think that people who are paying thousands for an Replica Knockoff just to reassure and remind themselves that they can afford it should have a negative stigma attached to them as well.

Anyways back to my handbag.. I love it and my mom actually bought me an Replica Knockoff Speedy in Damier Azur collection for my graduation from university (4 years of HARD WORK). Does this make me hypocritical? No I don’t think so because there are certain moments for splurging and certain moments for saving. Anyways my mom doesn’t even realize that replicas are a market which exist (she only buys one Replica Knockoff bag on her birthday every year), otherwise I would have told her to save her money as I could have gotten 5 Louis Vuittons from Designer Discreet for the price she paid for my Speedy.

Overall I am extremely happy I have found a wonderful source for replica handbags which patina just like the Replica Knockoff Louis Vuittons, and look forward to continuing to wear my handbag.

neverfull damier azur

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Authenic vs Replica Louis Vuitton Purchasing Guide

Hello guys! 

I just wanted to give you guys a few quick tips about buying replica handbags from the LV brand … possibly one of the most coveted brands! So I spoke with an insider in the replica industry after looking hard for the inside info to see what exactly goes on in the minds of these factories producing these handbags. It was very much an investigative search for answers for my fellow shoppers and I … Anyways here are several key facts I have learned about the LV replica handbag industry.

1. MYTH: There are no 1:1 LV replica handbags.

Folks I have some good news. The myth that there are no factories which currently produce 1:1 LV handbags is false . This is the idea that every fake or replica Louis Vuitton purse you purchase will be off in some way or another. Sometimes you may get lucky and purchase a purse which is very close to the real thing but it is often said that is nothing more than luck! Well I used to believe this myth but now after shopping for replica LV’s for many years I know it is false!

So basically when you are shopping for LV handbags just make sure to keep in mind you will never get one which is EXACTLY like the Replica Knockoff unless you go for what they call the “counter” quality standard. These are not your usuall $200 replicas but are usually in the range of $350; I think they are worth it though since they get the smaller details that really irritate perfectionists (like myself) right! So if any store or seller states their handbag is a 100% mirror quality or whatever the new phrase is, make sure it is a “counter” quality standard darlings. 

Replica Knockoff 
vs replica louis vuitton totally fake vs real lv1Now the one on the right is a very good replica compared to the Replica Knockoff on the left! Unfortunately not all LV replicas are as good. You can read more about my comparison on the fake vs real bag by clicking here

2. Replica LV’s can oxidize!

One of the biggest problems with buying a replica LV is that the handles or straps of the handbag are so light and often do not darken like the authentics. This can clearly indicate a fake handbag to the trained eye but many manufacturers now have perfected a method which allows them to create handbags which do oxidize!

So whether you are buying real or fake, make sure to pay attention to the straps! They are very important and could be a big give away!


This is my replica Totally MM in Monogram Canvas and as you can see the handles have oxidized quite nicely so far (I’ve had the bag for over a year but only really used it for a few months). The more exposure = the more chance for oxidization.

3. Threading, threading, threading!

Pay attention to this one guys, as many handbags have horrible, horrible, horrible threading!!
Real Louis Vuitton will come with clean and consistent stitches. Yellow thread is used in real Louis Vuitton products. Counterfeit Louis Vuitton stitching is often uneven, crooked or insecure at the ends. I find this often to be the easiest way to identify a fake and a big give away! 

Overall purchasing a replica LV handbag is a stringent process as you must pay attention to key details to make sure it pulls off the look of the original.

Let me know your thoughts. Comment below and email me

Also feel free to email pics of your LV, whether it be Replica Knockoff or replica, good or bad! 



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