Louis Vuitton Soft Lockit Replica Handbag Review

Hey guys! So I bought the LV Soft Lockit in the darker beige/camel-ish color tone (not sure of the official name) from Anna (her email is: annalong8982@gmail.com) and it turned out beautiful! The leather is very soft and you can definitely tell that the quality is up there in terms of replicas. The interior is actually genuine suede as well, and the stampings are generally on point! The only thing I will say is that the hardware (as with all replicas) is not as substantial as my Replica Knockoff bags but nonetheless this is not something that you can really spot visually, and is more of a weight/feel thing. I have yet to see ANY replica bag that has hardware comparable to the Replica Knockoff except one C****L bag I bought a while ago which was a lucky shot I guess. Anyways I have posted the photos below. Let me know what you guys think of the bag in the comments!

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real 2

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real 3

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real 4 logo

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real back of bag

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real bottom of bag

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real inside of bag hardware

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real inside of bag logo

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real inside of bag pockets

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real leather closeup

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real side of bag

louis vuitton soft lockit beige replica vs Replica Knockoff 
fake vs real


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