Louismirror.ru Review: Louis Vuitton Girolata Mahina Replica Bag

The Louis Vuitton Girolata bag is named after a coastal town on an Island close to France and Italy, and I can definitely see why as the bag embodies the spirit of warm weather and everyone a person can love about summer. I actually purchased the bag during the summer of 2018, and never got around to having the time to review it until now! The bag comes in both Damier Azur, and Mahina leather.

I purchased the bag in the color Galet. The original price of the bag on the official Louis Vuitton website is $3,650 USD. I got it for about 1/8th of that price as a replica. The bag was purchased from LM, which is a new site I stumbled upon that specializes in Louis Vuitton replica bags.

My first Mahina leather replica bag was purchased about 6 years ago from a seller who is thankfully no longer in business. What came in the mail was a plastic-y piece of junk with horrible, inaccurate perforations, and I basically threw the bag in the back of my closet. I eventually ended up donating it to charity. So ya I have been there and done that when it comes to getting burned when purchasing a replica bag.

I basically wrote off any replica bags that purported to be Mahina leather after that until two years ago when I decided to take the plunge and order a Louis Vuitton Babylone replica bag which turned out to be absolutely stunning and blew me away in terms of accuracy (you can read the review here). After I received that bag I knew that replica manufacturers had really stepped up their game when it came to Mahina leather replicas. This past summer I decided to chance it again and get a Girolata which was a newly released LV bag model.

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Louis Vuitton Babylone PM Mahina Leather Replica Review

louis vuitton babylone pm mahina replica authentic

Ok so it is time for me to officially share my FAVORITE and most stunning replica Louis Vuitton bag purchase this month. As you all may already know I previously shared that I kinda went all out on LV bags this month and I have saved the best for last in terms of reviews what is it? It is the Louis Vuitton Babylone PM in Mahina leather. I have always been a fan of the Mahina leather but last time I tried to purchase a Selene replica (totally love that model too) but the leather was way too overly plastic-y and the bag was totally off, and left me feeling like a compete faker carrying it. So surely enough that bag hardly saw any light of day and I dropped it off to a thrift store about 2 years ago, and that was the end of that.

Ever since then I have always thought that Mahina leather was something replica sellers would never perfect and I would simply be stuck dropping money on an Replica Knockoff one from a Louis Vuitton boutique. The Babylone PM costs a pretty penny at the LV store coming in at $4,100.00 USD. Back when I was totally into buying authentics I would usually do a bag two times a year one for my birthday and one for Christmas. With prices like this you can totally understand why! Anyways when I first saw the Babylone PM on Counterlux I was like OMG I have to have it. But then memories of the Selene crept back to me and I realized maybe this bag is simply too good to be true even though the pictures on the site showcased the depth of the leather pretty well. After emailing back and forth with the site’s customer service I decided to take the plunge and order this model (unfortunately DD did not have this one in their catalog which is where I got my other LV bags this month from). Why do I love the Mahina leather series so much? Well I think it is so sophisticated, dare I say even more so than the canvas series because the LV logo is not as prominent and so much more subtle!

The bag took about two weeks to arrive to my apartment, and once I opened up the parcel I was in total disbelief and beyond happy in how good replicas have become! I mean if you could see and feel the leather of this bag in person you would be in awe as well. I have taken some photos of the bag and done my best to try and showcase the quality below! As far as replica Louis Vuitton bags, and replica bags in general go this bag is a 10/10 when you take into consideration everything including the hardware, leather etc. These are the kind of replica bags that get returned to the boutiques and dupe sales associates! Take a look at my pics (although note my camera went weird causing different looking shades in some pics) and let me know what you think in the comments

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