CELINE is definitely one of the hottest handbag brands right now, and I cannot say that the obsession has passed by me personally. This handbag review will compare an Replica Knockoff Celine nano bag (in the orange) to the replica Celine nano bag in the black.
The interior tags of both handbags. Some nanos (even authentic) have the imprinted tag while some have the tag with the colored labelling. The camera was a bit dark when I was photographing the tag of my replica bag so it is a bit difficult to see but the tag is done exactly the same as the Replica Knockoff Celine in terms of font size and the “Made in Italy” writing.
The zippers of both handbags are pictured up close here. The Replica Knockoff Celine nano had more of a gold colored zipper while the black Celine nano was more a more brassy gold. As you can see the zippers are identical, and if anything the work on the replica handbag’s zipper looks a bit more clean compared to the edges of the Replica Knockoff orange Celine nano’s zipper edges.
The back of both handbags are shown here and as you can see there is no difference. Both bags are virtually identical when you take a glance at the back with every detailed stitch showing to be well done on both.
Under each Celine nano handbag is also virtually identical. There is no difference to note here at all when it comes to real vs. fake.
The zippers of the Nano bags are also almost identical except for the actual writing of the word CELINE. On the Replica Knockoff orange CELINE nano you can see the word is written upwards, while on the replica bag the words are written downwards. However font wise and in terms of the general look the bags are both the same. I could not find any other CELINE nano handbags to compare the writing with so I am not sure if the replica latch is completely incorrect or based on a different (older) design of the handles.
The interior of both of the handbags are pictured here. The Replica Knockoff handbag has a smooth leather interior while the replica Celine bag has a suede interior. Once again I am not sure if the smooth interior is the standard for all Celine luggage nanos so feel free to comment if you have an Replica Knockoff nano with a suede/smooth leather interior.
The logo stamp on the front of both nanos (Replica Knockoff and replica) are identical. The font and sizes are both equivalent as you can see so there is no giveaway here!
Above you can see pictured the original ad on Fashionphile for the Replica Knockoff orange Celine nano which I must admit is to die for (I am a CELINE fanatic!). However when you consider the price difference between the used Replica Knockoff ($2,150 for the used bag) and replica bag ($359 USD) it seems that the replica manufacturers really have this design down to the tee! The key difference that I would note is the handles on the replica bag seem a bit bigger but not enough to really notice in person. I hope this guide is helpful for either a replica buyer looking to buy a copy of the Celine nano handbag (so they know how to purchase a top quality bag) as well as anyone looking to buy an Replica Knockoff and wanting to make sure they don’t get duped into paying the Replica Knockoff price tag for a knockoff Celine! Feel free to comment below and let me know whether you’d go Replica Knockoff or fake for this Celine nano bag!
If you found this post helpful or interesting feel free to subscribe to Replica Handbag Shop blog by emailing me at thepursequeenreviews@gmail.com! You can also contact me with a review to post on the blog for any website (replica or authentic)!